After discovering that he was blocked, Inuyasha's face was full of displeased expressions, his muscles trembled, blood was rushing under the blood vessels, and then his right foot suddenly stepped down.


The golden light above the bell shattered, and then the bell was trampled into scrap metal.

However, Inuyasha's enormous strength never let go.

The power contained in the big feet that landed on the top of the lonely peak exploded instantly, and the rocks that had been hardened by the strong wind all the year round exploded and flew in all directions.

bang, bang, bang...

Pieces of rock the size of a house slammed into the surrounding low mountains.

at the same time!

"Pfft!" Kong Hai, who was shoulder to shoulder with the sun, suddenly spit out a mouthful of golden blood.The golden light on his body suddenly dissipated, and the muscles and skin that were like young people wilted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the seven big tengu, after uttering a shrill roar, saw that they turned into little black spirits and dissipated.

After a long time, the dust and smoke dissipated...

"Uh, it's the first time I've found myself so domineering... Uh, poor!" Inuyasha sighed.Now, in front of his eyes, it can be described as golden light flickering.

After the rock of the solitary peak completely collapsed, the golden Buddha statue did not fall.

The base of the Buddha statue is a thirty-sixth grade golden lotus that is also pure gold, and below the golden lotus is a large golden pillar that reaches the sky!

About the thickness of a telephone pole, it goes from under the lotus seat to the bottom.

… … … … … …

That pillar is gold, pure gold!

It is naturally impossible for such a pillar to be cast with so much gold on a small island country. In fact, it was Kong Hai who accidentally encountered an underwater volcano, the Golden Volcano, in the depths of the sea overseas.

The molten lava in the volcano is completely melted into liquid gold, which allowed Kong Hai to cast such a golden Buddha.

As for the purpose...

If Inuyasha guessed correctly, this thing should go deep into the ground to absorb the spiritual power in the leylines, and that golden Buddha is the golden body of Kong Hai, or an incarnation outside the body.

The achievement of Earth Immortal will attract the legendary Thunder Tribulation, which should be what he used to transcend the Tribulation.

"'s mine now!" Inuyasha showed a shy smile, Kukai is such a nice person, he not only captured Baifeng Tengu and gave him, but also gave him so much gold.


Inuyasha grabbed the big golden pillar of the sky with both hands, and pulled it out of the ground at once, and then with a light wave, the golden pillar disappeared.

The space ring can't be inserted, but fortunately there is still system space available.

Goudan, who had been watching the battle, was stunned when she saw this scene. She only felt that she was being blocked by something.

Looking up, the big golden pillar with a golden Buddha sitting on top suddenly appeared in the system space, and it fell down towards Goudan's position. The palm of the Buddha statue just patted the top of Goudan's head.

"Ha! Tathagata Palm ~"

Chapter [-]: The Wrath of the Earth Pulse Dragon Spirit

"Er Gouzi, I'm not finished with you!"

Hearing Goudan's frantic voice in his ear, Er Gouzi finally showed a smug smile.These days, he has been suffocated to death. He has been scolded by the dog and can't say anything. Now he is finally comfortable.

Consciousness went to the system space to have a look, and saw the golden Buddha and pillars that had been divided into three sections, and Inuyasha secretly left again.

Now the dog eggs can't be provoked, slipped, slipped...

After losing the suppression of the Golden Buddha, the underground dragon veins were finally able to turn over.I saw that the sky suddenly darkened, and the already lingering Gangfeng roared even more, and there was a faint smell of xing.


Blood-red lightning roared in the sky, and a little bit of raindrops like blood fell from the sky to the world.

This is the Dragon Vein's anger, it has been imprisoned by Kong Hai for hundreds of years, and it is unscrupulously extracting its spiritual power.Now that Tongtian Jinzhu has been pulled out, the dragon veins who have regained their freedom naturally want revenge.

"hold head high!"

A three-clawed Flood Dragon rushed up from the ground and roared angrily at Konghai in the air.

And with the appearance of this Flood Dragon, the blood-colored lightning in the sky continued, pouring out his anger without hesitation.

In an instant, Kong Hai was submerged in the blood-colored thunder.At first, a faint golden light could still be seen, but as time passed, only thunder was left in the sky, and there was no longer a trace of golden light.

"Hoo~ is this the wrath of nature?" Inuyasha muttered to himself.

After every creature dies, everything he gets from nature will be returned to nature, but the appearance of monks broke this rule.

They have a long lifespan, and with the improvement of their realm, they can even be immortal.

In this way, monks can only take from nature indefinitely, and never give back to nature that day.It is no wonder that spiritual power is depleting day by day, and it is no wonder that if you want to become an earth immortal, you still need to transcend tribulation.

The monk itself is a struggle, with people, beasts, and heaven!

"Xiaoyu, how did you survive the thunderstorm in the first place?" Inuyasha looked at the miserable sun in the sea and couldn't help but turn around and asked.

"Lei Jie? That thing was super weak, Xiaoyu didn't feel anything, he passed by..."

Well, Xiaoyu's answer is simple and domineering.

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