A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 398: Could it be that Su Yan is the illegitimate son of an official?

The huge Beijing Tower stood outside the mountains and forests. Zeng Gongliang, who had vomited all his breakfast and was almost ready to go for a gastroscopy right away, staggered over.

"Why are you doing this here?"

He thought it would be better to place it in an open place to deter the Cochins and natives.

"There are a lot of prey in this forest, and the locals like to go hunting there..."

Shen An was holding a freshly roasted cobra and gnawing on it.

The white snake meat looked delicious, and Zeng Gongliang's throat surged again, making him want to vomit.

Shen An took a bite of the snake meat and praised, "It's delicious."

"This will become a restricted area!"

Shen An swallowed the snake meat, "When those hunters come out of the mountains and forests, the huge view will drive them crazy."

Zeng Gongliang's face wrinkled, "In this way, those natives will be afraid, and then this restricted area and Jingguan will spread word of mouth and become their nightmare... You think about people's hearts so deeply, why don't you use it in the officialdom?"

Brother used it! It's just that you were stupid and didn't realize it.

He used his impulse to make these prime ministers think that he had no city, and then used some small tricks to deceive them easily.

Jingguan Shi was carried over. Zeng Gongliang hesitated for a moment, and Shen An said, "Then someone will come?"

He knew what Zeng Gongliang was afraid of.

Civil servants would lose their status if they did this, and prime ministers and ministers should not do it, otherwise they would lose their decency as a minister.

The above are all unspoken rules of civil servants, but Shen An is not affected.

Zeng Gongliang coughed dryly and said, "I just want to see if your handwriting has improved."

Shen An's handwriting is a bit embarrassing. Although it is not ugly, it has nothing to do with being beautiful.

He picked up the pen, thought for a moment and started writing.

——Since the Han and Tang dynasties, the Central Plains has been the center. Today, there is unrest in the southwest, and the other generation is jumping off the rails. This was unbearable, so the Song Dynasty was furious, and the heavenly soldiers immediately went south. In the spring of the sixth year of Jiayou's reign, more than 20,000 Jiaozhi elites were defeated, and more than 5,000 people were killed. They all built a capital to watch here!

——The Hanlin of the Great Song Dynasty and the Imperial College Storyteller Shen An warned Jiaozhi not to regard the tolerance of the Great Song Dynasty as weakness. Otherwise, once the army goes south, the Jiaozhi capital will be full of blood and blood will rise to the sky... Don't say that you are unforeseeable!

The civil servants couldn't help but shook their heads slightly when they saw it. They felt that the inscription on this inscription was completely devoid of literary talent, and it was full of murderous intent. It was so bloody that it was everywhere in the capital, and it was too bloody.

It was getting dark, and the prisoners were driven away and started on their way.

Guangnan West Road requires labor, and these are free, as long as they don't starve to death.

Behind me, the night wind was getting colder.

A group of natives took advantage of the darkness and came over.

They wanted to pick up some clothes that Song Jun disdained.

They searched all the way, muttering why there were no corpses.

The moonlight gradually became brighter, shining in the mountains and forests, and a few lonely birdsong came, making the natives shiver.

Someone discovered the huge shadow and walked slowly over.

"There's nothing here...there wasn't this hill before..."

The man reached out and touched something round. He thought it was some kind of treasure, so he lowered his head to look...


The spring night is full of life, with the sound of insects chirping one after another.

This scream pierced the long night, and the insects stopped for a moment, and then started screaming again.

Vitality spreads across this mountainous land.

The spring in Bianliang was still a bit cold, but Su Yan didn't want to dress awkwardly.

His home was very simple. Su Yi took special leave today to stay at home and made breakfast while it was still dark.

The father and son were reluctant to light the lamp and ate outside.

It was cold in spring, but Su Yan felt warm in his heart when he looked at the stewed chicken.

"Eat, eat more."

Su Yi tore off the chicken legs and breasts that he thought were the best and gave them to his son. He unscrewed the chicken feet and gnawed them slowly.

The dry pancakes tasted rich and fragrant. Su Yi worked as a coolie and had a large appetite. He ate three thick dry pancakes in a short time.

"Eat it all."

Su Yi forced his son to finish a whole chicken. When he saw him burping, he said with satisfaction: "Don't worry about the exam. Your father has plenty of strength. Even if you fail the exam this year, he can still support you in studying for another three years..."

Su Yan lowered his head and hummed, but made up his mind that if he failed in this exam, he would not take the exam, and would do some work in the future so that his father could rest for a few years.

After breakfast, Su Yi carried the small table and chair used for the exam and sent him all the way there.

Today, there is a sea of ​​people outside the Gongyuan, and at a glance they are all heads. Those vendors knew that today was the biggest business opportunity, so they all carried huge baskets and hawked.

Not only dry food, but also hot tea, guaranteed to be hot, but the price is two or three times higher than usual.

At this moment, Gongyuan has been promoted to a tourist area and has become a paradise for vendors.

"Su Yan!"

Su Yan and his son came to Gongyuan, but they couldn't find their classmates.

The students from Taixue had all come to rehearse the day before yesterday and already knew the location of their examination venue, but Guo Qian still ordered them to gather together today to avoid being framed by thieves.

At this time, the imperial examination was like a single-plank bridge, crossing it was like a fish leaping over the dragon gate, so some weird things often happened.

Su Yan saw a group of classmates, and Guo Qian waved nervously from the side.

This is an opportunity for the Imperial College to turn around. If more people are successful this time, Lao Guo's political achievements will be adequate.

"Su Yan... it's just luck that he passed the examination. This is the provincial examination, and all the great talents from all over the world are gathered together. He... is afraid that he will become a joke."

"I heard that he and his father are working hard at the dock?"

"Yes, his father has been doing this for many years, and he only left recently."

"This is self-destruction!"

"Although it's luck, after passing the examination, he already has some literary reputation, and he can get a job wherever he goes. However, he went to work as a coolie. He really doesn't have the backbone of scholars like us."

"Look at him, he's very dark, with white teeth on his face. Hey, he's so ugly."

"Brother Wende, by the way, your powder today looks very white! And it smells good. Where did you buy it?"

"It's right at Guchanglou! The other day, Guchanglou got some new powder... The powder is very fine... When you rub it on your face, it feels like gel... The fragrance is fragrant..."

In Shen An's absence, a handful of people began to put on makeup and makeup again.

Su Yan came over, bowed and said, "I've seen sacrificial wine."

Guo Qian took one look at his dark face and sighed in his heart. He felt that this student was just here to mess around, so he waved his hand: "Go ahead and go in together."

Su Yan turned around and said, "Dad, please go back."

Su Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Don't worry about the exam. Daddy said I can support you in studying for three more years. Don't think about that, Daddy..."

"Enter the examination room..."

At this time, there was a shout from the Gongyuan side, and the atmosphere immediately boiled.

"Su Yan, come in, don't be crowded out!"

Guo Qian grabbed Su Yan.

Su Yan looked back frequently. He thought a lot, and finally just smiled at his father.

The facial features on that dark face were dull, but there was something cheerful about this smile.

Su Yi waved his hand, and then was so crowded by the crowd that he could no longer stand still.

He stood on tiptoes and waved, looking at his son who was drifting away in front of him. The father and son tried hard to maintain eye contact until they were overwhelmed by the crowd...

In the Gongyuan, Wang Gui, an undergraduate Gongju scholar, frowned at the candidates who came in and said, "It's a mess, tell them to be quiet!"


The noisy atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and the candidates were immediately frightened when they saw Wang Gui with a straight face.

Tongzhi Gongju Fan Zhen said in a low voice: "This move allows them to put their thoughts back. If they can all do well in the exam, they can live up to your kindness."

Wang Gui stroked his beard and said: "The exam is about paying attention, focusing all your attention on the test paper. Only in this way can you have no regrets. These young people are always excited. When the results come out, some laugh, most of them cry... more How many times have you taken the exam...Look at those sullen-faced candidates, it's not their first time taking the provincial exam..."

At this time, a chamberlain walked in along with the crowd and went straight to Wang Gui.

"He's the official's servant."

Chen Zhongheng came forward and cupped his hands and said, "I came here on the order of an official. I just took a look and did not interfere."

Wang Gui said coldly: "The courtyard will be locked later."

Even officials can't watch the exam in Gongyuan, and it's even less possible for you, Chen Zhongheng.

Chen Zhongheng just smiled and kept watching until a dark-faced candidate walked in. He glanced at it a few more times and then said, "My business is over. Let's leave."

He looked at Fan Zhen and then at the dark-faced candidate.

Fan Zhen nodded imperceptibly, and then Chen Zhongheng walked away.

Later, all the candidates entered the venue, and someone prepared the incense table. After Wang Gui and the candidates bowed to each other, the examination officially began.

The original imperial examination was very simple. The first test was poetry. As long as you did well in the first test, you were basically safe.

One of Fan Zhongyan's measures during the Qingli Reform was to reform the imperial examination system, in which the examination content was the focus.

So the provincial examination became three sessions. The first session was about policy discussions, not poetry.

Wang Gui turned around and sat down, then nodded slightly, and a clerk lowered the curtain...

The curtains collided and knocked, making a crisp sound.

In the clear voice, Jiayou's sixth-year provincial examination began.

Su Yan got the topic, and according to Shen An's instructions before going to Jiaozhi, he closed his eyes, thought about the topic carefully, and then started drafting.

Later he began to answer questions.

There were candidates all around. Although it was still cold in spring, many of them had red faces.

Tension is in the air.

Su Yan sniffed and inadvertently looked up and saw Fan Zhen.

Wang Gui had to sit behind the curtain and not move to show his selflessness. But Fan Zhen was able to patrol around.

He walked slowly, and when he reached Su Yan's side, he turned his head and glanced at his answer.

In the palace, today is the first day of the provincial examination, so the monarch and his ministers are somewhat uninterested in government affairs.

"...This year's flood situation looks quite big, and sand and gravel sacks have been prepared everywhere..."

After talking about the political affairs, Fu Bi saw that Zhao Zhen looked a little uneasy, so he said: "Your Majesty, today's provincial examination, I don't know who will laugh and who will cry. It's just that Shen An is not here, otherwise he will definitely clamor that the Imperial Academy will be a blockbuster... …”

Han Qi frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on in Jiaozhi. Xiao Gu's memorial was from last month, but what about this month? I'm a little worried."

"Zeng Gongliang and others should be at Guangnan West Road. If something happens, it won't take long to report immediately."

Zhao Zhen was also a little worried, but at the moment he was thinking about the provincial examination.

"Brother Su Shi is still preparing for the exam, but a lot of poems have been leaked."

The new political councilor Sun Huan said with some dissatisfaction: "He first discarded the official position given by the government like worn out shoes, and refused to pay attention when preparing for the exam, which shows frivolity. This man is a great talent, but his temperament needs to be tempered."

Sun Pian's old and decrepit appearance made people sad. After saying these words, he stood in a daze.

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "Most great talents are like this. I heard him say that poetry comes from the heart. If you don't express it, you can't express your heart directly."

This is because there are too many talents in my chest, they are overflowing and I can’t stop them.

This kind of pride is difficult for ordinary people to understand, and they can only look up to it.

The king and his ministers couldn't help but laugh.

Then they dispersed.

Chen Zhongheng came in a hurry.

Zhao Zhen was drinking tea, holding a book in his hand.

"Official family."


"That's okay, Su Yan. I gave Fan Zhen a hint and he knows what to do."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "I want to read Su Yan's test paper last..."

If Wang Gui heard this, he would be killed here.

The last thing I want to watch is, what should I watch?

If his test paper is revoked, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett Then Zhao Zhen will have to look at it again, and then discuss it with Wang Gui and others.

——This... This young man’s answer really impressed me! Otherwise... let him get hit.

Chen Zhongheng's eyes flickered, feeling that he was participating in an action that would be infamous.

Once it is actually put into practice, this matter will go down in history... and be infamous.

As a participant, Zhao Zhen will naturally be covered up, and as the specific operator, Chen Zhongheng will become a traitor in history books.

Could that Su Yan be the illegitimate son of an official family who was separated outside the palace?

If this were not the case, how could the officials be willing to show favoritism for him?

At this moment, Chen Zhongheng's mind was spinning with this ridiculous idea, and it spread uncontrollably.

The third update arrived, good night.

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