A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 160 - 159 – It's Not Okay.

Emma, ​​who continued to walk around while she was impatient and worried about Noah, started running around again to see if she could find any evidence that he was around.

And so, another half hour passed.

The forest was big, so it wouldn't be easy to look for him alone, she started to wonder if she should have accepted Lucio's help as soon as she realized she was having difficulties.

"Where are you? Noah!" She screamed again and waited for an answer, but the only sound she heard was the leaves on the trees swaying in the wind and the sound of birds that looked happy.

And so she continued to look intently all over the forest while looking for every trace of Noah. It was a lot of work, and when she realized it was almost lunchtime.

Hours passed.

'I should have found him by now, isn't he around?' Emma, ​​who was confident she'd searched enough, began to get nervous and uneasy as she hadn't found Noah even looking for him for hours.

She searched near the village, far from the village, but still found no sign.

"Should I go back?" She said it as she turned to go towards the village, this time she would ask the villagers and Lucio for help, if many people gather to help it will be easier to find him.

'I'm sure he's fine, I just need to calm down and look for him.' Emma thought as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to try to calm herself, then she started walking towards the village.

She walked for about two minutes before something caught her eye.

"This is…" Reaching down and shuffling through the leaves, she found a large red stain on a rock and the ground.

"This is blood, it doesn't look like a monster blood." The already dried blood looked a lot like human blood, and it made Emma's heart speed up. Although it was already a little dry, it appeared to be a fresh bloodstain.

"Noah, are you around? Reply!" She screamed as her breathing got a little uneven from nervousness. Her hand began to shake slightly as she held it in front of her eyes to hold back tears.

"Please," She said as she removed her hand from her eyes and then looked at the blood mark on the floor again. She looked around for some blood trail or something, but she couldn't find anything.

She searched for a path to follow Noah. In her mind, she still thought he was fine and these were only superficial injuries.

For some reason, she believed faithfully that this blood was Noah's.

Emma, ​​who continued to look at the ground, noticed an interesting thing. On the nearest tree, it had a red handprint, it looked like Noah had walked through while leaning on the trees.

And Noah's hand, which was completely smeared with blood, was leaving its marks.

"That's it, it's a trail." Finding the handprint, Emma seemed partially relieved to at least have a clue or path to follow to find Noah.

She followed through the forest as she searched the trees for handprints, but the marks grew fainter.

She was getting closer and closer to the village.

"Noah is heading towards the village, he must be nearby." She walked even faster as she looked at all the trees and followed the few traces of blood that remained.

And so it took a few minutes until she reached the place where most of the traps were at the moment.

"Noah? Are you around here?" Emma yelled as she walked around carefully.


As he lay at the bottom of a hole and looked up, Noah heard his mother's voice, but without the strength to say anything, he remained silent for some time.

Well, how did he get here?

Let's go back to when he was walking through the woods with his body completely injured. As he walked with his vision blurred and his consciousness almost gone he completely forgot about the traps he had placed in the forest along with his father.

He just thought about getting to the village since he was close. He was so close to getting there.

But suddenly he felt the support on his foot disappear and he fell straight into a hole. For a few seconds, his consciousness returned with the sudden event, which made him reflexively use earth magic to protect himself.

The thorns at the bottom of the hole were covered by a large amount of earth, but even though he did not immediately die from the thorns, he suffered a great impact on his body when he crashed into the earth.

His ribs that had stopped hurting before, started to hurt again making him moan as he held himself so he wouldn't start crying like a child.

And so we come to the current moment.

With Noah lying at the bottom of a hole while he couldn't speak and was having trouble breathing.

And now that he'd heard his mother's voice, for a moment he'd decided to make sure she found him, and he figured the best way to do that since he couldn't scream was to use magic.

His mana was loaded, only his abilities didn't work.

'Please see this,' he thought as he raised his hand with difficulty and used fire magic to shoot a large flame upward that came out of the hole. Of course, he controlled himself so the fire didn't end up burning the trees.

The heat inside the hole increased a lot and he began to sweat.


"Noah!" Emma screamed for Noah again as she looked around. Because of the dry leaves, distance, and trees along the way, she still hadn't noticed the open hole Noah was in.

Until suddenly as she looked around, she could see something coming out of the ground, a huge flame.

"Noah?" A smile spread across her face as she ran straight for it, not caring about the traps. Luckily none of the traps were activated and she got there quickly.

As she got closer, she could still see a lot of fire coming out of a hole.

It lasted a few more seconds before the flame descended and then disappeared.

Emma approached the hole as she felt hot steam hit her face. But she didn't mind that, a radiant smile spread across her face as she sighed in relief.

She could see Noah who had his eyes open as he looked at her and smiled.

Noah who was completely naked was badly injured and his hand was covered in blood that had dried.

"You fool." She said quietly as she prepared to pull him out.

It wasn't that difficult, the hole was relatively deep, but she managed to jump down there without much difficulty, which surprised Noah. She fell there so easily and didn't even feel the impact on his feet.

When she reached the bottom, she took a closer look at the state of Noah's body.

His left shoulder was purple and appeared to be broken. His head seemed to be bleeding before, but now the bleeding had stopped.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Emma grabbed under Noah's legs and then to his back to lift him, but just as she lifted him.

"UUUU, it hurts," Noah grunted as he gritted his teeth and his body shook.

"What's it? What are you feeling?" With Noah shaking and nearly crying in her arms, Emma started to get worried again as she despaired.

"My ribs, they're broken. When you held it behind my back..."

"Got it, but you'll have to hold on for a while longer." Emma seemed to be preparing to somehow jump out of the hole, which left Noah incredulous and a little worried.

"I will help you." Afraid that something would happen as soon as her mother jumped, he used wind magic to help her up, so she made it up there more easily.

"Thanks, now let's go because everyone is worried about you," Emma said as she still held Noah in her arms and walked towards the village.






Without getting an answer, she realized that Noah was already passed out, causing her heart to start pounding.

It wasn't time to calm down yet.

Holding Noah who was naked, she ran straight to the village.

Her body sweating as she breathed heavily and gritted her teeth. She squeezed Noah's body even tighter she even seemed to have forgotten that his spine was broken.

But with that grip and putting Noah closer to her body, she noticed that his body had started to get cold as she approached the village gate.

Desperate, she screamed for them to open the gate as she almost started to cry as she felt her son's heartbeat slower and his body starts to get cold.

The people inside the village hearing Emma's desperate screams began to despair as well.

Mainly Lari who was near the gate.

She also began to despair as Emma ran with Noah in her arms straight to her house.

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