A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1809 A kind of boldness


Chaozhou is a little hotter in summer, making Zhong E a little restless.

He looked into the distance on the top of the city, asking for news from the scouts from time to time.

Zhong Ping leaned on the top of the city and frowned: "Lang Jun, after the great victory in the Northern Expedition, the Liao army in Wulanhai City retreated. Now the Liao people are just concentrating on arresting people as soldiers on Shangjing Road. How dare they come here?" Let’s fight in Shunzhou.”

After receiving the news of the victory in the Northern Expedition, Zhonge got drunk and started thinking about Wu Lahai City when he woke up.

"If they don't come, can't we go?"

Zhong E's words shocked Zhong Ping, "Lang Jun, you can't start a war without authorization! If you start a war without authorization, the censor will definitely come after hearing the news."

Ever since Shen Anjian proposed to have two censors stationed in each government, officials everywhere have been complaining, saying that life has become more and more difficult.

This is Shunzhou in the northwest, which is relatively remote. Originally, Zhonge thought that the imperial court would not arrange for a censor to come, but who knew...

"somebody is coming!"

Just when Zhongping was worried, the censor came.

The two censors looked at the gray-faced man, whose face was reddened by the northwest sun. As soon as they met, they said: "I am here for inspection, and I would like to ask Zhong Zhicheng to make it convenient for me."

Zhong E said angrily: "Convenient! Convenient!"

These two censors had probably seen a lot of complaints from local officials, so they didn't feel dissatisfied and followed them to make arrangements.

After they left, Zhong'e smiled bitterly and said, "Shen Guogong Jianyan got the censor to come down, which made my waiting time even more difficult. Hey! I will wait for him to become an official in the local area one day, and then I will see if he has a headache." .”

Zhong Ping glanced at him and said, "Mr. Lang, even if Duke Shen is going to be an official, he still has the title of Duke of Yan. How can an ordinary censor dare to make things difficult for him?"

Besides, the current censor Zhongcheng is Wang Anshi, and Wang Anshi's eldest son and Shen Guogong are close friends. Do those censors dare not give Shen Guogong face? Looking back at Wang Yu... It is said that this person is sharp and cruel. Who dares not to give him face? "

Zhong E said angrily: "Then the co-authorship thing restricts us, but he, Shen An, can stay out of it?"

It was rare for Zhong Ping to see him in such an angry state, and he couldn't help but smile: "Yes! This means that a capable person can do anything, and even the censor is not afraid."

"I feel aggrieved!"

Zhong E gritted his teeth and said: "The Liao people are besieging those tribes on the Shangjing Road. This is a rare opportunity for us. What if we can take the opportunity to capture Wu Lahai City?"

Zhong said calmly: "It is also a crime to take it down, and we are not allowed to start a war. Even if we have merit, it is also a fault."

Zhong E sneered and said, "But when XX's plan was sent to the capital, the old guy from the Privy Council actually said that XX was fanciful and ordered XX to be more honest."

Zhong Ping said helplessly: "Mr. Lang, that Wen Yanbo is highly virtuous and respected..."

"But he doesn't know how to fight, so he's just a bastard Privy Councilor!" Zhonge roared, "I thought at that time that it would be best if Shen Guogong became the Privy Councilor. If he had become the Privy Councilor, how could I expect him to behave like this? Feeling depressed? Not to mention that Xijing Road has been defeated."

Zhong Ping knew that his husband's temper was angry, so he waved his hand and dispersed the surrounding sergeants, and then advised: "Although Shen Guogong is talented enough to serve as Privy Councilor, he is too young. Lang Jun, don't even think about this matter." think."

Seeing that Zhong'e was still aggrieved, he said: "Also, Wen Yanbo is the Privy Councilor after all. You can't say anything old again next time, otherwise it will be reported to Bianliang and you may be punished."

"I'm so scared!" Zhong'e was becoming more and more vulgar now, using foul language when he opened and closed his mouth. "He Wen Yanbo is just a corpse as the privy envoy! I just don't accept it!"

Zhong Ping observed his words and knew that this man wanted to expand his territory and then become a deputy envoy to the Privy Council or something like that.

A warrior's highest dream is like Di Qing's, and he might as well be a deputy privy envoy.

But with Wen Yanbo in the Privy Council, radical plans such as Zhong E's were rejected, leaving him helpless.

"The scout is back."

A team of scouts appeared and were then taken to the city.

"Zhizhou, I was lucky enough to live up to my command and burn down the granary in Wu Lahai City."

The scouts suffered greatly when they saw that one of them was dressed as a Liao man.

The scouts pulled out the man dressed as a Liao man and said, "Zhicheng, it's Xiao Yiyi's fault this time. It was him who sneaked in and then set fire to the granary."

Xiao Yiyi was a Liao man. When the Song Dynasty regained Xixia, he was captured on the way back to the Liao Kingdom. He later revealed that he was a secret spy stationed in Xixia by the Liao people. In the end, the people from the Imperial City Department used Shen An's tricks and asked him to write a biography of Yelu Hongji, and this person became a traitor to the Liao Dynasty.

Naturally, I disdain this kind of trick. I thought it was too insidious. At that time, I even had a few words with the spies from the Imperial City Department. After learning that it was Shen An's method, Zhong E changed his mind and praised this method for benefiting the country and the people...

Zhongping still remembers the stunned look of the spy at that time, which still makes people laugh when thinking about it now.

The aloof Zhonge!

There are actually times that make people laugh like this.

Later, Zhong E used tricks to keep Xiao Yiyi in Shunzhou and continued to use him to find out information. This time, Xiao Yi was used to burn down the Liao army's granary in Wu Lahaicheng.

The opportunity has come!

But this is starting a war without authorization, and the censor is still in the city.

Zhong Ping said in a low voice: "Lang Jun, just accept it when you see it."

Burning down the granary is considered a meritorious service, and reporting it back is better than nothing.

Zhong E said noncommittally: "I'll take a look."

Zhongping felt that it was dangerous, but he couldn't persuade him.

Such is Zhong'e's temperament. Once he makes a decision, no one around him can stop him.

The two censors immediately began their inspection.

The inspection mainly involves checking the account books and looking for news from everywhere.

After a busy day, the two censors felt tired, so they drank tea and took a rest.

"There are fewer sergeants in the city today."

"Yeah! He said he was going out of the city to practice. Zhong Zhizhou is really diligent."

The next morning, the two censors were going to talk to Zhonge, but they were stopped outside the government office.

"Zhizhou excepted for training and hasn't come back yet."

Just wait.

Two days later, two censors realized something was wrong.

"Even if we go to practice, we can't practice for that long, right? Otherwise, how will we deal with the Liao army's attack?"


The officials who stopped them were stunned, and the two censors felt cold in their hearts and asked, "Where is the accusation? If it is hidden, we will impeach them later!"

The official just didn't say anything, and the censor shouted: "If you don't say anything, I will impeach you today!"

These patrol censors do not have the power to deal with officials, but their power of impeachment is not small. Once it is confirmed that the impeachment is true, no one will be spared, which means that no one can plead for mercy.

This is a way to establish the prestige of the patrol censor, and it seems to be very effective now.

The official lowered his head and said: "Zhizhou took the cavalry... to Wu Lahai City."


The two censors looked up at the sky.

"What is he going to do?"

A censor asked desperately.

"They said they were going to sneak attack Wu Lahai City."

Damn it!

The two censors were dumbfounded.

Draft your sister’s seed!

You have tricked us!

Zhong'e was guilty of going to war privately, but the two censors happened to be in Shunzhou when he sent troops, so the crime of neglect could not be escaped.

The inspection censors traveled all over the world, but only two of them were tricked.

It sets a precedent!

The two censors were about to cry but had no tears, so they had to write a memorial and send it quickly.

Afterwards, they could only stay in Shunzhou and pray that everything went well, otherwise they would not be able to escape their guilt.

Zhong E led five thousand cavalry to the outskirts of Wu Lahai City.

At the foot of Damakou Mountain, Zhonge was looking at the rock paintings.

On the blue-black hard rock, various people and animals were painted very interestingly, and there were also countless scenes of cavalry marching. Zhonge couldn't help but praise: "It's really interesting. Let's go home later."

He is biding his time.

Five thousand cavalry have been assembled.

Xiao Yi followed the scouts and set off.

They will be responsible for opening the door.

As long as the city gate is open, Zhonge dares to say that Wu Lahai City belongs to the Song Dynasty.

As night gradually fell, Zhonge and his men walked slowly towards Wu Lahai City.

At the city gate, Xiao Yiyi used his former identity as a spy to take out his credentials and successfully approached the more than ten gatekeepers at the city gate.

There are people at the top of the city, but that is the business of the scouts, and these ten people are his mission.

Zhong E said that as long as he captured Wu Lahai City, he would be a great success.

Great job!

It is impossible to settle down in Bianliang.

Thinking of the envy of the powerful people of Liao Dynasty for the prosperity of Song Dynasty, Xiao Yiyi felt hot in his heart.

Those powerful people are worse than someone!

He said that he was waiting for his companions outside the city, and the sergeant guarding the gate didn't care. He just said that there must be a military order to open the city gate. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

"It's just a few words across the city gate." Xiao unpacked his bag one by one and took out a large piece of dried meat. "That man went to Shunzhou to find out the news. When he came back, he had to go to Jingdao to do business. The spy... …It really wasn’t done by humans.”

The sergeants smiled, but stared at the dried meat.

After losing the Nanjing Road, the Liao people's life became more and more difficult. Their life was also the same, so they were excited when they saw dried meat.

"Haha! Someone is embarrassed, let's go together."

The spy cut half of the dried meat and reluctantly put away the other half.

The sergeants laughed and enjoyed the dried meat together. Later, there were more than ten people lying around here. Xiao Yiyi imitated two bird calls. There was a movement at the top of the city, and then more than ten scouts came down.

"Give the signal."

"Give it."

"Has Zhicheng returned the signal?"

"I'm back too."

Everyone's blood was boiling, and when someone approached outside and made a bird's song, they opened the city gate.

The city gate opened slowly, and even though it had just been lubricated with oil, it still made some noise.


Someone was shouting in the darkness.

"Fight in!"

Zhonge mounted his horse, drew out his long knife, and shouted: "Follow me!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Five thousand cavalrymen rushed into Wu Lahai City.

Immediately, there was a burst of killings in the city. When dawn came, this place had become the place of the Song Dynasty.

Zhong E looked forward with burning eyes, "Tell Bianliang that from now on, the Song Dynasty will be bordered by the Liao people's Shangjing Road..."

After bordering Shangjing Road, the Song Dynasty could intervene in those tribal disputes, and maybe stab the Liao people in the back.

"Wan Sheng!"

The first ray of sunshine enveloped the city, but the Song Army soldiers who had not slept all night were not tired at all and were cheering for joy.

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