A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 950: Only when you raise a child can you know the kindness of your parents

Zhao Shu was in a good mood and went to have dinner with his wife.

There are five dishes, and the one that Zhao Shu likes the most is the pot-roasted pork.

"This pot of pork is sweet and sour, and very crispy. It's appetizing. I think I can eat this as a meal..."

Gao Taotao likes to eat boiled haggis made with duck blood and various haggis.

The duck blood is extremely tender, the haggis is also tender, and the spicy soup base exudes an alluring flavor.

The couple ate heartily.

Gao Taotao accidentally ate too much. Looking at the large bottomed bowl of boiled haggis, she said reservedly: "I don't know where Shen An learned these dishes. They are really inventive of his predecessors." It tastes great. There’s just one downside..."

"What's the harm?" Zhao Shu had a huge appetite and ate up a large plate of pot meat.

Gao Taotao touched his bulging belly and said melancholy: "I will get fat."

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "How do you think you are fat? You and I are still young. Today, the prime ministers and ministers all said that I have a good memory."

Gao Taotao praised: "Your memory is naturally good. You remember most of the tens of thousands of important national events, but I can't remember any of them."

Zhao Shu was a little proud to have gained a little limelight in front of his woman. Just as he was about to be humble, Chen Zhongheng came in from outside.

"The official family, Ren Shouzhong from the Queen Mother's side wants to see you."

"Let him come in." Zhao Shu was a little embarrassed.

When Ren Shouzhong came in, he saw the leftovers. He smiled and said, "Guan family, your Majesty said what you promised..."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shu really couldn't remember what he promised Empress Dowager Cao, so he asked casually.

its not right!

A certain person was bragging about his good memory just now, this...

He looked at Ren Shouzhong. It is said that this person is famous for his observation of words and expressions. I think he can understand the look in my eyes.

——Hurry up and think of how to smooth things over!

But Ren Shouzhong didn't dare to observe his expression, and still said: "The empress said that you promised my uncle that as long as he trains well, you will let him go to war in the future."

This...Zhao Shu was stunned for a moment and couldn't remember when he agreed to this.

Gao Taotao was also a little confused, feeling that his official was bragging, so there was inevitably a hint of pity in his eyes.

When a couple reaches this level, it is more about family affection than love.

But Zhao Shu was a man who wanted to save face. Seeing his beloved wife in this state, he was embarrassed beyond words.

Ren Shouzhong didn't know his emotions, so he said to himself: "This is what you promised three days ago, and I have been waiting for three days..."

The empress was so kind that she actually waited for three days. Three days later, I saw that you had not moved, so I asked you to come and ask questions.

Such a kind lady is so kind!

Ren Shouzhong felt that his expressive ability was very good, so he was secretly happy.

But Zhao Shu was embarrassed.

Someone has a good memory...can't he remember what happened three days ago?

Gao Taotao wanted to look away, but he was worried that the officials would not respond, so he had to force a smile.

I can’t remember anything within three days!

Is this a good memory?

Is this young?

Zhao Shu said with a straight face: "Uncle Guo is good...he's here."

"The officials are here." Chen Zhongheng felt that Zhao Shu's mood was wrong, but he didn't know the reason.

Zhao Shu suddenly became angry and said, "Ren Shouzhong, a naughty slave, speaks arrogantly. Go tell the empress."

Ren Shouzhong belonged to the Empress Dowager Cao. Unless he made a big mistake, Zhao Shu would give the disposal power to the Empress Dowager Cao, which was regarded as respect.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Chen Zhongheng glanced at Ren Shouzhong and thought, "Have you ever had this day? Hahahaha!"

He hurried out, and the dumbfounded Ren Shouzhong knelt down and said: "Official, I...I am not impudent!"

Later, someone came from the Empress Dowager Cao, "I met the official, and the empress said that since this person is so presumptuous, he must be punished, but he is not good at the official's place, so he will be taken back."

Zhao Shu nodded, and the person turned around and waved, "Here, take Ren Douzhi back."

Ren Shouzhong was the first person around Empress Dowager Cao, so she still had to save face for him when speaking.

When she arrived at Empress Dowager Cao, she said angrily: "Diao Nu will make mistakes whenever he does anything, so beat him up!"

"Mother, I am wronged." Ren Shouzhong really didn't know where he was being presumptuous, so he felt very wronged.

"Fight!" Empress Dowager Cao was only worried that Zhao Shu would give up her brother for this, and she would not care whether he was wronged or not.

Later, news came from the front, "Mother, the official said that the uncle will perform martial arts in the palace tomorrow..."

"Okay!" Empress Dowager Cao said happily: "Let Dalang quickly endorse it. The family's art of war is already memorized."

The news reached the Cao family, and Cao Yi was dumbfounded.

"Perform martial arts? I'm afraid it won't work!"

The housekeeper said proudly: "Mr. Lang, our family is a general. If the empress had not entered the palace, our family would have killed someone with a knife."

There was a threat in these words: You must not embarrass the Cao family.

Cao Yi couldn't get angry because he knew what the housekeeper said was right.

But he was really not sure!

"Go and invite the converted prince to come."

He couldn't think of anything, and the only person he could trust was Shen An.

Shen An came later and said sleepily: "What is uncle Guo doing at this noon?"

Seeing his tired look, Cao Yi asked, "Did you become a thief last night?"

This was a joke among friends. Shen An said helplessly: "Taro was uproaring for half the night last night and didn't sleep."

"Leave it to the servant, you have to do everything yourself, why bother?"

Nowadays, most of the children of powerful families are raised by servant wives. When parents have free time, if they think about it, they just reach out and the servant wives will naturally send their children.

Most people can't stand it when their children make noises, but it's just parents' nature that they can tolerate it.

And when there is noisy, there is a servant girl, and I can take over when I want to be a father and mother. How comfortable is that?

This means enjoying the happiness of a family without the worries of noisy children. This is the winner in life.

Although the Shen family is a laggard, it is extremely powerful, and the Shen family is not short of money. This is something that makes the powerful people in the capital envious and jealous.

Everyone lives on the Yu Ze left by their ancestors, but you, Shen An, came in like a dragon and created a huge situation with three punches and two kicks, dwarfing the power and money that I and others have accumulated over several lifetimes. .


But Shen An had some problems that made the powerful people secretly laugh. For example, most of the time when a son was born, the couple would take care of it themselves. Can the Shen family not afford a servant girl?

Shen An was extremely generous. As long as he said something, Bianliang City didn't know how many people would line up to enter Shen's house.

But he just refused.

What's more, Shen An's status now only has one woman. Many people have hinted at it, and some people even recommended themselves, saying that they have a suitable woman in their family, and they will send her as long as Shen An nods.

But Shen An remained unmoved and ignored him, just like an eminent monk.

If it were someone else who had his status or money, he would already have a group of wives and concubines.

This guy is really a weird one among the powerful people in the capital!

Shen An didn't have any strange self-consciousness. After sitting down, he said: "Uncle Guo, you don't know, that kid from Taro is noisy, but that's my son! The more noisy, the better his health is, so we'll be happy! As for the evening I can't sleep, it's just for the past few years, it will naturally get better in the future, and..."

He looked sideways at Cao Yi and said proudly, "Does Uncle Guo know what it means to raise a child so that you can appreciate the kindness of your parents?"

Cao Yan said disdainfully: "Didn't you know how hard it is to raise a child just because you suffered through the hardships of your parents? Do you think he is a playboy? Let me tell you, my father was very cruel to me back then."

Shen An shook his head and said proudly: "You don't raise your son yourself, and you haven't been tormented by your son for several years. Do you know what it means to raise a child to know the kindness of your parents?"

Cao Yi was dumbfounded. He really hadn't taken care of his child much. Why was he woken up by the child's crying in the middle of the night? It was only the maid who woke up, and it had nothing to do with him.

Shen An stood up and said in a sad manner: "Uncle Guo, you have to understand it well!"


Cao Yi felt unhappy, "But so-and-so's children are old and there is no place to experience them."

"How about... how many more are there?" Shen An said sincerely without feeling that he was doing anything bad at all, "If you go back and experience it, you will naturally know the kindness of your parents back then... Uncle Guo, the kindness of your parents ...It’s hard to repay!”

"Let's go!"

He cupped his hands casually, and after exiting the gate, the Cao family's housekeeper looked at him as if he were looking at a ghost, wondering what happened to Lang Jun. Didn't he ask Shen An to come up with ideas for tomorrow's martial arts performance? Why is it so...

They actually discussed the issue of how many children their parents would have and how many children they would have, and judging from the husband's intentions, it was clear that he was interested.

"The Marquis of Guixin..." The official felt that Shen An was probably good at witchcraft, otherwise he would have confused his husband with just a few words.

Shen An did it on purpose. When he was invited, he felt that something was wrong, so he successfully deceived Cao Yi into lameness.

He walked down the steps proudly, feeling that he probably had some wisdom from Zhuge Ge and some wisdom from Sun Wu...

But he didn't know that the housekeeper of the Cao family was extremely loyal. When he saw that he had successfully escaped, he shouted: "Mr. Lang, the converted prince has run away!"

Damn it!

Shen An screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and stepped faster, preparing to run away before Cao Yan could react.


After all, Cao Yi is a son of a military commander. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nettThe reaction speed is really incredible. After waking up, he rushed out in one stride. Seeing that Shen An had already rushed to the gate, he couldn't help but said in a dumbfounded voice: "You Shen An Anbei...is really...promoting narrowness."

Shen An was dragged back again. After the two parties sat down, Cao Yi said tangledly: "The officials treat the Cao family well. The eldest sister thought this was a good sign. She thought that the Cao family could not continue to hang out together like this, so she gave the officials advice. , saying that I will let someone lead the army in the future..."

Shen An sighed: "My eldest sister is like my mother! I really envy others to have a sister like this."

Cao Yan looked at him sideways and asked: "Since you are envious, why don't you tell your thoughts to the empress when I enter the palace next time, so that she can recognize you as her younger brother?"

"do not!"

Shen An was almost scared to death. Thinking of Sister Cao Yu's temper, she couldn't help but feel that she was on the verge of death and kept testing.

Others may not agree to such a thing, but Sister Cao Yu is similar to Cao Yi. She knows that once she recognizes Shen An as her brother, someone will take care of her own brother, so there is no way she would disagree.

Cao Yan said: "Your Majesty asked so-and-so to enter the palace to practice martial arts tomorrow, but so-and-so was not prepared. The key is... so-and-so is not as good as you in military training!"

Cao Bin's grandson admitted that he was not as good as himself in military training, and he felt very happy, and said calmly: "The palace is so big, and there can be at most dozens of people practicing. If there are more, even if the officials agree, the prime ministers and assistants will put Cao's family I copied it, so the Cao family only needs to send out less than a hundred people to practice."

If there are too many people entering the palace, there is a risk of rebellion. Even if there is no rebellion in the end, it will become an excuse for attacks by officials in the future.

Cao Yan cupped his hands and said, "Just this sentence has allowed someone to avoid a disaster. Thank you An Bei for not bothering the two masters. Please tell me how to practice. I can't thank you enough for my brother, and the Cao family can't thank you enough."


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