A Hell Called Serestral

Chapter 5 - Hell Called Serestral

Pieffer brought Aries and Sunrei to the highest tower of an enormous blue castle atop a snow-covered mountain. There was a flag in that tower that had a woven blue rose emblem on it. From there they can see almost everything that surrounds that fortress.

"Aries, you are not dead," Pieffer held his hand and led him towards the stone railings.

The sun was high up in the clear blue sky. Aries realized only then that from the house where they had encountered strange enemies, he could not see any light from outside the windows and even from the entrance of the house. It appeared that the place was covered with dark skies. Aries could see dark skies covering most parts of that kingdom.

"This is Serestral," Pieffer tugged at his sleeve and pointed downwards.

Amidst the clouds, Aries could glimpse immense stone walls surrounding that fortress. Past the walls were big and small houses then walls again.. He counted twelve sets of walls separating groups of houses. Then past those walls and around what Pieffer called Serestral was boundless desert.

"You are Aries Del Luna," Pieffer seriously stared at him. "You are a knight and House of Ram is your land. You protect it and this castle as well. This is the only place where you can teleport using that bracelet with a blue rose pendant," Pieffer went on. "You've met one of the triplet's healer. One is stationed at your house while the other two are stationed here at the castle. It is father's idea because the three of us are always getting seriously injured," she smiled and reached out a hand at Aries as if offering a handshake.

Aries took it.

"I am Pieffer Celestine, princess of Serestral," she introduced with a wider smile. "Sunrei is my older brother and the crown prince. My father is King Astra Celestine. His presence in this castle provides an impenetrable shield. You can only enter with his permission. This is the only area where he allows the Zodiac Knights to enter and leave using that special bracelet," Pieffer reached past the railings, but her finger rebounded at some unseen barrier. "Even for us. This is the only entrance and exit."

Aries remembered the boss of Zodiac Assassins. He was also that cautious. Only a few people could meet him. Aries met him twice but he could not see the face of his boss on both occasions because the rooms where they talked were poorly illuminated. His boss must have hated lights.

"Our enemies are the undying souls of Celestial Knights," Pieffer looked up at the sky with a sad smile. "Hundreds of years ago, they were our allies. They served Serestral side by side with Zodiac Knights. But they revolted when the founder of Zodiac Knights had been chosen as the next king of Serestral. They had been driven out of Serestral, but they refused to leave this kingdom in peace and had been killed. But their grudge was too powerful that even death cannot claim them. They can only accept death once Serestral had fallen."

How can I be different from those Celestial Knights? I had nearly given Sunrei to the enemies because I hated him that much. How can I be given a chance to be redeemed but not them? It seems... unfair...

"Zodiac Knights protected their land for hundreds of years," Aries wanted to cover his ears and stopped listening, but he did not want to offend Pieffer.

"They were strong enough to resist the corrupted souls of Celestial Knights. But everyone gets tired. With the passing of years, Zodiac Knights had weakened, and the corrupted souls finally found a way to get to them. Out of twelve, only five Zodiac Knights remained strong against the corrupted souls. House of Ram, House of Scorpion, House of Bull, House of Fish, House of Pitcher. They are the territories surrounding the castle. Fish are the territory before the Scorpion.

"Twelve Houses surrounds the Serestral Castle," Pieffer pointed beyond the walls of the castle. This is the North. Your land is nearest to the castle. Past your land is the House of Lion. And next to the house of Lion is the House of Archer. Both had fallen into the corrupted souls.

"On the South, two territories assist each other in resisting the corrupted souls. The House of Scorpion and the House of Fish. The House of Crab had fallen to the enemy.

"House of Bull is the only remaining territory on the West. The House of Maiden and the House of Goat had been conquered.

"On the East, The House of Pitcher is the only house fighting against our enemy. The House of Twins and the House of Scale had already been defeated.

"But the leaders of the houses that had been defeated should be alive somewhere in their land. Father said that if the leader was rendered incapable, it will be passed on to another person that is more capable."

"They are already defeated. Does that mean they are incapable and had been replaced?" Aries curiously asked.

"If that is what already happened, we just need to find their replacement," Pieffer smiled.

"How?" Aries frowned.

"They are special. They will stand out. We will find them no matter what happens," Pieffer positively stated.

"Really?" Aries doubted.

"You have horns. Only the leader of the House of Ram can possess that horn," the smile on her face widened. She seemed to be enjoying his ignorance. "And the scarlet sword you are using is special. Only you can use that."

"Wait," he suddenly remembered something. "I nearly died, right? I had been defeated. Can we really win against our enemies? They cannot even die. They just keep on finding new vessels."

"Once we find the house leaders, we can reinstate the shield on their houses, and it will strengthen the shield protecting the entirety of Serestral. Though we can never kill our enemies, we can drive them out of here."

"No. We need to find a way to kill them for good."

"Tauren and Quaria are already looking for ways to kill them," Sunrei was sitting on the railings. His conscience seemed to have lightened up a bit after taking in some refreshing cold air. "We should focus on finding the remaining house leaders."

"I want to know first how the enemy nearly killed us. I want to prevent it from happening again," Aries was glaring suspiciously at Sunrei when he asked. "Did you betray us?"


"Let him be, Pieffer," the regret showing in the eyes of Sunrei was making Aries furious. "Somehow that is true. I terribly messed up that time and it caused Aries to lose his memories. I should not have brought Merrick with me."

"It's getting cold," Pieffer said before Aries could ask a question. "Let's return to your house."


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