A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 814 The minister is killing the enemy

General Jiaozhi was staring at the leader of the Song army. Since this man had his upper body naked, he couldn't tell his identity.

But the one who can stand in the first place must be the Warriors.

Are the warriors of the Song Army so skinny?

He laughed.

"Kill the enemy!"

Chang Jianren was the first to jump over.

The general of Jiaozhi was waiting for work, and drew his sword to stab him.

This was a routine inspection, and countless such inspections told the general that there was definitely no threat on this trip.

So he wore a sword instead of a long knife, which was more suitable for killing enemies.

But he decided that was enough.

Then he found that the Song army on the opposite side didn't look at him at all, but came straight towards him with a slash.

A quick slash.

Isn't this guy afraid of death?

General Jiaozhi subconsciously withdrew his sword to block.

When his head flew up, he realized that he had done something wrong.

This Song Jun didn't even think about defense, he was a lunatic!

The best way to face a madman is to stay calm, but he lost his cool.

Chang Jianren reached out and grabbed the hair of the fallen head, raised his head and shouted: "For the Song Dynasty!"

"For the Song Dynasty!"

Seeing that Chang Jianren was still the first to kill the enemy general, his subordinates couldn't help but go crazy.

Countless people jumped over, and when the long swords were swung, the proud and brave Jiaozhi people were dumbfounded.

They knew that the people of Song Dynasty were beaten to pieces by Nong Zhigao, but Nong Zhigao was no match for Jiaozhi, so after a simple calculation, they felt that they could probably beat one to ten.

But that skinny Song Army actually killed their general in a single confrontation. What happened?

The previous question was recalled again.

Who is brave?

It seems like the Song people are more brave!


A Jiaozhi sergeant abandoned his long sword and knelt on the ground to ask for surrender.

Chang Jianren, who was in front of him, became red-eyed and cut him off with a knife. The remaining Jiaozhi people were even more frightened. The sound of long knives falling on the deck could not be heard. In an instant, there was no one standing in front of Chang Jianren.

"Gather the prisoners!"

Qin Zhen issued the order in time, and the Song army shouted loudly and began to gather their weapons.

A Jiaozhi sergeant suddenly stood up and shouted, and the Song army next to him subconsciously stabbed him.

The blood shot out, and the people of Jiaozhi remained silent.

"He just wanted to pee."

An interpreter said with a headache: "This will make people scared, and no one will surrender in the future."

The sergeant looked at Chang Jianren with some worry. If he followed military discipline, he would be punished on the spot.

The redness in Chang Jianren's eyes gradually dissipated, "I remember before I met the official for the first time, no, it was the late emperor. At that time, I was so nervous that I frequently wanted to go to the toilet to pee. But after I met the official, I would I don’t want to go either. So, this person is cheating!”

Are you nervous at the moment?

Facing the long sword of the Song Army, he must be nervous.

When you are most nervous, everything will be forgotten. You only remember one thing, how to save your life.

"Besides, we are raiding this time. How can we take prisoners with us? Anyone who disobeys will be killed." Chang Jianren said it matter-of-factly. The interpreter felt that this man was probably a military commander in his previous life, but he was born into the wrong child in this life, so he went to the Hanlin Academy to become an official.

"****" a Cochin sergeant shouted tremblingly.

"What did he say?" Chang Jianren was used to breathing the smell of blood, and he was no longer repulsed by the fishy smell.

The interpreter said: "He said don't kill me."

"Yes, this is what they are thinking about at the moment, and they hold back their urine even if they have it."

The sergeant thanked Chang Jianren happily, and then asked curiously: "Marquis, have you met the late emperor?"


"Then the late Emperor...can he be merciful?"

"Mercy, very mercifully."

Chang Jianren remembered that interview.

Zhao Zhen stated his request very kindly, and then reassured him not to be anxious and not to be afraid of drawing it later.

This is not an emperor, but more like a loving father.

Chang Jianren turned around, with some moisture in his eyes.

Your Majesty, I am killing the enemy! Can you see it?

The Song Dynasty is no longer weak, can you see it?

"Gather the warships, especially Qingshui, gather them all."

Qin Zhen arranged the follow-up matters in an orderly manner. When Chang Jianren came back, he asked: "In the past, people from the Song Dynasty and Jiaozhi often fought with each other. Although there were not many people, we could still spy on them and know their bravery. At that time, they refused to It surrendered, but it surrendered today, do you know why?"

Chang Jianren shook his head. After all, he was still a newcomer in the army and didn't know much about these things.

Qin Zhen patted his shoulder and sighed: "Because of your bravery!"

"Because of bravery?"

"Yes." Qin Zhen thought of Chang Jianren's crazy killing before and couldn't help but feel happy to have such a deputy. "The Jiaozhi people pride themselves on being brave, but when they found out that we were braver, they were afraid and panicked. If you do, you will become weak... This is why they asked to surrender."

Human bravery means bullying the weak.

When facing a weaker party, if someone takes the lead and is not afraid of death, countless people will then become more confident and become brave.

"This bravery will not end until it encounters a more brave army."

The only way to defeat the brave is to be braver than them, so as to destroy their will.

Chang Jianren was startled and asked: "Is the army of the Song Dynasty brave now?"

In his opinion, there should be none, otherwise he would not be afraid of the Liao people.

"It was weak before, but now it is gradually becoming stronger."

Qin Zhen said: "The Song Dynasty defeated the Xixia people, and the heavy cavalry of the Liao people also suffered heavy losses in Fuzhou. Jianren, the Song Dynasty is different."

"Waiting for the imperial edict..." Chang Jianren suddenly thought of Shen An, "Those victories are waiting for the imperial edict, as well as those kerosene bombs, and those gunpowder jars... It was with these that the Song Dynasty regained its With courage, the soldiers became brave again."

The process of cultivating bravery requires constant victory. When victory has become a habit, your self-confidence will explode and you will dare to fight against any strong enemy.

Qin Zhen said longingly: "The Song Dynasty is slowly becoming stronger. Now the Liao people can't threaten us. In the future..."

He looked north.

There is the pain point of the Song Dynasty, Yan Yun.

Chang Jianren was also looking at the north, "Tai Zhao said that the so-called invincibility is just a bluff. If there are such powerful enemies, then break their backbones and make them kneel down and laugh when they see us..."

"We can win!" Qin Zhen nodded and said, "I believe there will be such a day."

The fleet quickly assembled and set off again.

From time to time, simple houses appeared on the shore, as well as some farmers. Their expressions changed drastically after seeing the fleet.


These Cochin people began to run wildly. They abandoned their hoes and everything that would slow down their escape and ran away.

"They said the enemy was coming, but they didn't understand where we were coming from."

Qin Zhen looked back and said: "The people of Jiaozhi only want to invade the Song Dynasty. They feel that foreign enemies cannot attack them, so these people don't know our warships at all."

When the settlements on the front became denser, the army appeared.

Hundreds of troops were trotting along the shore with the fleet, and some were unfurling their bows and arrows.

"Kill them!"

The crossbows fired a volley, and a few of the Jiaozhi soldiers fell down, while the rest ran away with a cry.

This team of Cochin people had two horses and was sent to report the news.

The war horse ran out of power and arrived at Shenglong City before dark.

The general was brought all the way into the palace.

Li Rizun is eating.

He also likes to eat mutton, but the mutton raised in Jiaozhi is not as delicious as the Song sheep that someone paid tribute to that time.

He put down the leg of mutton and said to the chamberlain beside him: "The people of Song Dynasty are sitting on a treasured land, but they are timid. How great would it be if I could rule that place?"

The place in Jiaozhi is not big, which makes him feel aggrieved as he calls himself a British master.

"If there were as many places as the Song Dynasty and such a large population, I would dare to go to the north and have a look."

If the Liao people are defeated again, Jiaozhi will be able to establish an unprecedented empire.

The sound of footsteps interrupted his dream. He sighed and said, "I came here running, let's take a look."

A waiter greeted him and Li Rizun put down his chopsticks, knowing that this meal was probably inedible.

Later the chamberlain brought in the general.

"His Majesty……"

The general was galloping all the way and was very tired by now, but in order not to be punished, he still pretended to be diligent.


Li Rizun kept an eye on the generals, guessing that there was a local rebellion.

There are many mountains and forests in Cochin. Those tribes are hiding in the mountains and forests, and no one can do anything to them. These tribes would come out to plunder from time to time, and they would become more honest after being beaten up.

The general said: "Your Majesty, the warships of the Song Army are here."


Li Rizun kicked the table over, stood up and asked, "How much? How big is it?"

"There are many, dozens of them. They are all big ships that I have never seen before. They are very big."

"How many sergeants are there on board?"

"Many, and many crossbows."

"Let Li Changjie and others come."

Later, civil and military officials arrived, and the general explained the enemy's situation again.

"This is the navy of the Song Dynasty."

Li Changjie said in a deep voice: "They came from the outer sea. Are they intentional or unintentional?"

The general said: "They have been coming this way."

"That's intentional!"

Li Changjie cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Shenglong City has not encountered an enemy for many years. It doesn't matter if the Song army comes. I would like to lead the army to defend against the enemy. If we can completely annihilate this Song army under the city, it will just boost the morale of the army."

Li Rizun pondered for a moment, "Are you sure?"

Li Changjie said calmly: "The war minister in Xipingzhou was not here, otherwise Shen An would not have the slightest chance."

He cut himself off just for the sake of power, and would not let go of any opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

"The last time Shen An used the corpses of our country's warriors to build a temple in Xiping Prefecture, it was unbearable!" Li Rizun had a strong enterprising spirit, so Li Changjie knew how to inspire his courage.

Li Rizun nodded and said: "In that case... Then use the heads of the Song army to build the Jingguan. The bigger the better!"

Li Changjie bowed, raised his head and said, "I will definitely fulfill my mission."

Li Rizun became excited, "After this battle, we can send envoys to the Song people to scold them for their harassment... The Song people have changed their emperors. I don't know what the temperament of the new emperor is. If he is weak, it will be an opportunity for Jiaozhi, so this battle Invincible.”

Li Changjie bowed, and all the ministers bowed.

"Your Majesty is wise."

The sound echoed in the hall, and a flock of tired birds flew past in the dusk.

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