A Hell Called Serestral

Chapter 4 - Body Thief

"Your house healers… can heal us…" Sunrei gave Aries a couple of bracelets with various ornaments.

The woven lace was similar to the one that Pieffer had used to bring him at that place but the decoration dangling on each of the bracelet were different. Aside from the ones with a lion ornament, there were also some laces with pendants shaped like pear, rose, scorpion, fish, bull, jar, and ram.

He grabbed the one with a ram's head pendant and showed it at Sunrei, "Is this the one?"

But Sunrei had already lost his consciousness and could not give him an answer.

Damn you, Sunrei!

He dropped the unconscious man on the floor then carefully placed Pieffer on the bed so that he could check the pocket of her overcoat.

He immediately found the bracelets and it was the same set as to the ones Sunrei had given him. But Aries could only put his faith in Pieffer.

He pocketed all the bracelets except for the one with a ram's head pendant then he carried Pieffer back on his left shoulder then grabbed Sunrei from the floor and put him on his other shoulder..

Ram's head because of these horns.

He glanced up at the ram's horns sticking out from the sides of his head. They looked similar to the horns on the pendant.

I hope this is the right choice.

"So, it is true. You are still alive."

The voice came from a man that entered the already opened entrance. He was a tall and lean man. Maybe a few inches taller than Aries. He had his long dark blue hair neatly ponytailed at the back of his head. He was wearing a dark blue overcoat, pants with the same color, and black knee-length boots. His eyes also had a dark shade of blue and dangerously glaring at Aries.

"How many times do I have to kill you, Aries Del Luna?"

At the right hand of the dangerous man, a sword with a golden blade had materialized. It had a hilt that looked like the sun with six rays.

"Who are you?" Aries should have shattered the bracelet by that time, but curiosity got the best of him.

"You will recognize me after I return to my true body," the dangerous man shifted his gaze towards Sunrei and stared as if he wanted to devour the unconscious man. "Give him to me."

"This is your true body?" Aries curiously asked. "Are you insane?"

"This is Demise," the dangerous man raised his golden sword and pointed it at Aries. "Only I can wield this."

"You must have gone crazy," Aries was about to throw the bracelet at the ground but stopped when the golden blade suddenly touched the skin of his neck.

"It must be true. You had forgotten everything," a wicked smile curved on his lips when he said, "Or… like me and that man you think is Sunrei, you are also a body thief?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Aries quickly took a step backward and hurled Sunrei at the dangerous man.

It must be true that the newly-arrived stranger desperately wanted to take Pieffer's sibling because he quickly dropped his golden sword just to catch Sunrei.

Aries took that opportunity to shatter the pendant at the floor and disappear at that dangerous place together with Pieffer.

When the blinding light that swallowed him had faded, Aries found himself in a familiar place. That was the same room where he had awakened earlier. Pieffer was still in his shoulder. She did not vanish like what happened earlier.

Breaking the ram's head pendant must be the right choice.

As soon as Aries placed Pieffer at the bed, a door opened and a young man in a white overcoat had entered.

"Sir Aries!" the man bowed low in front of him and went on speaking, "I rushed in here as soon as I saw a blinding light from your window."

"Are you a doctor?"

The young man lifted his head and looked a little taken aback at his question then tears filled his eyes as he answered, "Yes, Sir Aries!"

"Can you heal Pieffer?"

The young man nodded, wiped the tears in his eyes, and walked towards the bed where Pieffer was lying. She was still unconscious. Sweat covered her face and her forehead creased with pain.

The young man in white overcoat placed his palms over her wounds. After a few seconds, those palms emitted a faint green light that magically mended the stab wounds of Pieffer. And within five minutes, her shoulders looked as if it had not been scathed at all.

Aries wondered why Pieffer had been fully mended while his torso was still covered by bandages.

"Sir Aries, should we try to heal your wounds again?" the healer turned to him as if his thoughts had been heard.

"No," Aries shook his head. "My wounds will heal in time. How about Pieffer? Will she be okay?"

"Yes, Sir Aries," the young man bowed to him once more. "I will take my leave. You can call me if you are hurting somewhere. I will try my best to heal it."

"What is your name?"

"Paolo!" the young man cried then sprinted out of the room.

"What is wrong with him?" Aries wondered then leaned on the bedside table with a lingering feeling of discomfort.

And to make it worse, he heard Pieffer whispering in her sleep.

Sunrei… brother… please… don't leave…

Then he remembered what Pieffer had told him earlier.

'This is trial for redemption. All of us in this world had been given a chance to be redeemed. He is my brother. I should save him. But I cannot do it alone. I need your help, Aries.'

'I need your help, Aries.'

Her voice echoed annoyingly within his mind.

"Why do I have to help him?" Aries asked out loud as he reached for the bracelets in his pocket.

He picked the one with the lion's head.

"I don't think that Sunrei and I should ever be forgiven," Aries tossed the bracelet on the floor and grabbed another bracelet from his pocket. The one with the ram's head. He gripped it tight and glanced at Pieffer. "But if the only way to save your soul is to pass this trial of redemption, then I will do whatever it takes to save everyone in this world," he stepped on the lion's head pendant and he was instantly transported back to that ominous house where he had left Sunrei.

Fortunately for Aries, Sunrei and the dangerous man were still in the room. They were wrestling against each other. The dangerous man had the upper hand because Sunrei was already gravely wounded. The former was continuously punching the latter on the face while furiously screaming.

"Return my body!!!"

"This is my body!!!" Sunrei yelled back.

Both were so focused with each other that they failed to notice the blinding light that brought back Aries.

Though confused, Aries grabbed the Sunrei that Pieffer wanted to save and kicked the dangerous man away.

"Find another body," he told the dangerous man rolling on the floor before he shattered another ram's head pendant with his boots.

Aries dropped Sunrei on the couch as soon as the blinding light that transported them back to safety had vanished.

"I thought you were unconscious," Aries sat on the windowsill while glaring suspiciously at Sunrei.

"I was. But when that man tried to push me out of... out of my body… I woke up," Sunrei leaned on the backrest with his eyes closed.

"Sir Aries!" Paolo entered the room and quickly understood what he had to do. He healed Sunrei then asked, "Should I tell Miko to come here?"

"No need," Sunrei answered. "Thank you for healing me, Paolo."

"It is my pleasure to serve you, Crown Prince Sunrei!" Paolo politely replied before leaving the room.

"That man who is claiming this body…"

"I don't care who he is," Aries had quickly interrupted. "Pieffer wants to save you. That is the only reason why I rescued you. If she believes that you are her brother, then stay in that body and continue being her brother. If that man returns, then I will kill him."

"Who are you talking about?" Pieffer quietly asked as she sat up.

"Just sleep there," Aries said. "I can sleep anywhere."

"Thank you," Pieffer smiled then asked again, "Who will you kill?"

"Merrick," Sunrei answered, surprising Pieffer.

"You remembered Merrick?" there was a flicker of hope in her eyes that instantly died as soon as Aries replied.


"He showed up in the House of the Lion," Sunrei explained.

"Again? He nearly died the last time he came with us," Pieffer seemed to be worrying about that dangerous man.

"Before we talk about that strange man, I want you to answer some of my questions first," Aries interrupted the siblings and seriously gazed at Pieffer.

"Is it about how I brought you from this room to that house?"

"You were with me and then you were pinned on the wall."

"That is one of her abilities that she cannot fully control as of the moment," Sunrei answered and Pieffer blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for dragging you in that place without an explanation," Pieffer blushed further with shame. "It's just that…"

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me your reason. I only want to know how many Pieffer are in this world," Aries glanced back at Sunrei as he suddenly changed his mind about that dangerous man. He had this feeling that he should know more about that person. "Merrick called you a body thief. Is that true?"

"He said that?" Pieffer seemed frightened. "Is he possessed? You are Sunrei. You own that body."

"He is wielding a golden sword named Demise," Aries seriously added, silencing the siblings.

It appeared that they knew what that sword meant.

"No," Pieffer shook her head and clenched her fist against the bedsheet. "You are my brother. Stay in that body. That is also what Father wants."

Sunrei was not saying anything. But the guilt in his eyes while he was staring at the fireplace revealed everything that Aries had to know.

"You said that this is a trial to redeem our souls," Aries reminded Pieffer.

"Trial?" Sunrei glanced at his younger sister with confusion.

Pieffer closed her eyes then sighed.

"Give me the remaining bracelets," Pieffer moved out of the bed and reached out her upturned palm to Aries.

"Where are we going?" Aries asked while taking all the bracelets from the pocket of his pants.

"You will know once we get there," Pieffer grabbed the bracelets from Aries then walked towards the cabinet.

She took three overcoats from the furniture. She handed the crimson one to Aries, black to Sunrei, then she replaced the white overcoat she was wearing with the pink one in her hands.

"Let's go," she pocketed the bracelets aside from the one with a rose ornament then seized Aries and Sunrei by their hands before shattering the pendant.


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