A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 167 - 166 – This Is Not Normal.

Armors were almost recovering as they looked at the enemy army from a considerable distance away. The mood was heavy, everyone was tense at the moment, except the armors.

Beastled's soldiers were anxious as they stared at the stationary armors without making a move.

And similarly, the soldiers of Southlein were anxious in fear of any movement of those armors.

In other words, all the attention of the war was on those armors.

It was obvious. On one side is an army that depends the armors to win, and on the other side is an army that only fears armor, so it makes sense for things to be as they are.

"I'm getting impatient, not ready yet?" Beastled's commander grunted as he tapped his foot on the ground.

His vice commander who was beside him looked at that scene also worried. He was watching Southlein's army from a distance and could see that they were starting to move.

"Southlein's army appears to be ready to move." He said as he swallowed his saliva.

The commander who heard this froze for about 5 seconds before looking towards the armors again.

"And they still haven't moved? Dude, fuck all this shit. I think I will attack with everything." The commander who was red with anger said this as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

The vice commander looked at that scene scared and immediately tried to calm the commander down.

"Don't say that, we won't be able to do anything. Let's leave it to them, okay? If the armors can't do anything, let's get out of here." The vice Commander said the last part low voice so the soldiers nearby wouldn't hear.

Of course, because they have animal ears, some of them still managed to hear and seemed incredulous at the Vice Commander's proposal.

"Do you think I would do that? I'm not leaving here until I take down the entire Southlein's army."


Noticing that the commander was completely changed, the Vice Commander could do nothing but remain silent and not bring up the subject. But he also seemed to have put some sense into the commander's head as he had given up on attacking.


"I think it's all right, so let's go?" The Southlein commander who had previously been able to keep his cool finally began to suffer the effects of the tension.

He started to sweat and his hand shook a little, he didn't even look like a knight used to battle. But still, he controlled himself enough that no one around him noticed.

If the other soldiers noticed that the commander is nervous and scared, surely their "will to fight" would fall and it would be difficult to win this battle.

'It will be hard to win. If the soldiers' "will to fight" is low we will be doomed.' The commander thought as he took a deep breath and prepared to start the advance against the eight armors.

"I'm feeling a little nervous, but I'm prepared," Ferdson said as he smiled and placed his horse beside Homan's horse, who was trying to hide his nervousness.

"I can see, you're sweating."

"You don't look too good either."


"You're not confident you can win either, are you? Honestly, I'm also about to run away from here just by looking at those armors and thinking I'm going to fight them."

"Don't say such a thing, the soldiers can hear you."

"And does it matter? All of them are also nervous and scared."

The commander looked around and realized how bad the situation was. Wherever he looked he only saw soldiers with grim expressions, it was as if they had given up on this battle before it even started.

Did those armors make such a dangerous impression? Well, the commander could understand the reason behind this.

The rumor about the massacre that had taken place a while ago was spread by the army, the previous barrier that was our strongest defense was destroyed with just one attack.

The soldiers' fighting spirit was harmed by this.

'Damn, should we back off? No, there's no going back now. And if we retreat, the cities and towns near the border are sure to be taken or destroyed. Also, the closer they are to the capital, the worse the situation will become.'

The commander was apprehensive and thought carefully, but sensing that he was wasting his time, he put the bad things out of his mind and tried to focus only on what was in front of him.

The eight armors and thousands of other soldiers and monsters.


The commander raised his sword.


The soldiers around him nodded in agreement.


The commander raised his sword and then the soldiers also perked up and raised their weapons. Of course, not all of them cheered up, some were still scared.

But even so, listening to the commander's words made them a little more confident.

The soldiers were confident, but as the commander advanced with his great army toward the armor on the front lines of Beastled's army, his only thoughts were.

'We're going to die.' The red glow in the opening of the eight armor's helmet left him afraid as he screamed and quickly approached with his horse.

His image as an experienced soldier and commander had been shattered.


The armors that were close to being able to cast the next spell immediately noticed Southlein's attack.

Thousands of soldiers mounted on horses and foot were coming towards them bent on killing them. But of course, they weren't scared or worried.

Once Southlein's army was a few meters away, they were stopped from continuing because of the barrier, leaving the soldiers surprised as they hadn't noticed the barrier before.

The Southlein commander who was at the front backed up a little with his soldiers.

"Attack!" He yelled as he swung his long sword towards the barrier. Following his example, the other soldiers also began to do the same thing as they tried to break through the barrier.

Attack mages who noticed also used attack magic to try to damage the barrier.

And the mages who could use reinforcement magic began to beef up the soldiers' bodies to make their attacks more powerful, but it didn't seem like it was working.

The attacks continued for about 2 minutes and the barrier didn't seem to have suffered any damage, everything was as before.

"Damn it, we won't be able to break through the barrier even with all our strength." Realizing it was futile to continue, Southlein's commander prepared to back away, but as soon as he turned to run away, he was stopped.

His horse stopped walking as if paralyzed, and the other soldiers' horses were acting the same way.

After stopping walking, the horses lost their strength and fell knocking all the riders to the ground at the same time.

"What is this?"

"What happened?"


"They did something, look!"

With the shouts of the soldiers, the commander looked at the horses and noticed some tentacles that were close to the body of each horse. Looking closer, the commander realized that the tentacles were connected with the eight armors.

As the tentacles moved away from the horses, they seemed to be sucking something from the horses. The horses were already completely immobile while "it" was being sucked.

No, they were already dead, all the horses died in an instant.

And why did the armors do it?

That's what the commander thought as he walked away along with the other knights who were now also without their horses. The soldiers who had been on their feet before were also desperately pulling away.

They all run away not knowing why the armors did this to the horses until finally, everyone got their answers.

The weather started to get cold again and a gale started.

All the soldiers of Southlein's main army who were still standing in the same spot were looking up at the sky in fear.

Meanwhile, the soldiers still trying to return to join the main army still didn't seem to have noticed.

Except for the commander and his Vice commander.

They looked up and noticed something strange forming.

The sky that was once clear was now completely overcast. Completely black clouds had formed over the two armies. Soon after, the black clouds began to swirl in a whirlpool.

The wind got stronger and stronger as the clouds got darker and lightning could be seen. Within seconds, the clouds had turned into a dense black mass that began to descend towards the ground in the form of a tornado.

The soldiers who had now noticed this began to despair as they ran quickly.

Southlein's main army that had noticed this earlier had already started their flight a long time ago.

This was not expected, the commander knew he was dealing with strong people, but this was not something a human or any other monster could do.

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