A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 949: Fantasy exposed

Zeng Gongliang and Ouyang Xiu were shocked by Han Qi's last slap in solving the case, and regarded Han Qi as the number one expert in the political affairs hall.

Now the master's slap didn't kill anyone, it seemed like his face was just swollen.

The Liao envoy stood firm, touched his slightly swollen face, and was about to say harsh words when he saw Zeng Gongliang saying regretfully: "Prime Minister Han really stopped."

What do you mean?

The Liao envoy thought that Han Qi had really given up?

No way?

He touched his face again and felt it was just a little painful.

Very minor damage!

Looking at Han Qi's overly generous body, it is logical that his strength cannot be that small, so it can only be explained by the fact that he stopped his hand.

Ouyang Xiu said: "Prime Minister Han broke the case with a slap last time. With such power...even the bravest man in the army could not do it."

"This is real?"

The Liao envoy asked with a pale face.

Ouyang Xiu said disdainfully: "Can I lie to others?"

Old Ouyang is a famous gentleman and cannot lie to others.

The Liao envoy was deeply shocked, thinking that Han Qi was such a brave man, so he was really merciful just now.

He felt that he had narrowly escaped death, and couldn't help but cup his hands and said: "It was someone's fault before, and I offended Prime Minister Han. I can't help it."

The Liao envoy actually took the initiative to apologize, which made Han Qi secretly happy. However, when he thought that he had just struck out in anger and had no strength at all, Han Qi felt guilty.

The ministers and ministers went to the palace to report the matter. When Zhao Shu learned about it, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Is Chang Jianren really so brave?"

Han Qi said: "I have just seen it with my own eyes, and it is definitely not false."

Zhao Shu praised: "Chang Jianren was just a painter at first, and later he left the palace and joined the navy. It was said that he had a reputation for bravery. I didn't believe it at first, but after today's battle, I found out that I was wrong, hahahaha!"

He said that he was wrong, but Zhao Shu smiled happily.

Later, he pointed at Shen An and said, "I met Chang Jianren earlier. He said that his sword skills were taught by you?"


Shen An was startled, and then remembered what he had taught Chang Jianren before, and nodded: "Yes, I have taught him some lessons."

Zhao Shu said happily: "I didn't expect that you can now teach brave generals who are brave enough to win the three armies. It shows that you are even more powerful. Did the prince learn this from you?"

This question is kind of fucked up.

Chang Jianren is a lunatic and never defends himself when slashing. But Zhao Xu was different. He practiced swordsmanship with Shen An and was more focused on fitness.

But this is credit, and it would not be in line with Shen An's nature not to accept it, so he said shamelessly: "Your Majesty's sword skills are good."

Zhao Shu nodded and remembered something, "Last time at Jinming Pond, people from Liao swarmed in, trying to steal the gunpowder formula. The prince went there in person and killed one of them. Is that right?"

Shen An smiled and said: "Your Majesty's good memory makes me ashamed."

This flattery was very flattering, but Zhao Shu was very useful.

"My memory... was very good back then, but it got a little worse later on, hey!"

This was Chi Guoguo's show off, so Han Qi and others could only say against their will: "Your Majesty is wise."

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "The prince can kill the enemy, but I think I am incompetent."

This style of painting is wrong!

Are the officials planning to practice swordsmanship?

Han Qi hurriedly advised: "Guan, you are the emperor, and it is only right for an emperor to govern the world. As for killing enemies, that is a matter for warriors. Everyone should do their own thing, so that the Song Dynasty can prosper."

Zeng Gongliang was also worried that Zhao Shu would practice swordsmanship, but he was more worried that Zhao Shu would imitate Emperor Taizong and play personal conquest, which would really cost people's lives.

"Since ancient times, there have been very few emperors who personally went into battle. For example, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, that was before he ascended the throne. It can be seen that kings have their own affairs and cannot go beyond them, otherwise the world will be in chaos."

Boss, let's hold on tight and stop wandering, okay?

Zhao Shu said regretfully: "Yelu Hongji likes to go hunting, but I am trapped in this small palace..."

There was some reluctance in these words, and Han Qi advised: "Your Majesty, when the late emperor was still here, he wanted to expand the palace, but the people around him were unwilling to move, so there was nothing he could do."

Those people are not willing to demolish it, so don't think about expanding it. Let's just live with this palace.

There were many strange things in the Song Dynasty, and one of them was the emperor's compromise with the people.

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "I don't want to expand the palace, I just want to renovate some palaces in the palace. I just got a word from Bao Zheng in the morning, that's all, and the matter has been dropped."

Hearing that Bao Zheng took action, Han Qi felt relieved, and then thought about the benefits of Bao Zheng entering the political hall.

He might be at odds with Han Qi, but the official family would probably be in bad luck and would be criticized often.

This is a good thing. At least he let Bao Zheng do the stabbing. I, Han Qi, can naturally be a good person.

yes! I haven't been a good person for many years.

Thinking of this, Han Qi had some ideas, but it was difficult to put them forward at the moment.

Zeng Gongliang said: "Your Majesty, the Liao envoys who were slapped by Prime Minister Han just outside the imperial city have apologized."

"This..." Zhao Shu felt that unless the Liao envoy had masochistic tendencies, it would be impossible for him to apologize.

How mean is this person to apologize after being slapped by Han Qi?

And why did you take action? Thinking of this, he asked: "Why do you take action?"

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said: "The Liao envoy was the first to speak rudely... Han Xiang originally slapped the case table in the political hall, which shows how powerful he was. Today he stopped and just gave the Liao envoy a lesson with a gentle slap. The Liao envoy He didn't believe it at first, but Ouyang Xiu came forward to prove it, and he apologized."

Ouyang Xiu is a famous gentleman, so what he says naturally works.

Zhao Shu praised, "It's rare for Han Qing to be so talented in both civil and military affairs!"

Han Qi forgot about his guilty conscience and cupped his hands and said: "I just tried my best. I don't deserve your majesty's praise."

Later they dispersed.

After returning to the political hall, Han Qi found a room where useless debris was piled. He didn't dare to try the desk or table, and finally found a dry wooden stick.

Can this be broken with one slap?

The wooden stick was not too thick, so Han Qi placed it on two desks, hanging in the middle, and slapped it away with one palm.


"Ouch, it hurts!"

Han Qi was holding his right hand and moaning in pain. The stick fell to the ground and was broken in half.


Han Qi felt that his civil and military skills were ruined.

Why was it possible to solve several cases with one slap last time? There is probably something wrong with that case.

Han Qi was extremely calm at the moment. After analyzing clearly, he decided not to pretend to be competitive in the future.

He turned around and saw a clerk standing there. He felt a little guilty and said with a straight face, "What did you see?"

This was a threat from the Prime Minister. The clerk quickly said: "The villain didn't see anything."

Han Qi nodded with satisfaction. The clerk walked in, picked up the wooden stick on the ground, put it on the desk, and followed Han Qi's example of using one palm.


Most of the stick was broken, leaving only some parts connected by broken threads.

Han Qi didn't leave outside. Seeing this scene, his heart became cold and his eyes turned red.

Many people feel that they are very powerful, and that kind of self-confidence is ridiculous, but they are obsessed with it.

Han Qi originally thought that he was born with magical power and had always been covered in dust, but now he knows that he has no magical power and his strength is even smaller than that of ordinary people.

My reputation!

Even the officials knew about his supernatural powers. What if the officials let him go into battle to kill the enemy?

That's giving someone away.

Damn it!

I've got myself in big trouble!

Han Qi was in a bad mood. The clerk picked up the wooden stick, looked at the broken stubble, and said proudly: "Is this a natural divine power?"

Then he went out and boasted about his natural power to his colleagues. Later, some of his colleagues were envious and encouraged him to try breaking open the door with chopsticks.

A colleague held the chopsticks. The clerk took a deep breath and then slapped it away with a flat palm.


It was not a big deal for a junior official in the Political Hall to have his palm pierced with chopsticks, but the junior officials below treated it as a joke.

But the Hanlin Academy had no intention of joking at this moment.

A group of officials sat together, and the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"Then Chang Jianren...someone said before that he was unparalleled in bravery, but who believed it? They all thought he hugged Shen An's thigh, and Shen An tried to make him perform meritorious service. But now he is in front of countless people in Bianliang, There were also the prime ministers and assistants, and he actually killed him with a knife in front of all these people..."

"That was still a warrior of the Liao people." Someone added: "At that time, everyone thought Chang Jianren was dead. Who knew he could be so powerful."

An official smiled bitterly and said: "He was forced by Ren Shouzhong to come to us for help, but none of us ever paid attention to him? They all refused indifferently... Now he has made great contributions. The prime ministers and ministers know that he wants to come to the official family. He will also know about his future future. It’s so natural, what should I do?”

"I'm afraid that when he becomes famous in the future, he will humiliate us."

"But he is a warrior."

"What about warriors? Gui Xinhou has repeatedly spoken for warriors. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett The views of the prime ministers on warriors have changed, at least they are not as harsh as before."

"Even if he becomes the commander of the navy, he can't do anything to us, right?"

"That's right! The navy commander can't command the Hanlin Academy. We're so afraid of him!"


Everyone laughed for a while, and then the matter gradually dissipated.

When Ren Shouzhong heard this, he just smiled and said to the people around him: "He must have the ability to be the deputy privy envoy. Otherwise, he will not have the ability to intervene in the palace, and the officials will not take action against someone for him, so there is no need." Deal with that mad dog."

The people around him believed it and said with a flattering smile: "Everyone knows that Chang Jianren is not afraid of death and does not know whether it is true or false. If it is true, I am afraid he will not live for a few years. Let him go find someone underneath to take revenge."

Ren Shouzhong thought of Chang Jianren in the past and sneered: "Even if he is underground, someone can make him bow his head."

"Everyone knows how powerful and heroic he is."

Empress Dowager Cao came out amidst the sound of slapping her beard and horse.

"I've met my empress."

Empress Cao's expression was cold and she said calmly: "Shen An said last time that Dalang has the talent of a military commander, and the officials also agreed to see Dalang's martial arts and ask."


This is a bad job!

It was obvious that the officials had forgotten about this matter. If they clicked on it at this time, the officials would probably be annoyed and whoever goes there would be in trouble.

Ren Shouzhong lowered his head slightly, hoping that Empress Dowager Cao would not mention his name.

Empress Dowager Cao glanced at these people and said, "Let Shouzhong go, if he can't handle it... he'll be beaten half to death."


Ren Shouzhong was about to cry, but he forced a smile and agreed, then trotted away.

To serve your master, you have to run. Walking is slacking off, running is pretentious... Only trotting is the most appropriate.


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