A Hell Called Serestral

Chapter 6 - Hell Is Winning

"Merrick?" Aries asked as he settled on the bed on the other side of the room.

Pieffer sat on the couch in front of the fireplace. There was sadness in her eyes as she stared at her brother.

"Merrick is Tauren's cousin," Sunrei answered. "He has this arrogance that turns people off. You and Pieffer do not want to be close to him. But he eventually became my friend.".

Of course, birds of the same feather flock together, Aries refrained from saying that out loud.

"Sunrei is the only one who can tolerate that man's arrogance," Pieffer commented with a teasing smile. "Or should I say that he becomes so tamed when you are with him?"

Who cannot be tamed by the devil himself? Aries glared at Sunrei.

"He is trying," the older brother reasoned with a sigh. "And because of that, I decided to befriend him. He always wanted to stick beside me but you," he smiled at Aries then shook his head, "You and Pieffer were always finding reasons to exclude him from our little adventures. Even when we were given this task to look for the house leaders, the two of you petitioned to His Highness that the three of us will be enough to fulfill the mission. I should have listened to you," Sunrei guiltily sighed. "But because he terribly wants to go with us, I gave him permission to follow us secretly," he felt so ashamed and had to cover his face with his palms, "I should not have done that. It was because he had left the House of Bull that he had been possessed by a corrupted soul. I should not have stopped you, Aries, from killing him. It was because of my foolishness that the enemy had stabbed you in the chest and hit you in the head."

"You tried to shield Aries," Pieffer said. "That is why you had also been hit in the head and nearly died."

"Is Merrick that armored man I stabbed in the heart?"

"No," Pieffer said. "You only knocked him out and forced the corrupted soul to leave his body, but you had also been hit in the head and stabbed in the chest. I'm still new at healing people and could not close all your fatal wounds but I managed to bring back your heartbeat. I also healed Sunrei and while he was waiting for you to come around, I transported Merrick back to the House of Bull. When I returned, Sunrei is busy fighting off the armored man and you were slowly regaining consciousness."

"Will Merrick show up again and make things hard for us?" Aries glared at Sunrei.

"Right now, he cannot walk," Sunrei answered and the look of guilt in his eyes was unbelievable. "I told Tauren to forbid him from leaving the House of Bull. What happened last time will not happen again. I promise."

"Promises are made to be broken," Aries got on his feet. "We should head out to the House of Lion before Merrick can walk and disrupt our mission."

"Let's go," Pieffer bolted upright and reached out her hands towards Sunrei and Aries.

As soon as both men grabbed her hands, she instantly shattered another pear-shaped bracelet and they had been swallowed by a blinding light.


The transport bracelet brought them to the room where he had awakened. According to Pieffer it was his room and that was in the House of Ram.

"That transport bracelet can teleport anywhere?" Aries asked as he put his sword back to its sheath over the bedside table.

"You see that pear-shaped design at the middle?" Pieffer pointed on the chandelier just above her and Sunrei. It was crimson in color and as big as a bulb. It had the same color as the pear-shaped ornament that Pieffer had shattered.

Aries recalled the color of the ornament that transported them to the castle. It was also blue but darker.

"The bracelets are color-coded?"

"Yes," Pieffer answered and raised her hand. She was wearing the same color of ornament he had given Aries. "The bracelets and chandeliers are Tauren's latest invention."

"I kept hearing his name. Who is this Tauren?"

"Tauren is the Leader of House Bull. He spends most of his time creating things with his talent and magic. He keeps his land safe with his magnificent inventions. You will eventually meet him. He comes out of his laboratory once in a while and visits us."

"But I guess you will meet Siorre and Pines first," Sunrei grabbed the doorknob. "Siorre leads the House of Scorpion while Pines leads the House of Fish."

"Quaria who lead the House of Pitcher also visits us, but she is as busy as Tauren," Pieffer opened a cabinet and pulled a crimson overcoat. "Quaria loves to read books and conduct endless research. She helps Tauren in his inventions," she handed the overcoat to Sunrei and said, "Change your clothes first."

"This will only get dirty," he said after replacing the one he was wearing. "Let's go?"

"Let's eat first," Pieffer looked excited when she hopped outside the room. "Aries, you have an incredible cook. Miko is his name."

After passing long hallways and descending a few staircases, they finally reached the dining area. A mouth-watering aroma was floating all over the room that was twice as big as his chamber. Open windows lined on one side of the wall. Lamps were sticking out on the other side. At the center of the room was a long table. That was where the mouth-watering aroma was coming. Long benches lined on each side of the table. Only three of them were eating but the food can probably feed twenty or more people.

"Sir Aries!!!" a muscular man wearing purple and body fit clothing was running towards him with arms wide open.

Aries quickly bent his knees and evaded being crushed to death by those big arms. He closed his right fist and aimed at the head of the muscular man whose eyes had widened with fear.

"Aries!" Sunrei caught his fist and pulled it away from the muscular man. "This is Miko. Your cook. This is how he greets people."

Pieffer put an arm around Miko's shoulders and led him towards one of the benches.

"Did you…" Miko swallowed then cried like a baby, "Did you truly forget about us, Sir Aries?!"

"Miko, please understand," Pieffer offered him a handkerchief.

"I'm sorry," Aries blurted before he could stop himself.

Fuck. Aside from Pieffer, I never felt sorry and apologized to anyone. So… why did I apologize to that muscular crybaby?

"No, Sir Aries," Miko got up on his feet and motioned for Aries to take his seat. "This must be hard for you. Just eat. Maybe these foods can help you remember. I'll call the kids."

"What kids?" Aries asked as his heart pounded annoyingly strange.

The door opened and twenty or more kids came running towards him with arms wide open.

"STOP!!!" Aries angrily yelled, silencing everyone. "I will eat in my room."

"No," Pieffer held his hand and pushed him down on the bench. "You will eat with everyone."

"You want to torment me with these kids?" he glared at Pieffer who only smiled at him.

Fine. Do what you want.

Aries sat between Pieffer and Sunrei.

Miko and the children looked sad as they sat around the table. Their feelings should not be important to Aries. He never cared for a stranger. He had no intention to start caring for someone that hell had created. But…

"I'm sorry."

There. He had said those lame words again.

"I'm not… feeling well…"

Damn this hell!!! Why do I have to explain to these little devils?!"

"Kids, you have to be patient with Sir Aries," Miko explained. "He hit his head pretty badly and having difficulty remembering things. We should not stress him out."

One lad, who seemed to be the oldest among the children gathered around the table, moved out of his chair and put a piece of meat on the empty plate of Aries.

"I'm Matchi," the kid smiled at him. "You told me that a bad memory should be thrown away to be replaced with better ones. I can smile now because you saved me. Not just me. But all of us in here. We can smile because of you. Thank you, Sir Aries!" he cried. "You don't have to worry about us anymore. We can take care of each other. Just please, be well and be safe."

All the children cried to him, "Please, Sir Aries, don't die…"

Shit, Aries cursed as tears flowed from his eyes. Why am I crying? I don't even know these devils!

He got up on his feet and walked out of the dining area.

"Aries!" Pieffer seized his hand and stopped him from wandering aimlessly.

"Let's leave this place, please."

Fuck. I am now begging the devil! What is happening to me?!

"Let's leave," Sunrei was approaching with a packed lunch in his hands. "Miko saved these for us. We should eat before entering the House of Lion."

"I'll get my sword first."

"No need for that Aries," Pieffer raised his hand that she was holding. "You can call it out."


"Vermillion. That is the name of your sword," Pieffer said. "Call it out when needed. Let's go?"

"Let's go."


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