This also made Inuyasha a lot easier. After all, Xiaoyu said that he didn't feel anything and passed by. When his body grew into a demon king, there should be no problem, right?

And this time.

As the Earth Vein Dragon Spirit vented the anger in his heart, the blood-colored lightning in the sky began to weaken, and the xing wind and blood rain slowly disappeared.

"hold head high!"

The Earth Pulse Dragon Spirit let out another high-pitched roar, then flicked his tail and turned his body to look at Inuyasha.The huge dragon's eyes stared at a dog with Hongguo on his upper body, as if he was ignoring who he was?

a long time.

He grew a dragon mouth full of sharp teeth, and a drop of golden blood flew out of his mouth and floated in front of Inuyasha.

"This is... it's true that good people have good rewards." Inuyasha smiled and grabbed the drop of blood, then stuffed it into his own and swallowed it.

A warm current slid down his throat and finally came to his stomach.

Looking at the attribute panel, there was a slight rise in the awakening level of the Ancestral Dragon's bloodline, and it really was just a three-clawed Earthline Dragon Spirit.Although it is his purest spiritual power, it still has little effect on Inuyasha.

The dragon veins in the world all originate from Kunlun, and by the time of the Fusang island country, only the small end part is left.

However, it is better than nothing.

"Thank you." Inuyasha bowed his hands to the Earthline Dragon Spirit. Since the other party expressed his kindness, he didn't mind being kind to him.

"hold head high!"

After the Earth Vein Dragon Spirit nodded, a divine dragon waved its tail and disappeared under the ground.

"Sa..." Inuyasha clapped his hands, this time the harvest was good, but this matter is not over yet.He looked somewhere in the sky and said, "Are you going to pretend to be dead?"

Kong Hai is not dead!

As I said before, the cultivator is trying to capture the creation of heaven and earth.Although the wrath of nature triggered by the Earth Vein Dragon Spirit was terrifying, it was still unable to take the life of a half-step Earth Immortal.

What's more, an old guy like Kukai might have many life-saving things.

"Cough cough... Since he entered the WTO, he has never suffered such a big loss." Kong Hai's voice came from above, but it sounded a little hoarse. It seemed that he was not doing well in the thundercloud just now. .

"Then you are really lucky. If you hadn't met me today, you wouldn't have suffered such a big loss." Inuyasha laughed.

"Bastard! You return my golden Buddha."


"Then I'll take your life!" Kong Hai's face was grim, and he never saw his previous immortal style.His body was densely packed, covered with scars left by lightning strikes, and only the Zen staff was left in his hand.

Just as miserable, as miserable.

And Inuyasha really can't think of it, at this time, how can he still want to take his dog's life?

This time!

Seeing the tattoos appearing on Kukai's upper body, Inuyasha was stunned, why does everyone have a tattoo these days?But if you look closely, isn't this the seven big tengu?

Now I fully understand that it is not the golden Buddha or the big bell that binds the souls of the seven Great Tengu, but Kukai himself!

He sealed the souls of the big tengu like his own body one by one, in order to improve his cultivation and prolong his life.

This is why Inuyasha always feels that he is weak.

It is also in the realm of half-step earth immortal, but Cuizi killed a demon king of the same realm at the beginning, as well as countless demon kings and demon generals, large and small, although he also paid the price with his life.

But Cuizi's fighting power can also be seen from this, which is completely different from Kong Hai.

It turned out that his cultivation was obtained in this way, and before his half-step Earth Immortal cultivation, the word "false" was added. 4.7

Even if he got the last pommel horse, it was a fake earth fairy.

"What? Your tattoo is domineering like me? What do you wear?" Inuyasha looked at Kukai, who had become thin under the lightning strike, with disdain. He took Kikyo's longbow as his opinion.

"He's meow, I'm a SB for social security!"

Inuyasha doesn't have the power of smashing demons like Kikyo, but it can't hold back the power of demon spirits.

The arrow became bigger and bigger in the air, and finally turned into a light cannon the size of a house, looking at the size, it felt exciting!


A Buddha's horn sounded, and seven big tengu flew out of him and quickly gathered in front of Kong Hai.However, the demon spirit power contained in this arrow was so huge that it directly shattered the seven Great Tengu, and then slammed into Kong Hai.

Chapter two hundred and seventy-third dark shot dry

Will be Ling Jueding, a electromagnetic cannon...

Looking at the light that began to fade a little bit, Inuyasha nodded in satisfaction.Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by a single electromagnetic gun, if so?Then do it again!

Of course, if you encounter a certain hooker, you should pay attention and act vigorously, and if you can't, there will be Monkey Sailei.

"Dead?" An old bald man fell from the clouds covered in white smoke, looking like he was dead.

Kukai's body was full of lightning strikes, and the burning marks left by the light-emitting cannon just now.

The fluttering long beard was missing, and there were many wrinkles on the face that were not there before.In this battle, he consumed so much spiritual power that he couldn't be shameless and youthful.

Inuyasha looked at the old guy who fell from his side indifferently, without a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

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