A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1810: Tou Tie Zhang Dun

Qingzhou is mountainous.

Some people say that there are ninety-nine mountains in Qingzhou, all of which are transformed from gods that fell from heaven.

Myths naturally fascinate people, but what literati and poets like most is the scenery.

When it comes to scenery, Yangtian Mountain is naturally the best.

Yangtian Mountain is outside Qingzhou City. In early autumn, the upper forests on the mountain are all dyed, and it is so beautiful.

The mountain road is quiet and quiet, and the autumn breeze brings coolness. Walking here, people just feel that the distracting thoughts in their hearts dissipate one by one, and they feel like returning to nature.

Today, local wealthy businessman Wang Qiuyun brought his family to visit Yangtian Mountain, accompanied by more than ten family members and more than twenty servants.

This scale is clearly the style of a luxurious family, and the servants are even carrying burdens. There are small stoves and small stools in the burdens... All kinds of outdoor supplies are gathered together, which can be said to be traveling with a small family.

Wang Qiuyun turned around from time to time to chat with his wife and children. He is only in his early forties, and he looks calm and has the air of a successful man.

"The cave above is very interesting. Our family can go in and have a look later, but we can't go in too deep..."

"Yes, officer." His wife looked quite elegant.

The most famous thing on Yangtian Mountain is the caves. There are flowing water in those natural caves, which can be enjoyed by the side.


A sound suddenly came from the forest on the left. Wang Qiuyun frowned and said, "It sounds like a beast breaking a branch. Watch more."

The servants all responded, and someone came over with a stick to investigate.

As soon as the servant approached the forest, he saw a flash of light, and then the head flew up.


Wang Qiuyun's wife happened to see this scene and couldn't help screaming.

"There's a thief!"

More than twenty people rushed out of the forest. These people covered their heads with cloths, leaving only their eyes exposed. They rushed out with long knives.


"Quick, get rid of them!"

The Wang family ran around in panic. The servants usually boasted about their skills in fists and kicks, but they only met a few times and most of them were hacked to death.

This group of people caught up with Wang Qiuyun and his family, but without saying a word, they just hacked them to death.

Wang Qiuyun was stabbed and shouted: "Help!"

A masked man swung a knife and killed Wang Qiuyun with one blow. He turned around and said, "Check, everyone needs to hit him again."

The smell of blood gradually filled the air, and the masked men finished finishing their wounds and walked away into the forest.

I don't know how long it took, but a man slowly emerged from a place covered by weeds nearby. He was Wang Qiuyun's servant.

There was a pit there, and he happened to fall into it while running for his life. The thieves didn't search carefully and let him escape.

The servant stumbled into Qingzhou City, and all the way to the government office, he knelt outside and shouted: "Killing! Killing!"

Lu Qin, the prefect of Qingzhou, was resting and went to the front after getting the news.

"What? Wang Qiuyun's family was killed?"

Lu Qin was a little dumbfounded.

Wang Qiuyun was one of the most wealthy businessmen in Qingzhou. It would be fine if only one of them died, but his entire family was killed, and they were intercepted and killed in a mask. This was not easy to handle!


Immediately, the detectives of Qingzhou Prefecture and the masters of solving cases all went to Yangtian Mountain.

Two days later, all clues were lost.

"Can't find it?"

Lu Qin looked at the record and was a little angry, "Why can't I find it?"

He looked up, his eyes unkind.

The government officials on the side all stood up straight. As the lowest level of the state government, these officials can scold them on weekdays, and beating and scolding is not a problem.

But they also have opportunities for revenge.

The officialdom of the Song Dynasty is also very hierarchical. For example, now, if Lu Qin feels that his subordinates are not doing things well, he can order the officials to beat them.

If anyone doesn't treat the government officials as human beings on weekdays, then they are in for bad luck.

What, just five sticks?


These government officials can make you lame with five sticks!

Of course, they don't dare to be so cruel, but leaving you injured is not a problem.

This is the means.

The government officials seemed honest, but they were all staring at these subordinate officials, waiting to see if their enemies would be unlucky.

"Deng Chong!"


Deng Chong, the manager who joined the army, bore the brunt of the incident due to his position.

The two government officials looked melancholy, apparently worried about Deng Chong.

But the two of them glanced at the other yamen servants from time to time, and those yamen servants nodded slightly.

So a tacit understanding was formed.

Lu Qin scolded: "You joined the army as a manager, but you have no clue about this case. I'll give you ten sticks!"

Deng Chong raised his head and said: "The lower officials must know their shame and then be brave."

The two government officials took him out.

Later, they rushed in again carrying Deng.

Deng Chong broke away from their hands and said stubbornly: "Don't worry, Zhizhou... Ouch!"

He felt an unbearable pain in his buttocks and fell to the ground.

"Take it down and see the doctor."

This guy was tricked by those two government officials, and he didn't even know it at the moment.

Just like Chen Sheng who was killed by his own coachman, big people often fall into the hands of little people.

Such matters were naturally not within Lu Qin's consideration. He turned his eyes, but ignored his deputy, Qingzhou Judge Zhang Dun.

"This case is important and will be investigated within five days!"

Lu Qin lost sight of these words and left angrily.

The officials were talking a lot, but everyone knew that there was no way to solve such an unsolved case. Unless it was luck and someone happened to witness where the murderers went, there was nothing anyone could do.

Only Zhang Dun stood there, frowning and saying, "Why doesn't Zhizhou take the lead?"

Li Ji, the recorder at the side, said: "This case is an unsolved case with no clues. If the case cannot be solved, whoever takes the lead will bear the responsibility."

Zhang Dun waved his sleeves and said: "You have no responsibility, it's ridiculous!"

Well, Li Ji's face turned green after saying this to him. He thought that I was telling you this out of friendship. Your words slapped Zhizhou on the head. You can carry it back, but what about X?

Isn't this a scam?

Zhang Dun came from a family of officials and knew many powerful people. Lu Qin had to think twice if he wanted to move him, otherwise Zhang Dun would counterattack and the outcome would be unpredictable.

Zhang Dun turned around and looked at Li Ji, and said seriously: "If something happens, just come and look for me!"

elder brother……

Seeing everyone looking at him, Li Ji wanted to kneel down.

Originally, his previous words were suspected of criticizing Zhizhou Lu Qin, but since no one could prove it, he escaped. But now that Zhang Dun said this, it was a solid statement.

Li Ji felt that he could already buy a coffin, lie down in it, and wait for Lu Qin to knock the last nail.

But Zhang Dun said it sincerely. Seeing that he was confused, he patted his shoulder and said, "Go and find out about Zhang's personality."

My old Zhang is not shy even when facing officials!

Zhang Dun had this temperament. He said he was bold and generous, but in fact he had a bad temper.

Li Ji handed over his hand with a look of despair on his face.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Li Ji was called.

"I heard that you have a talent for solving crimes?"

Lu Qin looked very kind, but when he asked this question, Li Ji's legs went weak.

Is this asking someone to solve the case?

What does that mean if it’s not about to die?

Li Ji hurriedly said: "Zhizhou, my subordinate is to record affairs and join the army!"

Recording events and joining the army are only in charge of prisons and supervising officials. It has nothing to do with solving crimes!

Lu Qin said calmly: "At this moment, because of Wang Qiuyun's case, people in Qingzhou are panicking. At this time, I only want practicality. And you, I feel that I will definitely be able to solve this case."


Li Ji felt that he was dead, and wondered if he could plead, maybe Zhizhou would be merciful.

But Lu Qin said coldly: "Within three days, I will get good news, otherwise... don't blame me for not predicting what I said!"

Li Ji choked pitifully: "Zhizhou, I really don't know how to solve crimes."

Lu Qin pointed to the door, and Li Ji lowered his head and went out.

He stood at a loss outside the check-in room, and finally thought of Zhang Dun.

How do you say this?

When people are in despair, they want to pull at every straw. Maybe a certain straw is particularly solid!

"Judge Zhang!"

He went to find Zhang Dun, told Zhang Dun with tears, and then looked at Zhang Dun pitifully.

"Judge Zhang, I just want to leave Qingzhou."

He couldn't afford to offend Lu Qin, so he could afford to hide.

Zhang Dun has a network of connections, and if he can borrow some of them, he can escape this disaster.

Zhang Dun frowned and looked at him with an unkind expression.

Ruined! Ruined!

Li Ji said with tears: "If it fails, I am willing to be punished."

Zhang Dun was writing a letter. He lowered his head and continued writing. Li Ji, whose eyes were blurry with tears, glanced at it and felt a little dazed. Then he quickly wiped away his tears and looked at it carefully.

——Xiaoguan has heard about the great talent of the Duke for a long time, and even admires the Duke's determination for new policies. It makes Xiaguan feel angry every time he thinks about it...

Damn it!

Who is this prince?

He just thought about that person for a moment.

Most of the princes who supported the New Deal in the Song Dynasty were important ministers, and Zhang Dun could only write about official positions, such as a certain husband.

As for the Duke who is determined to implement the New Deal, isn't that Shen An?

Judge Zhang is actually related to Shen Guogong?

——The lower official heard that the Duke was about to pass through Qingzhou, so he had already prepared a small amount of wine and asked the Duke to drink deeply and not return until he was drunk!

When Zhang Dun wrote this, his strokes were sharp.

He dried the letter paper, put it in an envelope, called someone and said, "Guo Gong Shen should go ashore. You can go find him all the way and deliver the letter."

The attendant responded and asked, "Mr. Lang, I'm afraid Duke Shen won't come!"

Zhang Dun smiled and said: "Someone you admire will definitely come."

This guy is so confident that one is speechless.

After he explained the matter, he stood up and walked to Li Ji and said, "The cause of this matter is so-and-so, so-and-so will handle it!"


Li Ji felt that he might have heard wrongly, "Judge Zhang, Zhizhou said that this matter should be handled by the lower officials."

"This is wrong!" Zhang Dun said resolutely: "Shangguan can't ignore the rules like this! Go find him!"

Recording events and joining the army should not be assigned to solve crimes, but the state is the largest!

Li Ji followed him all the way to Lu Qin's room.

"Zhizhou, my subordinates think that this case needs to be investigated carefully, and Li Ji is just recording affairs and joining the army, so he is not suitable!"

Lu Qin didn't expect that this was why he came, so he said calmly: "I have made up my mind!"

"You won't change your wrong decision?"

Damn it!

Li Ji outside had his face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

Is Judge Zhang going to commit the following crime?

Lu Qin was so angry that he pounded the table, "If you have any objection to X's decision, just go and impeach him! Otherwise, just follow it!"

"Just a few words, Zhizhou, you actually want to punish Li Ji, how small-minded you are." Zhang Dun said with piercing eyes: "This incident is all because of someone, so Zhizhou can hand over the matter to someone, if you want to kill someone, Fight, just come!”


Li Ji was moved to tears outside.

But Lu Qin was furious.

He is the magistrate of the state, and the judge Zhang Dun is his deputy and has the important task of monitoring him.

But even so, Zhang Dun couldn't challenge his authority!

This is too much!

You, Zhang Dun, think that you are great because you are a government official?

I don’t buy it!

Lu Qin stared at Zhang Dun, "That's fine. I said before that the case should be limited to three days. If the case cannot be solved after three days, Judge Zhang, you will be lucky!"

Zhang Dun has a network of connections, but if anyone dares to take over such a matter, he, Lu Qin, would dare to file a complaint.

The superior officer ordered you to solve the case within three days. If you can't solve it, you will be dealt with. Especially if Zaifu comes, he won't be able to stop you!

This is similar to the class system in the military.

Shangguan will crush you directly!

Whoever dares to stop you is breaking this rule, and officials all over the world will kill you!

Lu Qin waited for Zhang Dun to hesitate, and then thought about how to embarrass him.

Things have developed like this, Zhang Dun will not bow his head, he vows to make this person look good.

Zhang Dun handed over his hand and said, "This is how I should accept this matter."

Is this guy's forehead made of iron?

This question lingered in the government office until Zhang Dun led the people out.

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