A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,645 1 The Failed Dashi

Traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down for a long time. People who have grown up in this land for countless years, whether you are emperors, generals or ordinary people, all rely on traditional Chinese medicine to protect their health.

Whether it is a natural or man-made disaster or a battlefield, Chinese medicine is the protector of this era.

Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years, not only because of the shining ideas of those sages, but also because of the indispensable contribution of traditional Chinese medicine.

Shen An's family is the beneficiary.

The Shen family treats all serious and minor illnesses with traditional Chinese medicine. When Bao Zheng fell, Shen An offered a reward for the Jiuxin Pill, which is still working today.

But Shen An doesn't like the methods of some doctors.

For example, this young doctor, you can tell from his acupuncture skills that he is an experienced practitioner, but can't you disinfect first and then inject the acupuncture?

Disinfecting silver needles is a point of view that Shen An has long put forward. After being promoted by the imperial doctors, it has gradually become popular among people, which makes Shen An quite gratified.

Especially the introduction of alcohol has made the disinfection business boom. Whether it is wounds or instruments, alcohol is the last line of defense for patients.


Pu Shun sighed and opened his eyes blankly.

"No problem."

The young doctor stood up and Wang Tiande asked, "No need to prescribe any medicine?"

"No need." The doctor said casually: "I have a long brain, and I can only prescribe medicine for activating blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. You can take care of yourself."

Could this guy be a veterinarian?

After the doctor left, Pu Shun woke up, and Shen An said with a smile: "Tell someone how Dashi is doing now."

Pu Shun touched the bag on the back of his head, and Shen An said calmly: "This is Bianliang."

I'll kill you here and no one will know!

Thinking of Shen An's name in Bianliang, Pu Shun said tangledly: "Dashi is okay now..."

"What good?"

If the diet is good, how can there be any subsequent Eastern Expeditions?

Shen An laughed, stood up and said, "Old Wang, come and deal with him."

What kind of messenger? The one who only wants benefits is not the messenger, but the debt collector!

Wang Tiande smiled cruelly and said, "Don't worry, An Bei."

When Shen An was about to walk to the door, Pu Shun shouted: "Dashi is suffering, and those Turks are expanding crazily. We can only watch and dare not interfere, for fear that they will attack again..."

This is the truth!

Shen An turned around with sharp eyes, "Those people in the west...how are they?"

"They..." Pu Shun didn't dare to hide anything and said: "Those invaders are terrifying. Dashi gave their leader Sudan and the title of King of the East and West. They are arrogant! The west side... The little people in the west side don't know .”

Did the Dashi Empire collapse like this?

Shen An was a little surprised, but mostly happy.

The more chaotic the situation, the better!

Only by disrupting the Song Dynasty can one become a fisherman.

"Have a good time entertaining him."

Shen An is ready to go back.

"Shen Longtu..." Pu Shun said desperately: "The support you promised."

"You are thinking too much." Wang Tiande said proudly: "What benefits can Dashi bring to the Song Dynasty?"

Pu Shun said: "Trade! Dashi can bring countless trade opportunities to the Song Dynasty. Only Dashi merchants can carry the goods of the Song Dynasty around the world."

"You are wrong." Wang Tiande smiled and said: "Anbei said that the Song Dynasty can only rely on itself for trade. No one can be a sea coachman. You can't do it, and neither can others. In the end, the master of the sea can only be the Song Dynasty. "

"Master of the sea?" Pu Shun was dumbfounded. The masters of the sea have always been cannibals. When will it be the turn of the Song people?

"You will see." Wang Tiande felt that Da Shiren was a stick and full of businessman's thinking, but he didn't know that Da Song liked frankness and sincerity. This secretive way of Pu Shun's envoy immediately made the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty feel more disgusted.

But these are none of my business!

Wang Tiande couldn't help but feel hot all over when he thought of the female prostitute he had hired recently.

As Shen An entered the palace, Zhao Shu was surprised by his speed. When they met, he asked, "Isn't it inappropriate to eat people?"

"Keep it secret." Shen An threw the big cannibal into the enemy's ranks with one word, and then said: "Guan family, the big cannibal is suppressed by the enemy and can't breathe. I think it will be difficult for them to get ahead in the future. On that day…”

Zhao Shu narrowed his eyes, "What about their opponents?"

Since you are not your opponent, just leave it behind.

This kind of imperial thinking is very joyful.

"Their enemies are marching east and west, and I believe that if they cannot be contained, they will become enemies of the Song Dynasty sooner or later."

To this day, Shen An doesn't know how history will evolve in the future.

The Meng Yuan people... After the Liao Kingdom is destroyed, the big boss Jin people in front of the Meng Yuan people will never be able to get ahead. So what about the Meng Yuan people?


Shen An thought it might be a good idea to let them farm the land.

But now the priority is trade routes!

"Officials, sea trade is important!"

Shen An's words made Zhao Shu confused.

The income from sea trade is increasing, which makes Song Dynasty unable to stop.

But now the sea coach driver is about to be unable to take care of himself. What should the Song Dynasty do?

Could it be that he is in contact with the enemy of the cannibal?


The Song Dynasty is not so cowardly!

Zhao Shu asked: "What do you think is the most important thing in the Song Dynasty right now?"


Shen An gave the answer without hesitation.

Since the birth of the country on this land, the northern grasslands have been the biggest enemy of these regimes.

Even in the Ming Dynasty, the grassland is still the most powerful enemy.

Therefore, the north must be stabilized, otherwise it will eventually become a serious problem for the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Shu said with satisfaction: "Just wake up."

For the Song Dynasty, overseas is just the icing on the cake, while the north is an immediate threat. Therefore, the main task of the Song Dynasty for a period of time was to kill the Liao people.

"Officials, but overseas should not be ignored!"

When the Song Dynasty launched its great voyages, there would be no such thing as a pioneer in navigation. By the time the pioneers of navigation were born, the Song Dynasty had already occupied those new continents, so they would just sit at home and eat bread mixed with sawmill flour.

"Navy..." Zhao Shu thought of the recent events at the shipyard and couldn't help but feel happy, "Go to the shipyard tomorrow to see the warships that made the Song Dynasty's navy invincible in the world."

The official family is a bit swollen!

Shen An was stopped by Wen Yanbo's people in front of the Privy Council, "Wen Yanbo wanted to ask how the big cannibal is doing?"

"That's the messenger."

Shen An dropped these words and left. When Wen Yanbo learned about it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "He actually pretended to be stupid in front of me... It shows that even the people from outside the vassal know that I can't make the decision in the court, hahahaha!"

The next day, Zhao Shu happily asked the prime ministers and assistants to accompany him and went all the way to the naval shipyard.

When they arrived outside the shipyard, Chang Jianren and Liu Hua were already waiting.

"Chang Jianren."

Zhao Shu was quite impressed by this tough guy and had a good impression of him.

"I have met His Majesty!"

Chang Jianren looked very calm now, which made Zhao Shu even more satisfied.

"Last time Wen Qing said that the shipyard was found to have a lot of problems. Later, it worked hard to rectify it and gave it a new look. I want to come and take a look. If you have merit, you will be rewarded. If you have mistakes, you will be punished!"

These words were meant for rewards, which made Liu Hua smile.

"Your Majesty, please come in."

Menzi held his head high and looked sharply at Zhao Shu's followers.

"Who is this person?" After the ministers left, the guards were stopped.

"We are the marriage officers!"

These marriage officers were a little dissatisfied when they were intercepted for the first time while protecting Zhao Shu.

"You need to check your identity." Menzi's strict attitude was praised by Zhao Shu.

"This reminds me of Xiliu Camp!"

In the former Han Dynasty, Zhou Yafu stationed troops in Xiliu. Emperor Wen came to inspect, but was intercepted outside the military camp until the envoy entered the camp...

This is a model of military orders that have been praised throughout the ages.

Wen Yanbo said: "The naval shipyard has now been completely transformed. I guarantee that your Majesty will not be disappointed."

Lao Wen stayed at the shipyard during this period and kept an eye on the improvements everywhere. It was really hard work, so he was full of confidence.

Shen An just smiled.

After entering the shipyard, Zhao Shu boarded the slipway with great interest.

"What a big warship!"

The majestic warship aroused Zhao Shu's interest. He carefully inquired about the structure of the warship and the wind and waves on the sea, and finally listened to Liu Hua's introduction.

"After receiving instructions from the Minister of Literature, the work was divided into various parts of the shipyard, and the daily number was set. There were penalties for failure to complete and rewards for completion. In this way, the craftsmen all strived to be the first, and the whole shipyard took on a new look."

Those craftsmen were working right under everyone's noses, and they looked really diligent.


Zhao Shu glanced at Shen An, thinking that this guy had been too arrogant recently, so he held back his praise.

And Wen Yanbo's hard work cannot but be praised.

"Wen Qing acted vigorously and resolutely. The whole shipyard has undergone such radical changes, and it all depends on you."

"I don't dare to take the praise." Wen Yanbo said with a smile: "This is the crux of the matter that Shen An found. I don't dare to take credit."

"Wen Qing is so noble and upright!"

Wen Yanbo got a lot of bonus points today.

After leaving the shipyard later, Han Qi asked: "How is the shipyard for merchant ships?"

He just asked casually, but Shen An raised his eyebrows and said, "I heard it's not bad, why don't the officials go and take a look?"


Now that we are here, we naturally have to go to the important node of Song Dynasty’s maritime trade.

When the group of people arrived outside Gao Yue's shipyard, they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to check their identity when they opened the door.

"This is far worse than the navy."

Someone was muttering.

Shen An just laughed after hearing this.

A group of idiots dared to verify their identities one by one when they saw the emperor coming. Do you really think Zhou Yafu will have good results later?

What is the story of Xiliu Camp? Niubi became a model of military management, but later Zhou Yafu was unjustly imprisoned and died on hunger strike.

Gao Yue was shaking with excitement, talking about the situation in the shipyard.

"This is to sell goods."

Several large vehicles were driving towards the slipway along a fixed route.

"Go to the slipway to have a look?"

Gao Yue was a little confused and looked back at Shen An.

"Follow the process and look at it one by one."

Shen An has long been preparing to teach the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty a good lesson. Today is a rare opportunity, so how can he let it go.

So the king and his ministers came to the warehouse. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

“What a neat warehouse.”

As soon as they entered the warehouse, everyone saw the neatly arranged materials.

"What's this?"

Zhao Shu curiously picked up the brochure next to the materials and looked at it, but it was a number.

Gao Yue introduced: "Officials, this is the number of materials. How much has been received, who received it, and how much is left will be accounted for."

"very clear."

This method may seem inconspicuous, but Zhao Shu and others have an inexplicable sense of ritual.

Inspect all the way, and finally the general ledger.

"Here is a record of the total number of various materials. How much was received today, how much was received this month...and how much is left can be checked."

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