A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 399: Darkness and lightness

The last test was poetry. Look at ΔΔBookstoreWwんW. 『kan→shu→ge. co

Su Yan had a headache about this, so he took his time and finally wrote five songs, slowly revising and selecting them.

He must be grateful to Shen An's tactics of writing poems, which made him, a weak person in poetry, gradually become stronger.

It is not easy to excel in poetry. After being regarded as an insignificant subject by Fan Zhongyan, the proportion of poetry is relatively small, and it only needs to be satisfactory.

Poetry used to be the first test, and if you didn't do well, you could go home. But now the first game is policy discussion.

This is a positive change.

When feeding time came, someone shouted: "Stop..."

Suddenly there was a cry, someone was begging for more time, but the patrolmen walked over, grabbed his test paper, and started to chase people away.

Su Yan didn't know how well he wrote, but he met Fan Zhen again.

Fan Zhen walked in the opposite direction amid the crowd of people coming out, then looked for an opportunity to take a look at Su Yan's test paper, then turned around and went back.

Wang Gui was waiting for him, his eyes cold.

"No fraud!"

Fan Zhen nodded and said, "Absolutely not, it's just an estimate."

Wang Gui's face softened slightly and he said: "Articles and poetry are the way of saints and must not be blasphemed. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and me and animals?"

Fan Zhen pretended to be on inspection during these three exams, but every time he went to Su Yan's place to see his answers. This was an obvious fraud.

Wang Gui said calmly: "Before the results come out, you and I can't send any messages!"

Fan Zhen was startled, but couldn't refute.

This is to prevent you Fan Zhen from cheating!

Who is that black-faced candidate? He actually asked Chen Zhongheng to come to Gongyuan in person to check on his status, and also hinted that you, Fan Zhen, were paying attention to this person.

Could it be the child of a certain royal relative?

And he must be a child who is deeply loved by the officials, otherwise Chen Zhongheng would not come to Gongyuan.

Then the test papers were sealed and numbered. The three test papers all had the same number and were sent for transcription. Finally, the papers were reviewed and graded.

Su Yan followed the crowd out of the Gongyuan and stood outside in a daze, hearing the noise in his ears.

"Su Yan!"

Guo Qian is waiting for the candidates of Taixue.

He is like an old hen, he smiles and waves when he sees a student, and then brings them to his side.

The students from Taixue gradually gathered, and everyone was talking about the poems they had just made. Some were proud, others were frustrated...

"Su Yan, what poems did you write?"

One student felt that he had performed beyond his level, so he asked in high spirits.

When people are proud, they like to find those who are worse than themselves, and then comfort them with compassion. Tell him that as long as you keep working hard, you will definitely succeed.

This is a kind of emotional catharsis, which can make your own pride even more intense.

Everyone looked at Su Yan.

Su Yan said embarrassedly: "It's not good... I didn't write well..."

Everyone sighed without surprise, and Guo Qian said: "Winning or losing is nothing at the moment. Su Yan, keep studying, you will still have a chance in three years."

A group of Taixue students all said in unison: "Su Yan, don't be sad, let's come back in three years."

The sound was a little loud, and all the candidates looked over.

I will be sad if I don't do well in the exam, but when someone who is worse than myself appears, all the bad things seem to be comforted.

Look, this person is worse off than me, so why should I be sad?

"Da Lang!"

Su Yan, who was feeling discouraged, looked up and saw Su Yi who had squeezed out from the crowd.


Su Yi came over with a smile on his face. He first bowed to Guo Qian and thanked him with such humble words that the students shook their heads in disdain.

If someone's father is so humble, someone will definitely not stand with him.

"Dad, your headscarf fell off."

Su Yan helped her father tie the headscarf and said, "Dad, the child can go to the dock tomorrow..."

Su Yi said with a smile: "Don't worry, just rest first..."

The father and son walked out side by side. Su Yan's back was a little hunched, but Su Yi was as straight as a javelin.

Stand like a pine tree!

This is Shen An's requirement for students, and Su Yan is the one who maintains it best.

In the palace, Zhao Zhen said angrily: "What happened to Fan Zhen?"

Chen Zhongheng said helplessly: "In the Gongyuan...Fan Zhen is taken by Wang Gui and cannot be separated for a moment."

Official! Wang Gui saw that you wanted to cheat, so he didn't give you a chance.

Chen Zhongheng thinks this is a good thing, at least he will not fall into it.

Later history books read: In the spring of the sixth year of Jiayou's reign, the emperor favored Su Yan and forced him to be promoted...

Official, your reputation will be ruined on the streets by then!

Zhao Zhen was so helpless that he called Zhang Bianba.

"Maybe sneak into Gongyuan?"

Zhang Ba Ba nodded, and then sent his best men to sneak into Gongyuan, looking for an opportunity to meet Fan Zhen.

"Officials, Fan Zhen just keeps a straight face..."

"He's being watched."

Damn it!

Zhao Zhen was really mad at Wang Gui, so he asked during the small court meeting: "How is Wang Gui's knowledge?"

The prime ministers and ministers were a little confused, thinking that Wang Gui was a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, and he couldn't do it without knowledge!

Zhao Zhen also felt that he had gone too far, so he laughed it off.

"Your Majesty, the provincial examination papers are being marked, and many candidates are celebrating outside...the results have not yet come out, these people are complacent, thinking that they will win. I think that these people cannot be reused, and they should be named. If they succeed in the examination, they will Then work hard down there..."

What Fu Bi dislikes the most is frivolous people, so he said these words with murderous intent.

Han Qi said: "The words of the rich prime minister are exaggerated. The so-called golden list is the joy of life. At that time, the youthful spirit, three or five friends gathered together, just laughed and talked, it is nothing."

Fu Bi retorted: "Character is the most difficult to change and must be tempered. Once the official career goes smoothly, these people will intensify their efforts. By then, they will not be a pillar, but will become a disaster."

The two old men were both guys who had gone through countless officialdoms. The debate was quite interesting. The real people and real stories they picked up were an eye-opener for Zhao Zhen.

"Your Majesty, the top ten papers for the provincial examination have been sent."

The quarrel was over, Fu Bi had a sullen face, and he hated Han Qi, his deputy, in his heart.

Wang Gui came. He came in with a big bag and saluted, and then said: "Your Majesty, the provincial examination is over. I have considered it again and again and finally decided on the top ten. Please take a look at it."

This is the rule. The top ten in the provincial examination will be decided by the emperor.

Wang Gui doesn't think it's a big deal, as long as you don't engage in malpractice for personal gain.

The official asked Chen Zhongheng to hint to Fan Zhen and ask him to take care of the black-faced candidate, but all this fell into Wang Gui's eyes.

He just used a little trick and let Fan Zhen return without success.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

As a minister, you must stick to your bottom line. If you blindly serve the emperor, you will be a sycophant.

So he had some bad opinions about Fan Zhensheng. Fortunately, Fan Zhen explained in the end that he just wanted to see the standard of the black-faced candidate and report it to the official in time after the test so that he could have an idea.

If not, he would have been ready to remonstrate just now.

Even if the officials are disgraced, it is better than having the rules broken.

The test paper was sent up. If he was not interested, Zhao Zhen would just look at the ranking.

But this time he was looking at the test paper seriously.

When did the officials become so serious?

Fu Bi and Han Qi had just argued, but now they felt something was wrong.

Is this official probably fake?

Every time he took the provincial exam, he only looked at the rankings and had no interest in reading the test paper.

what is it today?

Zhao Zhen didn't know the slander and speculation of his ministers, so he looked at the test paper carefully.

Time passed slowly, and he saw the sixth copy...

At this moment, the test paper has been unsealed, but he is not interested in seeing any names.

Su Yan's test paper will not appear here, he just wants to find fault.

"A little... a little dull."

He read the article, then the poem, and said: "The paper for sixth place is a bit dull."

Wang Gui sneered in his heart: As an official, I know you will find fault, but I have reviewed these papers over and over again, so don’t even think about taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

He raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, although the essays of the sixth-ranked candidate are a bit rigid, but if you look carefully, those words are full of sincerity... I look at the top ten test papers this time, and if the essays are elegant, This person could not be shortlisted, not even among the top 200. It can be seen that he has poured out his emotions. No one can beat him in this provincial examination... Moreover, he has a deep understanding of the pain points of the people at the bottom, and he can give ways to improve it... This kind of test paper, even if it is illiterate in arts and science, I think it should be simplified..."

He bowed and then said: "Your Majesty, the so-called imperial examination requires talents. But what are talents? I think it is not about literary talent. Those who can be close ministers and sing along with Your Majesty, what benefit will they have to the national affairs?"

This slap hit Manchao from top to bottom.

Those so-called geniuses didn't know how they felt at this moment, at least Fu Bi and Han Qi were a little unnatural.

As the prime minister, they naturally cannot think that good poetry and articles are great talents, which will not be of much benefit to national affairs.

But everyone is a disciple of Confucianism, and when they see great talents in writing and poetry, they can’t help but praise them, such as Su Shi.

But who knew Su Shi was a political idiot?

neither knows.

Most of the emperors of the Zhao family had some talent as artists, and Zhao Zhen's calligraphy was outstanding. Even his courtiers were envious of his flying white calligraphy, wishing they could get more calligraphy back.

Therefore, his criterion for judging articles and poems is spirituality.

But how can the articles and poems in the sixth place be spiritual? It looked devoid of any beauty, which made him extremely unhappy.

But Wang Gui's statement is correct. He is the emperor, so he naturally knows that literary talent is just an additional attribute for his ministers, and it doesn't matter whether they have it or not.

But he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He felt that such an article and poem was demoted to sixth place in the provincial examination, which was too much and could not be tolerated.

"Wang Qing..."

He glanced at the test paper and read www. uukanshu.net Wang Gui also stood up straight, his eyes full of determination.

Come on, even if someone dies today, he will not agree to you changing the sixth place.


But Zhao Zhen was stunned for a moment. He looked at the name carefully, and then looked up at Wang Gui in disbelief.

"Wang Qing, do you remember these names correctly?"

Wang Gui felt that this was an insult to himself, so he said forcefully: "I have carefully checked these test papers and names no less than ten times. If they are wrong, I... I will beg for the bones."

If I am wrong, I will resign and go home to farm!

The corners of Zhao Zhen's mouth gradually turned up. After looking at the name again, he suddenly slapped his thigh and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

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