A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,646 Ye Gong loves dragons

What the workshop looks like, what the shipyard looks like, Zhao Shu and others have seen it in front.

They think the navy's shipyard is excellent.

But in Gaoyue's warehouse, they saw a completely different world.

"Show me."

Han Qi asked for the booklet and looked through it carefully.

"There are actually pictures on them?"

"Yes." Gao Yue introduced: "Whoever receives it will have to mark the amount they receive, so that it can be traced easily."

"What is this? Accounting..."

"This is the number of materials assembled on the slipway today. The materials received must match this. The excess will be sealed at the slipway. Finally, it will be checked with the warehouse. If there is any discrepancy, check it immediately. Once you check it, you will know where the problem is."

"I feel dizzy, that Prime Minister Han..." Han Qi called Prime Minister Han, which was a bit funny.

But no one present smiled.

Han Jiang came over, and Han Qi handed him the booklet, "You are the Prime Minister, come and take a look."

Han Jiang flipped through a few pages and said, "It's extremely concise. You can see the incoming and outgoing accounts at a glance. With this kind of account book, it would be difficult for anyone to get their hands on it. And when the superiors come to inspect, they can know the general situation of the shipyard just by looking at this account book." It looks like this...who did it?"

Gao Yue looked at Shen An.

Han Jiang smiled bitterly and handed back the account book, "Your Majesty, why don't you send Shen An to the Third Division?"

This account is indeed excellent! Gao Yue was secretly happy.

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "It depends on him."

Tang Ren served as a judge in the Third Division and was in charge of the bank. If Shen An goes to the Third Division, what position can Zhao Shu arrange for him? Deputy Envoy of the Third Department?

So it’s best not to mention this matter.

Han Jiang also knew this truth, so he laughed at himself: "I am a novice when I get here as the third commander. It can be seen that people have to live to learn."

Everyone left the warehouse and went all the way to the slipway.

All the semi-finished ships and materials are almost in the same position and look neat.

Following the ladder onto the ship, you can see the neatly stacked materials.

"It's so pleasing to the eye!"

This one looks neater and more organized than the naval shipyard.

The craftsmen were working. When Zhao Shu saw an account book next to him, he picked it up and took a look, "Hey!"

Everyone saw his strange expression and couldn't help but be curious, but no one had the courage to stand side by side with him.

"What's this?"

Zhao Shu showed the booklet, and when everyone saw it, it turned out to be a picture. The picture on it seemed to be a ship plank, and there were some numbers around it...

Gao Yue said: "Your Majesty, this is the craftsmanship mentioned by Shen Longtu. We invited the best craftsmen to discuss how to assemble the ship boards, and finally came to a conclusion and used this picture to figure it out. Everyone wants to Follow this diagram and do not deviate from it, otherwise it will be against the rules..."

Has it actually reached this level?

Wen Yanbo has been smiling from the beginning to now, but now there is more surprise in his smile.

"What's the benefit of this?" Zhao Shu felt that he saw a cycle. Everyone has rules. If you follow the rules, you will be a good craftsman.

"Your Majesty, the inheritance of craftsmen is different, and everyone's methods may not be the same. If a standard cannot be given and everyone does their own thing, then a sea-going ship will look tall and mighty on the outside, but there will be hidden dangers on the inside... "

Gao Yue's words made Zhao Shu fall into deep thought.

"That is to say...for example, in the various places where the DPRK and Central Government publish the text, some places understand it this way, and some places understand it that way. Different places have different results, and the final results are also different."

When Zhao Shu said this, Han Qi thought of the new law, "Your Majesty, this is what the new law is. Some places think this is good, and that is good, but in the end there are problems with the new law down there."


Fu Bi praised: "Use the best craftsmen to set the rules, and the rest will just follow. In this way, this merchant ship will be extremely strong."

Everyone seemed to have discovered a new world, and even asked Gao Yue to take him down to the cabin to have a look.

You can see the booklet for every process. The booklet follows the process and every step can be traced.

On a similarly built merchant ship, Zhao Shu and others watched several old craftsmen inspecting it.

There were young people following them with brochures, looking at them and reading to them.

"Your Majesty, this is a sea-going ship that has been built and inspected by experienced craftsmen."

"Who are the young people over there?"

Gao Yue said with a smile: "Those old craftsmen are illiterate, so they can't read the traced account books, so let the literate people read them along, so that every process can be traced and the pros and cons can be known."

Zhao Shu finished reading and left the shipyard without saying a word.

Until noon, he was still sitting there in a daze.

"Saint, Your Majesty is in a daze again."

When Zhao Shu is sick, he is either restless or sluggish.

Gao Taotao was anxious, so he brought people here.

"What happened to the official family?"

When Zhao Shu saw it was her, he shook his head: "I'm fine, I just saw some eye-opening things today and I need to think about it carefully."

Gao Taotao came over with tea, sat next to him, and asked softly: "What is it? May I hear it?"

"It's a baby, of course you can hear it."

The emperor is lonely, and having a woman to share his thoughts with is a blessing from God.

"Today, my ministers and I went to the shipyard and saw the naval warships. I thought they were very outstanding, but when we got to the shipyard where sea-going ships are built, I realized what a treasure is."

"All kinds of things in the shipyard are stacked very neatly, and there are account books recording the number of entries and exits one by one. This is nothing, at most it is outstanding. But when you get to the slipway, it is very orderly, and every step can be traced... You Think about it, are there any differences between the craftsmen who make gold and silver jewelry?"

"Yes!" Gao Taotao became interested when he mentioned this, "Some are good and some are worse. You can see the difference if you look carefully."

"But in that shipyard, there are rules for every step. You must follow those rules, just like when you make gold and silver jewelry, how long, how wide, how high...even how many taps should be made here and how many times should be struck there. How much to bend...there are rules to these.”

"It's so detailed?" Gao Taotao said in surprise: "If so, every part is made from the same mold, which is terrible."

"It's very scary." Zhao Shu said: "The entire shipyard has been broken down. Every place has rules. You only need to follow those rules. Under such rules, those seagoing ships will be The most solid existence.”

Zhao Shu stood up and said, "What if these rules were implemented everywhere? What if these rules were put on the heads of officials all over the world?"

"Officials!" Gao Taotao thought it was impossible after just thinking about it. "Officials of the Song Dynasty... they like singing, dancing, and poetry, but they don't like rules. If you force the rules to suppress them, I'm afraid there will be complaints."

think about it.

An official's responsibilities are broken down into many tasks. What tasks must you complete every day? Those tasks are also evaluated on their merits... Such days are hell for officials of the Song Dynasty.

They probably won't rebel, but sabotage is inevitable.

"I know, but you have to try it when you look for opportunities in the future." Zhao Shu was really moved, "If we can use rules to trap them, then there will be a basis for the management of officials, so just follow them and investigate."

That would be terrible.

Gao Taotao thought of Ouyang Xiu.

Old Ouyang is a model of a chic official. He has been accompanied by poems, songs and dances since he entered the officialdom. There is never a shortage of women around him. Such a person...if he hears that he is bound by the rules of the shipyard, he is afraid that he will resign.

"In the official family, that person must be a great talent. Such great talent should be an official."

In the eyes of the royal family, the world belongs to my family, and the talents in the world naturally belong to my family. In the early Han Dynasty, when the emperor heard that there was talent somewhere, he issued an edict, and then the drama of "Being a farmer in the morning and ascending to the emperor's hall in the evening" was staged.

Zhao Shu looked at her with a strange expression.

Gao Taotao touched his face and felt it was very tender. He thought to himself, is the official fascinated by me?

"It was Shen An who did it."

Gao Taotao was just sitting upright, and when he heard this, his waist relaxed and he felt a little bit out of spirit.

It's that guy!

Gao Taotao felt that nothing Shen An did was surprising.

"Last time he taught Erlang to make gunpowder in the palace, which exploded in the city. Today he made this treasure again. Alas! It's a pity that it's not my family."

Zhao Shu said helplessly, "If he were a member of my family, why would he be an official?"

"The ancestral rules also have bad aspects and should be changed."

Gao Taotao just said it casually, but Zhao Shu was really thinking about it seriously.

"Such a great talent." Gao Taotao muttered: "I should have known he would have taken action at the beginning. When he had a big fight with his mother-in-law's family, I thought the child was wild and didn't care much. Later he entered the court. As an official, this step by step is amazing. I feel a little regretful and want to take action, but I feel a little embarrassed...

After this hesitation, Bao Zheng took the lead and settled on the Yang family daughter for him. Alas! "

Gao Taotao was really depressed.

"My concubine's natal family also has a good girl. If she can find a good one to marry him, she will be half a relative now, and it will not affect her career as an official. Do you think this is a good idea?"

Zhao Shu looked at her and felt that this woman really knew how to daydream.

"At that time, Bao Zheng was making the decision for him. Do you think Bao Zheng would agree?"

Gao Taotao said dejectedly: "Bao Zheng will definitely not allow it. UU read www.uukanshu.net "

Being a relative of Zhao Zongshi brings a lot of taboos. Lao Bao is not stupid and will naturally refuse.

"Don't think about this." Zhao Shu suddenly laughed, "Wen Yanbo is probably going to vomit blood."

"Why?" Gao Taotao said with some disdain when it came to Wen Yanbo.

You can't blame her for this. What Lao Wen did back then was a bit shameless...

In order to be promoted, Wen Yanbo had some hookups with Zhao Zhen's beloved concubine Zhang, and often gave her good gifts. As a result, Wen Yanbo was successfully promoted to bachelor of Zhaowen Palace. This matter was exposed by Tang Jie, and both sides suffered losses in the end. Tang Jie was dismissed and Wen Yanbo was demoted.

Zhao Shu said with a smile: "Wen Yanbo said he supported the New Deal, and the Navy's shipyard is proof of that. But what he got from Shen An was just superficial, and it looked like an empty frame. After today, everyone will definitely say that Shen An is the one who does the work. A good person, and Wen Yanbo is just Mr. Ye who loves dragons."

The third update, there are two more.

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