A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 823 There are always smart people

Zhao Zonge gave people the impression that he was a prodigal. Back then, he made mistakes and was deprived of an empty title, but it was still given to him after Zhao Shu ascended the throne.

He had some problems at first, but then Shen An came up with a wonderful recipe for fried soybeans, which was quite effective for him, but the disadvantage was that he had too much farts.

"This thing..." Zhao Zong'e picked up a few fried soybeans and threw them into his mouth, chewing them slowly.

The housekeeper stood on the edge and couldn't help but hold his breath.

"One of the soybeans is bad and not cooked properly. I'll give the cook back some money to make him work harder next time."


Zhao Zong'e drank a cup of tea and praised: "It feels wonderful to have a cup of hot tea after eating fried soybeans."


The housekeeper had already smelled something not quite right.

Zhao Zong'e burped and said slowly: "Becoming a commoner after the fifth server is not a joke. What did those idiots say?"

"Lang Jun, those clan members were furious at first, but then calmed down. It is said that many people are buying gifts..."

"Do you know why?"

"The villain doesn't know."

"That's because they all feel the pain but can't do anything about it. So they can only settle for the next best thing..."

Zhao Zong'e said with some melancholy: "How can the clan be satisfied with being an official? Now it seems that we just don't cause trouble and fend for ourselves. In this case, smart people will naturally seek a way out for their descendants..."

"Looking for a way out?"


Zhao Zong'e said with some waning interest: "The descendants... Once a person dies, the descendants will no longer be seen. But we still have to make arrangements for them."

"Lang Jun, do you mean to buy a school qualification?" The housekeeper felt that he might have misunderstood.

"Yes, this is the qualification."

Zhao Zonge smiled and said: "The officials have said that they will not care after the fifth service. Then they are no longer relatives. But how will the children and grandchildren live? They can only go to work, but working will make you feel distressed!"

"Then leave more money."

Elders have been doing this for thousands of years. They work hard to earn money for their children and grandchildren, and leave the money to them before they die. Most of them eventually become playboys.

Everyone will say high-profile things, but when they face their children and grandchildren, they will forget all their thoughts.

"Money... if you keep too much money, it will be a disaster. Look at the people in the history books who have lived luxuriously since childhood. How many of them were successful in the end?"

"Yes, I have……"

The housekeeper thought a lot, but he covered his mouth.

It's not a good habit for you to say something different when the master says something.

"Miscellaneous studies..." Zhao Zong'e sighed: "I used to be a little dissatisfied with Shen An. I felt that he was too young and seemed out of place in the court. It was a sudden feeling. But it's different now."

He picked up the soybeans but didn't eat them. He just turned them around in his hands.

"How can someone's descendants become officials even if they have advanced in school and passed the Jinshi examination? At least many years later, when the descendants of people outside the fifth service have grown up and become accustomed to being common people, the court will accept the Zhao family as officials. So, if you go to study now, it will be a waste of effort.”

The housekeeper felt a roar in his ears, and then said blankly: "Lang Jun, from now on...will it be gone in the future? Will these honors and wealth be gone in the future?"


Zhao Zong'e's words made the housekeeper despair, "I thought I could study and become an official, but... I can't?"

"act like a buffoon!"

Zhao Zong'e frowned and said, "Go and get some money. I want ten thousand guan!"

"Mr. Lang."

The housekeeper lost his countenance and said, "If Ten Thousand Guan goes out, life in the house will be difficult!"

"It's just a matter of a few years. Go quickly."

Zhao Zonge stretched his neck, stood up and said with a smile: "Shen An has some friendship with XX, but now it seems that it is just in time. I will send money tomorrow, and XX's descendants... will learn miscellaneous subjects!"

The housekeeper asked unwillingly: "Lang Jun, what can I learn from miscellaneous studies?"

"You can learn how to support yourself and know what is going on in this world."

On this day, the clan members in Bianliang City were restless.

On this day, those officials who coveted the position of Third Secretary were restless all night.

Taixue is still the same, with morning exercises, classes, lunch break, and continued classes in the afternoon...

Adults will become obsessed with the repeated days, completely lose their enterprising spirit, and then become a dead tree.

But students are different. They regard such days as learning and think that sooner or later they will be able to escape from such days.

But in the end, some people couldn't bear it, so they ran away during morning exercises.

Behind Taixue, two students jumped down from the wall, clapped their hands and said proudly: "Let's go for a walk on the edge."

As students, the purpose of skipping exercise is very simple. They just feel bored and feel that the world outside the wall is free. Even if they just walk outside the wall, they feel that the air is extremely fresh.

The two of them walked around to the front, glanced to the right at the Taixue Gate, then lowered their heads and rushed forward.

"Get out of the way!"

The two unlucky guys just happened to run into the middle of the street. In another moment, they would rush into the alley opposite. From then on, birds can fly in the sky and fish can jump in the sea and sky...

But a loud shout ruined their plans.

The disciple of the Imperial Academy, who was eating pancakes, looked up when he heard the sound. When he saw two horses approaching, he smiled. This was the territory of the Imperial Academy, and no matter how awesome a person was, he had to dismount.

He waited with the oil cake, but the two horses kept passing by.


Menzi was about to lower his head and continue eating the pancake, but he saw two sneaky guys. The familiar clothes made him feel happy and shouted: "Stop!"

The two unlucky guys were caught and sent to Guo Qian and Chen Ben.

"Climb over the wall to escape?"

Chen Ben said with a straight face: "Did your parents send you to Taixue to escape from school?"

A student muttered: "But there are no exercises in other colleges and schools!"


Chen Ben stood up and said angrily: "This is the rule of the Imperial Academy..."

"There was no such rule before."

Young people always feel that they can steal the air every second, so it is casual to criticize Si Ye.

"Go out and stand!"

Chen Ben pointed outside and roared. When the student didn't move, he picked up the bamboo stick on the table and beat it.

The two students screamed as they were beaten, and then were driven outside to stand.

"Stand until the afternoon!"

The courage of the air disappeared in an instant.

Chen Ben came back and said angrily: "Today's students are beginning to be disobedient. Why is this?"

Guo Qian, who had been watching, said: "The energy is missing."

"Lack of energy?" Chen Ben said in confusion: "You are very energetic!"

Guo Qian shook his head and said with some regret: "After Shen An left, Taixue gradually became a little lifeless. They study and do questions step by step every day. The students were numb, and the professors were also dumb... If Shen An was here, He will surely find a way to lift everyone's spirits."

"He is now building his own academy." Chen Ben couldn't help but regret when he thought of the grand occasion of registering for Mangshan Academy.

"Don't worry, Taixue still has a way." Guo Qian said with a smile: "The clan wants to build an academy, but who can teach them?"

"Yes!" Chen Ben clapped his thigh and said happily: "I am the most outstanding student in Taixue in the whole Bianliang, who else could I be better than me! In the sacrifice of wine, a certain person asserted that the location of the academy will be near Taixue, which is convenient for me. Professors from Taixue go to teach..."

Guo Qian frowned and said: "Calm down, be steady when things happen. What are you happy about? I still need money for this matter..."

“It will always be raised.”

Chen Ben thinks this is not a problem.

Bao Zheng also thinks it is not a problem.

He was sitting in the duty room while several officials were calculating.

"More than four hundred cans can be squeezed out here."

"There are more than ten strings here."

"What about here? Look here."

They are trying to squeeze out money from everywhere, but after squeezing here and there, they have only managed to squeeze out more than 1,000 guan. Compared with the total cost of more than 100,000 guan, it is just like playing house.

"Don't forget it!"

Bao Zheng threw away the account book in his hand and said, "They will definitely come."

"Prime Minister Bao... let's do this ourselves."

"Yes! Those clans are all stingy. If you want them to pay, that's delusional."

Bao Zheng closed his eyes, and an official advised: "This matter is a test for you by the officials! If it is done well... the benefits will be endless."

This was a kind reminder, but Bao Zheng shook his head and said, "Let's see."

He was also a little unsure, but after all, he still sat there calmly.

This group of officials had been settling accounts, and after an hour, they successfully squeezed out more than 3,000 coins.

"Xiang Bao, someone is coming."

Bao Zheng opened his eyes, with a cold look in his eyes, and shouted: "Go and have a look."

An official went out, and then a question came from outside, "Is Prime Minister Bao here?"

The one who can come here directly must at least be the king of the county, otherwise Bao Zheng would dare to punish him for trespassing in the third division.

"Yes, Prime Minister Bao is inside."

Bao Zheng didn't get up. The footsteps outside gradually came closer. After a while, a person came in, but it was Zhao Yunliang.

"I have met the prince, but I wonder why the prince is here?"

Bao Zheng stood up and saluted, but Zhao Yunliang did not dare to express his gratitude. After returning the salute, he said, "I'm here to buy my school qualifications."


An official couldn't hold himself back and blurted out: "How many generations will I buy?"

Damn it!

If you don't know the reason for this question, you will probably get into a fight.

Zhao Yunliang said with a smile: "Three generations."

"Ten thousand strings?"

The officials present were all happy. They all looked at Bao Zheng, remembering his previous calmness, and seeing that he was still calm now, they couldn't help but secretly praise him.

There was no sign of joy, everything seemed to be under control, it was really a blessing!

Bao Zheng put his left hand behind his back. Where no one could see it, he made a fist with his left hand and squeezed it hard...

"Bao Xiang, please accept it!"

Zhao Yunliang cupped his hands and smiled, his attitude was so good that people were surprised.

Bao Zheng said: "The prince knows the general situation, so I will naturally report it to the officials. But with this Wan Guan, can the life of the prince's house be maintained?"

This is to clarify: This is of your own free will. Don't say that you will be forced to buy a school qualification when the time comes. Now you can't even afford gruel.

Zhao Yunliang said calmly: "I and my son are dedicated to cultivating Taoism, just for the sake of those children. If not, any money and power will be just a passing smoke..."

"Blessings and blessings are immeasurable."

He slapped his head and left. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net An official rushed in from outside and said ecstatically: "Prime Minister Bao, there are many people from the clan coming outside, and they all say they want to buy school qualifications!"

Everyone was looking at Bao Zheng. This was a proud moment for the Third Division, which made them wildly excited.

"Xiang Bao, you are rich!"

"The Prince of Huayuan County has three generations. What about those people? Even one generation has five thousand strings... Bao Xiang is wise!"

Wiseness can only be used by emperors, this...

I didn’t even know this was such a taboo, but now the officials are in ecstasy and no one is paying attention to this.

Bao Zheng stood there, put his hands behind his back, coughed dryly and said: "Be calm..."

"At this moment, Prime Minister Bao is still so calm. No one can match his magnanimity!"

In the eyes of everyone, Bao Zheng's image was extremely tall at this moment, and probably Han Qi and others could not compare with him.

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