A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 824: Lao Bao prepares for counterattack

There were people standing in front of the Sansi lobby, and they were complaining at the moment.

"Where is Bao Zheng? We are here to give money, but he still wants to cheat?"

"A certain person also made an appointment to meet..."

"If you don't come back, you have to leave!"

"Bao Zheng is too..."

All the sounds disappeared after Bao Zheng appeared.

This is the number one troll in the Song Dynasty. When he goes online, everyone from emperors to petty officials will tremble.

Later generations said that he was Qingtian and that he solved crimes like a god, which is a big mistake.

Bao Zheng's greatest skill is his courage to spray.

When Zhao Zhen wanted to promote his beloved concubine's relative, Bao Zheng dared to grab his sleeve and spit on his face.

Most people would not dare to mess with such a strong point.

"How much to buy?"

After Bao Zheng said this, he regretted it and felt that he had been too hasty.

"Three generations!"

"A certain buyer..."

"Can two generations be sold..."

In an instant, the front of the hall turned into a vegetable market, and it was extremely noisy.


Bao Zheng only felt that there was wind in his armpits. The peak of his life was just like this.

He said two words lightly, and an official said happily: "Come here, everyone, the officials will be happy later and will find some great scholars to teach you..."

"Great Confucian?"

Zhao Zong'e stopped and said, "Who said you want a great Confucian?"


The official turned around and said, "Of course he is a great scholar!"

"We don't want great scholars!"

"I need miscellaneous studies!"

It was quiet inside and outside the lobby.

"You want your children and grandchildren to study miscellaneous subjects?"

An official glanced at Bao Zheng and felt that Bao Zheng would come out and scold him.

But Bao Zheng was standing there like an old monk with a calm expression, as if these people were discussing what to eat for lunch.

The structure of the Song Dynasty was like a pyramid, and the top of the tower was the royal family.

Although they have to make a living outside of the fifth server, there are still a lot of clan members. Unlike Zaisu who needs to be replaced every few years, they will always be there.

Such a group suddenly supports miscellaneous studies and pays a lot of money for their children and grandchildren to learn miscellaneous studies.

Someone suddenly shouted: "This idea came from Shen An. It was premeditated... He wanted to subvert..."


Bao Zheng strode over and slapped away the rest of his words. He said with a fierce look in his eyes: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, you will go back to work in the Navy."

The commander of the navy had some friendship with Du Yuhou and Shen An, so sending it to the navy would be no different from sending it to Shen An for disposal.

Only then did everyone gradually realize that the miscellaneous studies actually had such influence.

"You want miscellaneous studies?"

Bao Zheng finally confirmed.

"Yes, we need miscellaneous studies."

A clan member said very firmly: "I thought that the miscellaneous studies should have become popular in the world long ago. In a few decades, I might not even be able to get into the academy even if I send money... By the way, Shen An needs to be involved in this matter. Otherwise I won’t give you the money.”

"Yes, Shen An needs to come forward to handle this matter."

"He created the miscellaneous studies. Without him, what kind of academy would it be? Then we might as well save the money and let our descendants use it to hire great Confucian professors in a few decades."

These clans are probably the most unscrupulous group of people. Even if Zhao Shu is here, they dare to speak like this.

"Great Confucianism... unless we don't restrict the promotion of our descendants, then Great Confucianism is of no use!"

"Although Shen An is cunning, he is top-notch in teaching and educating people. Look at his students in Taixue, most of them have become talented. In the miscellaneous studies, some students were actually awarded officials. If he is willing to personally teach someone's children and grandchildren , someone will pay out 100,000 yuan immediately!"

"Do you have one hundred thousand strings?"

"How not?"

"You're bragging!"

"It's none of your business to brag!"

The two men from the clan were fighting. Bao Zheng turned a blind eye and said, "I will go to the palace to ask for an audience with the officials. The news will be soon. Just wait."

Bao Zheng hurriedly entered the palace, and the small court meeting was in progress.

After saluting, Bao Zheng said: "Your Majesty, many clans have gone to the Third Division before, and they are willing to pay for the admission qualifications of their descendants beyond the fifth server..."



Han Qi came out and asked with a look of disbelief: "The officials have said that they will no longer protect the clans outside the fifth server. Are they crazy and willing to pay a high price to buy a school qualification? Let alone 5,000 guan, the monthly payment is You can hire a good teacher with just one hundred guan. You can also come to teach... It's 5,000 guan per person. Which student should spend 5,000 guan to hire a teacher? Isn't that a fool?"

Zeng Gongliang didn't sleep well last night, and his eyes felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. He lowered his head and yawned covertly. When he raised his head again, his face was full of energy.

He had to look energetic and not feel inadequate.

Zaifu is like this, and people who often appear around officials are like this...

Otherwise, the officials will wonder if you are getting old and should find someone to replace you.

Is Bao Zheng older?

Zeng Gongliang thought for a while and remembered that Bao Zheng and himself were born in the same year.

But Lao Bao looks calm and calm, and his eyes turn around, which makes people wonder whether he has done anything bad recently, otherwise this old man will catch him and wash your face with saliva.

Lao Bao is so energetic!

Zeng Gongliang knew that Shen An had developed a complete set of maintenance methods for Bao Zheng's body. He persisted for several years and achieved remarkable results.

Do you want me to ask Shen An?

He sighed, knowing that friendship was not enough.

"Five thousand guans a year, His Majesty said he would no longer protect them. It's not worth it." Zeng Gongliang felt that this was a bit strange, "Then what are they asking for? Could it be that they knew that the court had no money to build a clan academy and had good intentions? Help? I’m afraid I can’t.”

"It's impossible!" Ouyang Xiu knew these clans quite well, and he said disdainfully: "Those people are just looking for money. If you want them to pay, it's like plucking the feathers of an iron rooster. It won't work."

"They are all a bunch of stingy people!" Zhao Shu also sighed with rare emotion, "Bao Qing, what demands did they make?"

"The officials are wise." Han Qi cupped his hands and said, "One word revealed the secret."


Zeng Gongliang cursed secretly, feeling that Lao Han had become more and more shameless recently, and his ability to flatter others was getting worse.

Flattery is about concealment, which can be understood but difficult to describe. The person involved has to think about it carefully to understand it, and then secretly feel happy.

But Han Qi's current trend is to flatter him directly, which is simple and crude.

"Your Majesty, the clan has only one request." Bao Zheng sighed, "They require that the clan academy must teach miscellaneous subjects, and Shen An must handle this matter."

"Miscellaneous studies?"

Han Qi asked in surprise: "Why? Don't their children and grandchildren take the imperial examination?"

"Their children and grandchildren cannot be high-ranking officials!"

Ouyang Xiu gradually realized something, and said with a serious face: "Yes, the purpose of those clans is to learn miscellaneous knowledge."

Zeng Gongliang lowered his head, not wanting to get involved in this topic.

"They want miscellaneous studies?"

Zhao Shu finally knew where Shen An and Bao Zheng were confident.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bao Zheng said proudly: "Yesterday when Shen An and his ministers talked about this, they mentioned miscellaneous studies. He is confident that those clans would choose miscellaneous studies if they were not stupid."

"What's in the miscellaneous subjects?"

Zhao Shu suddenly changed the topic.

"Miscellaneous studies cover everything."

Bao Zheng was so considerate to Shen An that he never blinked when he boasted about it.

"Your Majesty, from telescopes to golden pills, divine crossbows to gunpowder... there is no doubt about the practicality of miscellaneous studies. ... A while ago, there was a student who was highly praised by you for making a bed, and he was also prepared to confer an official... …”

Zhao Shu nodded, "That's true, but the student refused, saying that he voluntarily studied miscellaneous subjects for the rest of his life."

"This is the charm of miscellaneous studies!"

Bao Zheng's face turned red and he spoke in a loud voice, "Those people in the clan are well-informed and know what treasures the miscellaneous studies have produced. So when they chose what to study for their children and grandchildren, they chose it without hesitation. Miscellaneous Studies.”

The hall became quiet. Han Qi lowered his head and remained silent. Zeng Gongliang pretended to be stupid. Ouyang Xiu raised his head several times but stopped talking.

Zhao Shu's eyes were cold, "The charm of miscellaneous studies... I am an emperor, whether it is miscellaneous studies or Confucianism, I want to see the benefits to the Song Dynasty. Miscellaneous studies... Jin Feidan makes farmers all over the world rejoice, and the divine power of crossbows and Gunpowder made foreign enemies dare not underestimate the Song Dynasty... What do you think of such a miscellaneous scholar?"

The ministers did not speak.

They are all disciples of Confucianism. Although they know the benefits of miscellaneous studies, they are unwilling to speak for it.

Zhao Shu chuckled, and his voice was very clear in the quiet hall.

"I remember... ten years ago, the Xixia people at that time were ferocious and domineering. The Song Dynasty could only defend in the northwest and let them come and go as they pleased. At that time, the Liao Kingdom was aloof and would threaten the Song Dynasty by going south to herd horses every year. , making the emperor feel on pins and needles...and Jiaozhi, one Nong Zhigao made the Song Dynasty disgraced, and the ambitious Jiaozhi was even more of a disaster!"

Han Qi raised his head, forgetting his position, and said with emotion: "The Song Dynasty at that time was like a broken house with air leakage everywhere. The country was surrounded by dangers, and powerful enemies were peeping from the outside. You had to turn a blind eye even in your dreams!"

Han Qi is domineering, but he likes to speak out. Zhao Shu liked his outspokenness, at least he wasn't hypocritical.

"Later... Later, the Song Dynasty defeated the Xixia people several times, and even defeated the Liao people. As for the Jiaozhi people, the navy should have arrived. I think Li Rizun will be very confused now."

Han Qi couldn't help but laugh, "The Song Dynasty has turned around in the past few years. Your Majesty, do you remember who is responsible?"

Zhao Shu nodded, "Miscellaneous studies."

Zaxue came up with the divine crossbow and new gunpowder, so that the Song Dynasty would not suffer any external losses.

Han Qi said with admiration: "Mang Mountain! I often want to go to Mang Mountain to search carefully to see if I can find those hermit masters, and then worship them as my teachers and learn miscellaneous knowledge."

He really wanted to learn some miscellaneous subjects, but he was too busy.


Zhao Shu thought of Zhang Baibian's report and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

The people from the Imperial City Division have been squatting in Mang Mountain for many years, but they have never seen any master hermit.


Those experts were probably unwilling to deal with the imperial power, otherwise they would have come down and recommended themselves.

"Thank you for your hard work, Qing Bao."

Zhao Shu suddenly said warmly to Bao Zheng: "Let the imperial doctor check your body later. Just tell me how to recuperate. I'll take care of the bad things here."

Zhao Shu suddenly expressed goodwill to Bao Zheng. At first glance, it sounded like he was hinting to Bao Zheng that he proposed to become an official. However, upon closer inspection, it actually meant encouragement.

Lao Bao, you are good, I will use you again in the future.

Damn it!

In an instant, the three prime ministers all looked at Bao Zheng with gleaming eyes.

Lao Bao, are you preparing for a counterattack?

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