Hearing this, Inuyasha was stunned. The more he listened, the more he felt that this was like a setting in some kind of huangwen?

Thinking of the bloodline reaction of his body being triggered by Feng Rui just now, a bold idea appeared in Inuyasha's mind.

Shouldn't this be... double cultivation?

Inuyasha hurriedly listened to Feng Rui's narration carefully, and the more he listened to his face, the more exciting it became.

"I said just now that your talent is very suitable for this inheritance, sister. I was worried that you would not be able to find enough "Yang" part to support your cultivation, but now it seems... not a problem at all!"

Saying that, Feng Rui looked at Inuyasha.

These two inheritance places are very interesting. The male inheritance land appears first, and the female inheritance land appears after passing the trial.

Are you actually a dating agency?

Izayoi heard it, why is this so wrong?Her pretty face flushed, "Sister, what are you talking about! He is my son, not the part of "Yang"!"

"Huh? Is there any problem? Feng Hao is also my brother~" Feng Rui said seriously.

Chapter [-] The matter of scholars, how can it be called peeping?

"Clam?" Inuyasha spat out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

He looked at Feng Rui, who looked like flowers and jade, and thought back to that rough man Feng Hao... If the two were just husband and wife, Inuyasha would still be able to accept it, after all, in those days, it was not the face, but the strength!

And Feng Hao's strength is definitely the top existence, it is not unacceptable to be able to get such a beauty.


You say you two are brother and sister?Oh, I can't believe it!

"What's wrong? Don't we look alike?" Feng Rui looked at Inuyasha strangely, and his reaction was funny.

"Not at all!" Inuyasha and Izayoi replied almost at the same time.I have to say that Inuyasha and the mother-in-law still have a tacit understanding, although now Izayoi Club likes to bully him~

"Well... Anyway, I'll pass the inheritance to you first, so you can figure it out for yourself~" Feng Rui waved his hand indifferently.


Izayoi nodded lightly, and it would be fine to hold it anyway.

Besides, even if she doesn't need it, isn't there a lot of hot daughter-in-law here?I can teach them later~


Feng Ruisu waved his hand lightly, what a fart!Inuyasha was directly slapped on the altar by this old lady.Then, a strange halo surrounded the entire altar, completely obscuring everyone's sight.

"Humph! Want to stop me? Dog Dan, give me a video." Inuyasha smiled contemptuously.

"Bah! Lustful dog!"

Goudan scolded, but still obediently gave him a screen, and the picture in the halo was immediately unobstructed.

But soon, the smugness on Inuyasha's face was replaced by embarrassment!

He finally understood why Feng Rui wanted to make such an enchantment, and the inheritance of feelings should also be engraved with tattoos.However... Feng Rui's movements are much softer than Feng Hao's, and this picture... ahem!

Angel Ergouzi: "Can't see, can't see! A gentleman's trip, see no injustice, do not listen to indecent..."

The devil's second dog: "Look, look! It's not like you haven't seen it anyway, dare you say you don't remember what her body looks like?"

Inuyasha slapped the two puppies away, and then looked at them seriously.

How can it be called a peek when it comes to scholars?

dont see?That's impossible!

on the screen.

Feng Rui pulled out the hairpin from her hair and gestured towards Shishi Ye Banguo's body for a long time.It seems that he is looking for a suitable place to start, and finally he will start after looking at his own.

"Qiudou sack! Please spend it on my arm, please!" Izayoi hurriedly stopped.

"Eh? I think it still looks good here?"

Feng Rui pointed to the small flat land just below her belly button, and looked at Izayoi with a look of "trust me, that's right~".

Our mother-in-law quickly shook her head, she is a serious lady.Tattoos are already deviant, and if they were tattooed in that kind of place, she would rather die!

There, it's just too embarrassing, isn't it?I have nothing to say with these primitive people~

"Hey~ Cannian..." Inuyasha shook his head regretfully when he saw this scene.eh?What is he expecting?

Damn it, Inuyasha, you filthy dog!

Like Inuyasha, Feng Rui shook her head regretfully, and then drew a picture where Izayoi's right arm was close to her shoulder.

At this time, Inuyasha suddenly remembered his little lover in the underworld.On the same position on the left arm of the other side of the flower, there is a blood-red tattoo of the other side of the flower, which is very beautiful!

"I don't know if she and Yan Mo will fight~" Inuyasha thought of the two old women, and couldn't help showing a smile.

Shaking his head to shake these thoughts out of his mind, he felt that it was time for him to be drained a few times.


Feng Rui completed the tattoo, which was a faint lotus flower, which was very in line with the temperament of Sixteen Nights.

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