Early mornings in Thang Long are cold, but that’s for the locals.

"Bianliang is much colder than this."

The speaker was Wang Ben, the commander of the infantry.

He was very tall, and Chang Jianren was shorter standing in front of him.

"I've seen the military lord."

Wang Ben looked at the mist in the distance, sniffed and said, "The people of Jiaozhi must know the news of our army's attack. There will be a big battle today."

Chang Jianren was looking at Shenglong City in the fog. Qin Zhen next to him put down his telescope and said, "Shenglong City has not been attacked for many years. Li Rizun will definitely raise an army to strangle us. Now, I think the plan is... …”

He glanced at Chang Jianren.

"Found in the east and attack in the west!"

"Found in the east and attack in the west!"

The two of them smiled at each other, and Qin Zhen ordered: "In this case, you can lead the fleet to the west of the city to harass, and someone will lead the infantry ashore, and then go to the bustling place outside the city to grab a handful and leave."

Chang Jianren was a little reluctant, "If there is a chance to kill the enemy, military leader, remember to summon someone."

Qin Zhen frowned and said: "We have seen many warriors who kill enemies in the army, but we rarely see murderous people like you. Jianren, you have to suppress him, otherwise you won't be able to hold your nerve."

There is someone in the army who kills too many enemies and becomes crazy. Qin Zhen does not want to see his deputy become like that.

"Can't you hold on?" Chang Jianren said with a smile: "Military leader, you are worrying too much. Take a look at a painting I painted last night."

He took out a piece of paper from his arms, and when he spread it out, it revealed a picture of a country.

Mountains stretch across the entire drawing paper. Flowing clouds flow like water between the mountains... The emerald green forest covers the entire top of the mountain, and a few small red flowers are dotted on the edge...

“The country is picturesque!”

Qin Zhen was relieved. Chang Jianren couldn't go crazy if he could draw such a pattern!

Immediately the fleet began to dock, and Qin Zhen led more than 2,000 people ashore to hide and wait.

"Set off!"

Robbery is a technical job, and Chang Jianren wanted to do it, but Qin Zhen used his status as a Shangguan to get ahead of him.

The fleet began to move forward. When it reached the west, the fog dissipated and Thang Long City could be seen faintly in the distance.

"Get ready to dock!"

The fleet slowly docked, but the sails did not lower, ready to run away at any time.

"Enemy troops found!"

The lookout discovered the enemy situation.

"Tens of thousands of military commanders, all of them are enemy troops!"

The lookout hand's excitement was gone, and his voice was trembling.

How many people do they have here? Qin Zhen took away the main force of more than 2,000 people, and the remaining strength on the ship was not enough to fight the enemy in a decisive battle.

Chang Jianren stopped going ashore and shouted: "Prepare the crossbows, prepare the kerosene bombs..."

It's impossible to go back empty-handed after a trip, so he decided to teach the Cochin people a lesson.


The Jiaozhi people came in overwhelming numbers, and Chang Jianren ordered the fleet to swim eastward.

"Stop them!"

There are a large number of archers and crossbowmen in the Jiaozhi army. The river here is barely wide enough to attack with crossbows. As long as they get close, Li Changjie is sure to cause the Song army to suffer heavy losses.

"Kerol bombs!"

The trebuchet on the ship threw a batch of kerosene bombs.

The kerosene bomb flew over with flames. When Li Changjie saw it, he asked in confusion: "What is this?"


The kerosene bombs shattered on the ground, and countless sparks flew everywhere.

Those Jiaozhi sergeants had sparks stuck to their bodies, so they patted them with their hands nonchalantly, and then found that even their hands were on fire.


The people of Cochin, who had never encountered such a strange situation, panicked.

Li Changjie thought that he would win today, so when he left the city, some powerful businessmen said they were coming to watch the battle, which he agreed to do.

At this moment, the powerful businessmen were watching this tragic scene blankly.

The soldiers who were set on fire were screaming and running away, and the order was in chaos.


The Song army formed an array on the deck and fired dense crossbow arrows.

"Organize the army!"

Li Changjie was very troubled by this situation. After ordering the army to assemble, he said to the people around him: "Is this the Song Army's new weapon? It has been exposed this time. In the next war, someone will be able to think of a way to restrain it."

"what is that?"

Many black dots flew in the air again, and the Cochin people screamed and started to hide.

"It doesn't kill much, but it hurts morale!"

Li Changjie secretly evaluated the demonic fire, and then the black spots landed.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a huge explosion, and countless iron filings and poison were sprayed everywhere.

A Jiaozhi man's forehead was penetrated by iron filings. He fell straight to the ground and was immediately trampled to death by the feet of countless comrades.

There were screams everywhere, and then the power of the poisonous smoke took effect.

"Cough cough cough..."


Violent coughing sounds were heard everywhere, and Li Changjie shouted: "Force us!"

To avoid military morale confusion, the best way is to force the Song army.

But the dignitaries and businessmen stopped moving forward. They winked at each other. Some took the lead back to the city, and others followed.

Behind him is a battlefield like hell.

In the palace, Li Bai appeared.

As an expert on half of the Song Dynasty, he was called for reference.

"The Song army has appeared on the west side of the city. There are almost hundreds of large ships. If they are fully loaded with troops, there must be tens of thousands of people."

Li Rizun looked at his ministers and said confidently: "They will be defeated!"

"Your Majesty is wise."

The ministers praised His Majesty the Emperor for his wisdom. When Li Rizun saw Li Bai looking worried, he asked, "What are you worried about?"

Li Bai said: "I am worried about the weapons of the Song Army..."

"What weapon?"

Li Rizun said coldly: "The strength of weapons never determines success or failure. The Song Dynasty and Jiaozhi fought many times. In which case did they not have excellent weapons and solid armor? But what happened in the end? They were defeated at the hands of Jiaozhi warriors. ?”

His tone was sharp, and Xipingzhou's tragic defeat was selectively forgotten by him at this moment.

The ministers bowed their heads and praised: "What your Majesty said is true..."

At this time, a chamberlain came in from outside and reported anxiously: "Your Majesty, there are wealthy businessmen and dignitaries in the city who have left the city from the east of the city."


Li Rizun's face was ugly. If his eyes could kill, he would have killed those idiots who came out of the city a thousand times.

"The Song army on the west side of the city used new weapons and scared them..."

"What new weapon?"

"A kind of magic fire, and something explosive. It's very powerful."

A minister came out and said, "Your Majesty, those people are cowards..."

Those people were frightened by the power of the Song Army, and then they felt that the safest way was to temporarily avoid it.

Just like the Song Dynasty during the Zhenzong period, when they heard that the Liao army was approaching, although they were still far away from Bianliang City, many people had already begun to transfer their property.

At this moment, the Song army used kerosene bombs and bombs to directly defeat the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen of Jiaozhi, and completely changed the situation of the Liao and Song Dynasties.


Li Rizun's eyes were cold. He wanted to take down all those idiots, but he knew that would shake the foundation of his rule, so he could only endure it.

"When Li Changjie defeats the Song army, those people... let them spread the news faster and see if they still have the nerve to talk in front of me!"

This method was a bit harsh, but the officials knew that Li Rizun was compromising.

"Your Majesty is wise..."

"Military leader, the army has begun. Li Changjie is leading the army to attack."

Qin Zhen, who was squatting on the shore, got the news. He looked at the deserted settlement in front and said, "We are going to raid directly and disturb them. Then Chang Jianren will come back. Let's get on the boat and leave." Go...get ready..."

He made an appointment with Chang Jianren, so he was confident.

The people in this settlement moved away last night. After seeing the size of the Song army's warships, no matter what the Jiaozhi officials said, most of them ran away.

Qin Zhen's plan was to harass, panic the Shenglong City, and then evacuate.

"Military Lord, look!"

Qin Zhen raised his telescope and looked, and saw a long convoy moving forward. It would disappear from sight in a moment, and there were actually some cavalry guarding it.

There are not many cavalry in Cochin! Appeared here unexpectedly...

Damn it!

What's this?

Qin Zhen couldn't remain calm anymore. He picked up the telescope and looked carefully.

Within sight, a group of richly dressed men were talking on horseback, looking angry.

And there are many men with swords guarding those carts...

What the hell...

Qin Zhen felt that he had the mentality of not being surprised when Mount Tai collapsed before his eyes, but he was still breathing rapidly at this moment.

Go be so calm! Damn your general demeanor!

"What the hell... brothers, we are going to get rich."

The military leader actually cursed?

The soldiers around him were still confused when they saw Qin Zhen standing up, brandishing his sword and shouting: "Robbing...no, killing the enemy!"

After all, he was in charge of the navy, and he said that it would be too shameful to rob him.

"Grab it!"

But he didn't know that his subordinates had gone wild a long time ago. After intercepting many smuggling merchant ships last time, the navy officers were jealous of their wealth.

As long as wealth can be found, the DPRK and China will allow the navy to expand, and then everyone's treatment will be improved...

What are you waiting for if you don't do such a good thing?

"Grab it!"

More than two thousand Song troops rushed over. Wang Ben and his more than five hundred subordinates were wearing heavy armor and could only move slowly to conserve their strength.

The blades of the long knives and axes were gleaming. When Wang Ben saw that the convoy in front was gathering, he knew that this time the navy had encountered a fat sheep.

More than ten riders were galloping madly towards Thang Long City.


When Song Jun saw that his opponent dared to form a formation, he immediately became happy.

This means there is a treasure in the cart!

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

On the way, the Song army used crossbows to teach these Jiaozhi people a lesson.

The cart was turning, but Song Jun's speed disrupted this rhythm.

"Kill! Kill!" A man with a big belly shouted: "Keep the cart and reward you heavily!"

The men picked up their bows and arrows and prepared to fight back, but were shot to pieces by the second wave of crossbow arrows.

"Kill the enemy!"

Qin Zhen was the first to rush into the middle of the enemy group, waving his long sword, no one could defeat him.

The two sides strangled each other. After a quarter of an hour, most of the Cochin people were wiped out, and a few fled in all directions.

"have a look!"

Qin Zhen walked to the side of an oxcart with a bloody long knife and opened the curtain.


There were all boxes inside. A sergeant split the box open, pried it open a few times, and then...



Everyone was amazed. UU read www.uukanshu. net

A chest of gold and silver gleamed.

"Get rich! Commander, get rich!"

Qin Zhen felt his scalp numb and shouted: "Go and have a look at other big cars."

The soldiers went around to open the boxes.

"It's gold and silver!"

"There's ivory!"


Luxury goods such as gold, silver, jewelry, etc. were reported from everywhere, and the eyes of the soldiers were shining.

"Get rich!"

Qin Zhen lost all his so-called stability. Facing the green eyes of his men, he shouted: "Go back quickly!"

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