A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 161 - 160 - ...

With the bad atmosphere about the situation Noah was in, Emma passed by everyone and arrived at her house quickly. The situation was not good, she felt that Noah was almost dead.

His body was already cold and his breathing is compromised. Her heartbeat was also slow and her heart seemed to be close to stopping. Her face was pale perhaps from the loss of blood.

Emma looked for someplace where some bleeding was happening, but she couldn't find it. Her head was bruised, but it wasn't bleeding, and other parts of her body didn't have any exposed wounds.

The only conclusion was.

"There's some internal bleeding, I can't do anything about it." She thought as she looked at Noah. She also felt her body go cold and she was breathing rapidly perhaps out of desperation.

Lari who ran inside along with Emma was by the side of the bed Noah had been placed on and was crying desperately.

"Wake up, please." She said as she cried and wet the mattress of Emma's bed.

Her hands were placed on Noah's face and she stroked him gently as she begged him to wake up. This scene made Lisandra who was next begin to accept what was happening.

"Noah?" She asked as she walked even closer to the bed and knelt beside the bed beside Lari. She stared in shock at her little brother's injured body.

She reached out her hand towards Noah's small hand that was smeared with blood and took it. Noah's hand was so cold it made Lisandra's body shiver a little.

Her eyes welled up and soon afterward big tears started to come out of her eyes as she held Noah's hand with all her strength and looked at him in shock.

She didn't make any sound like Lari, she cried silently as her mind continued to be a mess.

Next to Lisandra was Lucio standing there looking in shock at his son lying on the bed as if he were already dead. Great pain in his chest hit him as he looked at Emma's face that was wreathed in despair and sadness.

Emma was also there helpless and unable to do much for her son.

But it wasn't easy. In this village there didn't seem to be anyone who used healing magic, so Lucio began to despair even more. The villagers looked at him with pity but could do nothing to help.

The scene of his little daughter in shock as she cried and looked at her little brother's body was the trigger for him to feel his body go limp for just a few seconds. It was as if his blood pressure had dropped.

And after controlling himself, he ran outside the bedroom.

Lucio who was a man who rarely cried was holding on he tears as he ran directly to one of the horses beside his house. After that, he let out a scream loud enough for everyone inside the house to hear.

"I'm going to go find a magician or a doctor, I'll get back as soon as possible." Everyone noticed his concern. His voice was also hoarse and it sounded like he was crying.

No, everyone who could see his face could see the tears streaming down his face over and over.

Arriving at the gate, the gate was opened immediately and Lucio ran away towards the nearest town to look for help.

The guards looked sadly at Lucio who was leaving towards the nearest town. It was a futile trip.

"You saw that boy's face," One of the guards said in a sad voice.

"Yes, he was almost dead already. He was pale." The other guard who seemed a little more indifferent about the matter replied. Of course, that was just what he showed, but inside he was begging Lucio to find someone.

"Yes. The nearest town is two days away. He should know that he won't have time to do anything." The guard said as he slowly closed the gate.

"Yes, it's too bad." Another guard lowered his head and looked at the ground. He began to pray to the goddess silently that that little boy would be okay.

He saw Noah grow up, so seeing him in that state was a sight that shook him. Other residents who had known Noah for years also felt the same way.

Many of them prayed to the goddess that Noah would survive, and some people gave up and didn't believe Noah would survive.

The mood in the village changed immediately after this event. Everyone's work was interrupted, and all the residents were eagerly awaiting news of the state Noah was in.

Especially one specific woman who had even started crying outside Emma's house.

They had no idea what was going on inside the house, they could only hear Lari's crying that continued. It was loud and scandalous.


About five minutes after Lucio had left.

A tall, red-haired girl arrived at the house and opened the door without caring. Many residents looked at that scene surprised as that girl broke into the house so casually.

But they remembered that she was one of Noah's friends who had come to the village some time ago. Realizing this, they began to feel sorry for the girl too.

Ciaphia who entered the house quickly almost lost her balance and fell to the ground. She was sweaty and breathing heavily showing that she ran quickly here.

She had a pretty strong body, but her nervousness made her body sweat and she got tired quickly. She arrived at the house and the first thing she heard was Lari's loud crying that continued.

Ciaphia swallowed some saliva and then closed the door.

Walking into Emma's room where Noah was currently lying, she encountered a scene that left her in shock.

Emma was standing a little farther away from the bed with her back to the wall as she put her hand over her mouth and looked thoughtful. Also, Ciaphia saw that she was trembling a little and she was still crying.

Lari and Lisandra were crouched beside the bed. Lari was leaning over the bed with her face very close to Noah's face as she cried. Lisandra on the other hand wasn't leaning over the bed.

She had only her hand holding Noah's hand. Lisandra was squeezing his hand tightly as she remained silent and made no move.

Her only movements were her fingers that sometimes moved to massage Noah's fingers.

Putting all the sad women aside, Ciaphia began to pay attention only to Noah lying on the bed.

His face was pale and he was out. His body had been covered by a blanket, and only his head and the hand Lisandra was holding were uncovered.

Emma had put the blanket on to warm Noah's body, but his body temperature hadn't risen much. But even so, after his body was covered and he was left lying on the bed, his condition seemed to have improved a little.

His breathing was now stronger and more regular, and his heart rate had increased. Of course, it was still weak, but this time Emma don't think her son was dying.

Now she thought that her son was stable and that he could hold out for a while longer.

Of course, if it took too long he would eventually die.

"So you came." Noticing the presence of Ciaphia who had entered the bedroom, Emma turned to talk to her.

"I'm sorry about my condition, I couldn't stop crying for a while." Emma wiped at her swollen eyes with the back of her hand, but even so...

Tears had dried on her face and her eyes were swollen and red.

"Ah…" Ciaphia, not knowing what to say, swallowed her own words and was silent. She turned to look at Noah again.

"I won't say this was your fault, don't worry. At that time I was very nervous and spoke without thinking. It's Noah's fault for leaving like this, I hope he gets real fast so I can punish him properly."

Emma smirked, leaving Ciaphia speechless again.


"You can approach him if you want. And don't mind those two, they've been like this for a long time. I can't just ask them to calm down."

"..." Ciaphia remained silent and then went to the bed where Noah was. It was a double bed, and Noah was lying on the right side next to Lari and Lisandra.

Ciaphia moved to the left side of the bed.

After approaching, she looked at Emma once more.

"Can go." Emma smiled.

Then Ciaphia climbed onto the bed and approached Noah as she watched his face closely. As she approached, she felt a sudden pain in her chest, and tears that she had been holding back began to fall onto the mattress.

Tears fell all over the mattress as Ciaphia cried silently and looked into Noah's calm face. He seemed to be sleeping so well.

Ciaphia took her hand and placed it on Noah's left cheek. She felt his body temperature with her hand but didn't care.

She started stroking him while she cried and smiled at the same time.

Not even she knew why she was smiling.

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