A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 166 - 165 – Keep Them Occupied Or Destroy Them?

With both armies armed and ready for battle, the sun began to rise. The environment that was previously dark began to lighten and thus illuminate both armies at the same time.

Beastled's army was assembled simply. The king's 8 guards were on the front line. The monsters were in the middle and the main soldiers were in the back.

The commander was also in the rear along with the rest of the soldiers. Only two soldiers were kept at the front to keep the monsters under control until the battle started.

Southlein's soldiers were mounted in a more "Professional" fashion.

Soldiers with large shields and swords were on the front lines. Just behind, common soldiers using a one-handed sword and a small shield were mingled with soldiers mounted on horses.

In the middle of the army were the commanders who were divided and were in various areas to command the entire army.

And in the rear were the soldiers using bows, crossbows, and also the mages who would support with healing or defense magic. Of course, it also had attack mages, but they were in the minority.

But that was just a simple explanation, now you can multiply these soldiers I've quoted thousands of times so you can imagine the exact extent of Southlein's huge army.

The two armies faced each other from a distance and neither army dared to make a move.


On the front lines of the Beastled army, the eight great armors began to use that AOE magic they used before.


With magic suddenly beginning to be created, the commander of Southlein went on alert and began to prepare the wards. He knew how powerful this magic was, but the number of wizards he had at his disposal was too great.

"Come on, set up the barrier." With the commander's shout, other subcommanders began to warn everyone. Then all the mages were bent on setting up a barrier.

With a large amount of mana circulating throughout Southlein's army, a transparent barrier began to form and began to expand enough to protect the entire army.

But of course, a price had to be paid for this barrier to be created.

In just one spell, 80% of mages had their mana drained. They fell unconscious as soon as the barrier was erected.

But not having time to worry about the unconscious mages, everyone paid attention to the oncoming black ball.

The black ball that had been formed by the eight soldiers descended towards the barrier and touched it. Then a loud sound was made, it sounded like the sound of a mighty explosion.

After that sound, the black ball of magic spread across the barrier and then disappeared into thin air.

The black ball had crashed into the barrier and exploded.

The Southlein commander who saw this looked pleased.

And the Beastled commander who saw that mighty magic being stopped looked surprised and worried.

'Couldn't the guards break through the barrier?' He thought as his eyes were wide.

But just seconds later, Southlein's soldiers began to hear the sound of something cracking. When they looked up, they noticed the barrier cracking slowly as the mana dispersed into the air.

Before long, the entire barrier collapsed and the mana was thrown into the air.

The magicians who had fainted before woke up again, but they still ran out of mana.

Homan Gardkim who was the commander of Southlein looked at that scene a little worried. They had managed to stop the first movement of those armors, but what would come next?

He looked into the distance and the armors were still motionless.

"What should we do?" Ferdson Namac who was Homan's right-hand man approached while he was also mounted on a horse.

"I do not know what to do."

"Shouldn't we just attack with everything we've had? If we wait here they can cast another powerful magic like this and we won't be able to protect ourselves again. Most wizards-"

"Yes, I already know. But what do you think, Ferdson? Do you think we can win if we attack with everything we've got?"

"I have no doubts about that. I think our only concern is those eight armors. Besides them, I don't think we have anything to worry about."

"Do you think we should keep an attack focused on those armors with our greatest strength and let the rest of our army destroy the monsters and soldiers?"

"Well, I think that would be right. It would be easier if those 200 monsters we've heard about were here. But I don't think they'll make it in time."

"This is weird. If even a soldier managed to get here first to warn us, why have monsters that can run quickly not get here yet?" The commander looked worried about that.

He didn't believe monsters could be so kind.

"This is weird."

"But then I don't think we have another option. Gather mages who can use reinforcement magic and also gather our strongest soldiers."


"And keep an eye out for any move their army makes, attack with everything if necessary."

"Yes sir." After that Ferdson walked away and then began to gather the necessary soldiers.

Meanwhile, the commander talked to the other deputy commanders and told them what they were going to do. None of them were against this idea, because they thought that throwing all the soldiers to fight those armors was not a good idea.

It was better to use all the strongest soldiers to focus on dealing with them.

A battle with all soldiers attacking only the armors would turn into a complete mess.


Beastled's commander and his army were still standing there not believing what they had seen. They were just waiting for some movement from the armors that were on the front line.

The armors that remained quiet annoyed the commander, forcing him to run straight to the front line to talk to the armors. When he got there, he was scared, but he still opened his mouth.

"What is happening? Now that their barrier has been broken you guys should take the opportunity to attack again." The commander shouted.

After his shout, the eight armors looked at him at the same time.

But only one of them spoke.

"We can't cast another magic like that now, we're just waiting a little longer to recover."

"…Since you guys can't use another magic like that, why do you guys not go out there and fight with them directly? I'm sure you guys are strong enough."

The armor was silent for a moment before answering again.

"Their number is very large, even if we are strong it would still be a bit complicated to kill them all so easily. And we don't know if there's anyone strong in their army either."


"My brother told me about the child he killed. What if there are many more of these people in their army? We will have problems."

"How long will it take for you to be able to use that magic again?"

"Maybe ten more minutes. By my calculations, their mages will not recover in time to make another barrier."


"And don't worry. If they decide to advance towards us, we will attack with everything we have, you are safe for now. Look around you." At the words of the armor, the commander looked around.

There he realized that his army was also covered with a barrier, which made them quite safe from spells and projectiles.

'And that barrier is certainly stronger than the one Southlein used. I think we're fine." The commander who was feeling better again came back to the rear, leaving the armors in front.

He was confident that those armors wouldn't do anything wrong and wouldn't harm this battle, they knew what they were doing.


Southlein's strongest soldiers were already assembled.

The sub-commanders, influential nobles who wore beautiful armor and weapons of the best material, and some spearmen mounted their horses and held a long, shining spear.

And in addition, mages who could use booster magic were called out.

But of course, looking at the number of soldiers who were probably his elite soldiers, Homan couldn't help but sigh in concern. The number of soldiers he had managed to gather here probably did not reach 1000 soldiers.

Seeing this he knew it wasn't enough.

'This is far from enough. If we advance towards those armors with only 1000 soldiers, we will surely be massacred. Especially if they use other magic like that.'

Besides being worried about the number of soldiers, he was also afraid that the armors used other magic as they used before, that would be the end for them.

"Listen, I don't think this is enough." But it wasn't just Homan who was thinking this, Ferdson approached him worriedly.

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Do you think we should take more soldiers? Maybe there are some more competent soldiers out there."

"Yeah, just get some of them together. If we don't hurry we're in trouble. We have to take advantage that their army hasn't made a move yet."

"Okay, I'll do this as soon as possible." Ferdson walked away and soon after began to gather more soldiers that would be used in a direct battle against the armors to keep them occupied.

Or maybe even destroy them at best.

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