A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,609 The officials are so ruthless

Because my father-in-law performed so well on this trip to his family, Shen An and his wife were like honey mixing oil that night.

In the early morning of the next day, Shen An and his wife were still sleeping soundly in each other's arms.



Shen An pulled the quilt up to cover his ears.


Taro's shout came like a demonic voice filling his brain.

Shen An just became interested, but was disturbed by the shout. He said angrily: "This kid is here to collect debts!"

Yang Zhuoxue chuckled and said, "Official, go quickly."


Shen An got up and went out. Guoguo was already running with Taro.

"Brother, hurry up."

"Dad, you got up late."

"I'm coming."

Exercising early is a feature of the Shen family. After exercising, you will have a great appetite and eat more breakfast.

"An egg a day, no partial eclipse."

Shen An stared at Taro, who ate the hard-boiled egg with a look of torture on his face.

"Dad didn't even want to eat eggs before, but now that your life is getting better, you're a picky eater!"

Taro choked, and Yang Zhuoxue quickly let him drink porridge.

"Daddy, the eggs taste terrible."

Taro was choked with tears.

"Nonsense!" Shen An picked up his own poached eggs and said happily: "The best eggs are poached eggs. They are six to seven mature and the yolk inside can still flow. Take one bite and they are so tender! There are also fried eggs, too. Make it tender and put it in the pancake, one bite at a time... If you don't like it, there are fermented fermented eggs, that one tastes better..."

While Shen An was concentrating on eating soup cakes, Taro stared at her aunt, "Dad, my aunt didn't eat the eggs!"

Guoguo's threats with fists were ineffective, and when her brother looked over, she ate the egg with a frown on her face.

The eggs are delicious!

Why don't they want to eat it?

With this question, Shen An was recruited into the palace.

"The envoy from Goryeo came and said he wanted to congratulate the Song Dynasty for putting an end to its rebellion."

Zhao Shu was obviously sneering.

Shen An was happy to hear this.

Goryeo is just a piece of cake, and it would be great for Zhao Shu to have this understanding.

"Let's put this matter aside for the time being." Zhao Shu obviously wanted to give the Goryeo envoy a cold shoulder, "After the Song Dynasty recovered the Western Bandits, the Liao people originally wanted to sit back and watch the surrender of Shun Junsi in the right wing, but who knew that Wang Shao persuaded the guard general Yelu Hong Ji arrived belatedly and took over Wu Lahai City, but there is not much benefit in that place, so he can just take it. Map."

Chen Zhongheng led someone to bring the map. Zhao Shu pointed to the northwest and said: "I looked at it for a long time last night. Chaozhou has become a key point of the Song Dynasty. With this place in hand, the Song Dynasty can advance or retreat, but the Liao army will I’m afraid of this place, and I’ll attack if I don’t get it right. I’m wondering who should go there… Do you have any ideas?”

——Chaozhou is the current name of Chaoshun Army Division in Youxiang.

"No." Shen An refused without hesitation.

When the general was appointed, where was his turn to speak?

The key is that this is not a court, but private. If he suggested that a certain general should stay in Chaozhou, the ministers would have to encourage Bao Zheng to send him warmth.

Zhao Shu looked at him and frowned: "Why did you learn to be cunning at such a young age? It's not good."


Shen An felt that he was not being naughty but protecting himself.

"I understand."

It's a good thing that Zhao Shu didn't force himself. Shen An was about to resign, but Zhao Shu suddenly changed the topic, "Goryeo is very tough. The Liao Kingdom attacked several times in the past, but both sides suffered losses, and they couldn't suppress it for a long time..."

Shen An thought this was to be cautious?

Yes, it's one thing for the Koreans to be weak, but their solid record is another.

The Liao people, the overlords of this continent, failed to deal with them, which made the Koryo people famous.

Shen An was suddenly confused.

It seems that the Liao people have not done much to deal with people in recent years!

Regardless of whether it was the Song Dynasty or the Western bandits, the Liao people fought several times, but their results were the same.

The Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty frightened the Liao people, but it was a pity that the situation at that time changed in various ways, and the Song Dynasty was ultimately defeated. This defeat of the Song Dynasty doubled the confidence of the Liao people, but the backbone of the Song Dynasty was broken.

Let alone the Western Thief, he exists like a flat-headed brother.

In several battles, the Liao people seemed to have the upper hand, but after the Western bandits simply fortified the wall and cleared the field, the Liao army was unable to follow up, and was eventually defeated by the Western bandits. This was exactly the same as that of Goryeo.

Therefore, the Liao people seem to be powerful, but their enterprising achievements are not enough.

"I excuse myself."

Shen An was taken out.

Leading the way was a chamberlain, he was in front and Shen An was behind.

Shen An was thinking about Zhao Shu's thoughts.

Chaozhou is an important place and must be watched carefully, otherwise there will be two hidden dangers.

The first was that it was occupied by Western bandits or Qiang people, and then like a spark, it ignited the land in the northwest, turning it into a wound in the Song Dynasty.

The second possibility is that it was captured by the Liao people, and then Xingqing Mansion was exposed to the iron cavalry of the Liao army. Once Xingqing Mansion falls, the great situation of the Song Dynasty in the northwest will be summarized, and the Liao people have two directions in hand, and they can choose to attack the Song Dynasty from these two directions at any time.

Therefore, Chaozhou must have a reliable general to garrison it.

Who is going?

Shen An was thinking about this, but someone blocked the way ahead.

"Aren't you... aren't you from Baoan's side? Why are you here?"

The person blocking the road was a palace maid. At this moment, she was looking around, feeling a little nervous.

"Shen Longtu, the matter of the princess has been settled. The princess said she wanted to thank you and wanted to give you something. But thinking that you were not short of money, she... made something."

She handed the small bundle to Shen An and left in a hurry.

The chamberlain who led the way had gone to the front to wait early, as if he had not seen this scene.

Shen An carried the small bundle and laughed.

That little girl is also getting ready to get married!

Being able to get her away from Wang Shen made Shen An feel that she had great merits.

What can the little girl do?


Shen An was very curious and opened his bags after leaving the imperial city.

A green hat lay quietly in the bag.

Shen An looked up at the sky, wanting to cry but without tears.


At this moment Baoan has gone to see his father.

"Thank you, officials."

Her marriage was settled, and the other party was Xianyun Yehe. For Baoan, this was the best marriage.

Zhao Shu looked at his daughter and asked in a rare soft voice: "Are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, just say, I will give you a new choice as a father."

He was an emperor, but before that he was a father.

The long-term life in the county palace made him attach great importance to family relationships, especially his daughters, who were his happiness in difficult times.

Baoan raised his head and said with a smile: "My eldest brother and Shen An both said that I am not suitable for looking for talented people. Shen An said that looking for talented people will harm me, so I am very satisfied."

Just the day before yesterday, Gao Taotao took her out of the palace and met the candidate in the lobby of a restaurant. The mother and daughter watched for a long time, and even saw the man's appearance after being drunk, but he did not go crazy. This was highly praised by Gao Taotao.

Zhao Shu nodded, "As long as you are satisfied."

Baoan took out a small bundle, which was a gift.

Zhao Shu happily accepted the gift and opened it, "What a cuckold! The needlework looks good."

The things his daughter made were very rare, and he even wore this cuckold to meet the prime ministers.

"Chaozhou needs a stable general. I have thought about it for a long time and feel that planting E is feasible."

This is nothing to discuss, the prime ministers and ministers agreed.

"Chen Echen knows this. He has performed quite well in several battles and can stand alone."

Han Qi was a little eager to try, Zhao Shu smiled and said: "It's not time for the Northern Expedition yet, Han Qing, don't be anxious."

Han Qi said: "I am prepared to wait and see."

Fu Bi was sneering.

Han Qi, a shameless old man, had drunk too much yesterday and clamored to go to the south to see the beauties, but now he was sanctimoniously saying that he was waiting for her.

Zhao Shu said: "After the Western bandits are restrained, Hedong Road will focus its efforts to the north, and Linfu Road is no longer an isolated enclave on the other side of the Yellow River, so... I was thinking! The Zhe family has been there for many years, and it can be called He is loyal, but now that the northwest has changed, the Linfu Road side has relaxed a lot, and the Zhe family... I am wondering if Zhe’s ancestor has worked hard for many years, can he return to the capital to be raised?"

Is this a drink to release military power?

Han Qi felt cold in his heart and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

Fu Bi immediately looked at Han Qi with admiration.

Suppressing warriors is an ancestral rule, but at the critical moment of the Song Dynasty's revival, everyone knows that they cannot suppress warriors, otherwise the revival will be a dream.

"Your Majesty." Fu Bi left his post, "I believe that the destruction of the family is for appeasement, so don't touch it lightly, otherwise the warriors will..."

He pondered for a moment.

"Hanxin?" Zhao Shu asked with a smile. When Fu Bi nodded, he said with satisfaction: "I made a mistake in what I said. The Prime Minister has to point it out and point it out. Otherwise, what's the point of asking the Prime Minister?"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

An emperor who accepts advice and even takes the initiative to ask his ministers for advice is a wise king, so the ministers and ministers are willing to praise the saint.

Zhao Shu narrowed his eyes and said: "Zhe Kexing has been in the capital for many years and is loyal to me. He has also experienced several wars and is brave and resourceful. He has served my uncle in Wansheng Army and has done his duty with all his heart. Such generals should be trained, so I Prepare to let him go to Fuzhou."

It turns out that the purpose is not to suppress the warriors, but to use one’s own confidants to take charge of Linfu Road!

The prime ministers and ministers all nodded and smiled in agreement, but Han Qi and Fu Bi both looked helpless.

Then word got out.

After Shen An got the news, he immediately called Wen Xiaozhong.

"You immediately go to Wan Shengjun to warn Zun Dao not to go to the northwest!"

Hearing Xiaozhong took the order and went out, Shen An felt a little calmer, and sat in the study and murmured: "This move is very sinister! This is to test Zun Dao! I said that emperors are always so worried... Interesting Are you tired? "Are you tired?"

He smiled, "But I know your nature well, so..."

"Mr. Lang!"

Wen Xiaozhong came back, "There are people from the Imperial City Division watching Wan Shengjun outside, so they can't get in!"

This old guy!

Shen An was furious, "The officials are guarding against Mr. and the king!"

He waved his hand, and after hearing that Souchong left, he closed his eyes and meditated.

This is a test, testing Katsuyuki's loyalty. The purpose is unknown, but the cliff is a good thing.

As long as Zhe Kexing passes this level, he will probably lead the Zhe family in the future.

The general of the family!

Shen An couldn't help but feel excited.

But how to remind Zhe Kexing about this?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An raised his eyebrows proudly, "The devil is as high as one foot, and the Tao is as high as one foot!"

He immediately found tools and started making things.

"elder brother!"

Guo Guo came to ask him to have lunch. When she saw what her brother was making, she happily said, "Brother, when will we put the Kongming Lantern on?"

"This is slow." Shen An raised his head and smiled: "Guan, you have your own tricks, but so-and-so also has so-and-so's unique skills!"

Later Wang Chongnian asked to see him, and after a long discussion with Shen An, he went back.

After Shen An had eaten, he took Wen Xiaozhong and set off, saying they were going for a walk.

As night fell, there were only some lanterns hanging in Wan Shengjun's military camp, which looked very dim.

Shen An and Zhao Xu stood outside and asked, "How can you leave the palace?"

"I said I want to go to your house to discuss the Northern Expedition."

Zhao Xu was observing the military camp with a telescope, "That's it."

"Do it!"

Wen Xiaozhong stabbed the war horse's butt with a knife. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The war horse neighed and then bolted towards the military camp.

Shen An smiled and said, "As long as you follow the rules and be alert, you will naturally be able to detect anything wrong."

Suddenly a horse came from afar. Amidst the sound of horse hooves, the man drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

The horse was hit by an arrow and fell down. The knight glanced here and then quietly retreated.

Zhao Xu said frustratedly: "The officials have been prepared for it. I'm afraid they are just watching the joke between us two!"

Shen An also felt the same. He looked at the dark place and seemed to see Zhao Xu's proud smile there.

You two boys, do you think I don’t know your tricks?

"Light the fire!" Shen An said proudly: "He can intercept the war horse, but what about the Kongming Lantern? Unless he can fly up."

A small piece of thin cloth hangs under the Kongming Lantern with a few words written on it.

The sky lantern took off and flew in the direction of the wind.

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

There was a sharp shout in the darkness, and then the sky lantern staggered down.

Damn it!

"You actually got all the divine crossbows?"

The officials are so cruel!

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