Not exactly, at least a few more trees, right?

Uh... If you can think of a few rotten roots as trees, that's not wrong.

Since there was nothing to see, Inuyasha took them directly to the inheritance place on Mount Abbot.As for how Inuyasha, who had never been to Mount Abbot, knew the location...

The one thing that people of the Celestial Dynasty will always love is the aesthetics of symmetry. The abbot of Penglai is relatively symmetrical, and the place of inheritance is obviously the corresponding place.

What's more amazing is that there is no trace of dampness in the cave that was submerged in the sea just now.

After the same dark walk, I walked into an equally dark cave.

Everything here is almost the mirror version of Penglai, the only difference is that the people sitting on the altar have changed.

No longer a smelly man with a beard, but a black sexy girl!

"I'm going! This is Feng Hao's daughter-in-law?" Inuyasha was shocked, two pounds, three pounds... It's not that he hasn't seen the world, it's really that this woman is too different from what Inuyasha imagined.

She doesn't have a height of [-] meters. It looks similar to Sister Killing. She should be [-] meters tall.

There was no messy hair, just a long black shiny, clean and smooth hair, which dragged all the way to her thin and powerful belly.

There are no strange tattoos, but there is a faint blue lotus pattern on her lower abdomen.Just like the woman herself, she came out of the mud without being stained, and was clean without being a demon!

The only thing that matched Inuyasha's imagination was the two hides.

The colorful animal skins wrapped around her Moon Hungry, which was so towering that it was about to burst, and her lower body was dragged under her knees.

"Tsk, I'm a good person..." Inuyasha gritted his teeth secretly, throwing away his dirty thoughts.He came for inheritance, not for women.

Since this place is the inheritance of women, Inuyasha's blood is naturally not useful, but...

Isn't this also our mother?

"Don't look at me, I don't know how to fight." Izayoi looked at her dog aggrievedly. Although it seems that only she can open this inheritance, she really doesn't know how to fight!

"Lord Mother, if we try it, maybe this is the secret of eternal youth?"

"Huh? Don't stop me from anyone!"

A woman, it is this kind of virtue, and when Inuyasha said it was about her beautiful face, she immediately rushed to the altar.Inuyasha immediately stepped up, saying that, Inuyasha didn't want to hurt her at all.

But then, Izayoi hesitated again.

She looked at the small stone bowl on the altar, and at her fingers, while muttering something.

"Forever youth, forever youth..."

at last!

As if determined, Izayoi pulled out Inuyasha to give her boy Kie Angang, cut a small incision on his index finger, and squeezed out a drop of blood into the stone bowl.

As before, after a bloody little dragon flew into the woman's nose, she woke up from her deep sleep.


There is no crackling sound, only a soft moan that is unique to women, and it is very, very friendly!

How should I put it, just listening to the voice and wanting to let people press her down and do whatever they want.And the blood in Inuyasha's body couldn't help surging, and the little brother began to be dishonest.

"Shouldn't be..." Inuyasha admitted that the voice was charming, but it wasn't to the extent that he couldn't stand it.

This kind of feeling seems to be able to arouse the blood energy of the brutal beast martial arts he just learned!

Is it...

In fact, the inheritance of the two inheritance places is the same?Is it a way of complementing each other?

Just as Inuyasha was thinking, the woman had come to him and Izayoi.I saw that she first stared at Inuyasha for a long time, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Izayoi on the side.

"That...I-I won't fight." Izayoi said clearly and directly.

"I didn't come to fight with you either. My name is Feng Rui, a little girl from the future, what's your name?" The woman and Feng Rui said peacefully.

"My name is Qin Zixin."

Izayoi relaxed, and chatted happily with this old sister who had been separated by many years.Inuyasha yawned boredly on the side, but didn't dare to leave here.

Although I am very reassured about the character of the guardian of the inheritance area, but looking at her appearance, what if I want to take advantage of it?

Izayoi is his, not even a woman!

"Sister, what I inherit here relies on talent. I just observed your body. Talent is definitely a top existence, even better than me!"

"Really, sister? Can this inheritance preserve youth forever?"

"Do you look at me like a tens of thousands of years old?"


Inuyasha sounds annoyed, these two women, you praise me and I praise you, they are just blowing each other in business!


at last!

Feng Rui restrained her expression and began to get serious.

"Between the heaven and the earth, everything is divided into yin and yang, while among us humans, males are yang and women are yin! As the saying goes Book……"

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