A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 177 - 176 – Let The Carnage Begin.

Inside the castle, a woman was walking along the main corridor and approaching her laboratory. Carefully, she opened the door and didn't mind the body that stained the entire floor red.

"He did that…Huh, I thought he wouldn't kill me that easily. I thought he would think a little bit before he did that, I think I underestimated him." The woman said as she approached her own body lying on the ground.

Yes, another woman like her was lying on the ground lifeless.

To be more exact, it was a copy of her own body. In a few minutes, that body had already started to decompose and leave a stench inside the room while the floor was stained black.

The blood on the floor had also started to turn black.

"I think it's a very good copy, maybe I managed to fool you? But I honestly didn't think he would come back here. Thank you master for letting me know about this." She smiled bitterly as she walked out of the room.

As she was leaving this world today, she didn't clean the floor and left her other body inside the room.

Staying inside the room would be unbearable because of the smell, but who would go in there besides her?

Maybe someone enters the future, but why would she care?

"I don't have to care about that." The woman went to her castle room and then packed her bags as if she were going on some kind of trip. In addition to clothing and accessories, the number of electronics was incredible.

"I can not forget my cell phone and drone." She took them both and tucked them inside a suitcase that would not be seen being used by anyone from this world.

'I wanted to stay here and have some more fun with that boy, but I think I can leave that to Hades. By the way, does he know that this boy is the disciple of the goddess? He must know.'

After finishing packing her things, she got ready.

"The time has come. I hope you don't suffer so much at the hands of Hades." The woman thought as she grabbed her bags and a magic circle appeared below her feet. It was a bluish and glowing circle.

After a few seconds, the woman disappeared from her room along with her bags.

A few meters away, inside the king's bedroom, a man wearing a hood also disappeared along with the magic circle. The king who was unconscious in his bed did not notice this event.

The people outside the room didn't seem to notice anything either.

And the king.

The two influential people he had so dearly accepted into his castle for being "Smart" and "Powerful" left, leaving him behind alone.

They had left him with his country in a horrible state and about to be attacked. It was something that would make him angry if he wasn't unconscious.


Isabell, who was still uneasy about the message, quickly returned to the castle. It only took a few minutes for her to enter the castle again and reach the previous room.

She went the same way, used the same spells, and got there quickly.

"Urg, what a stink." But when she opened the door to the white room, she felt a stink. It was as if several animals were dead and their flesh was already rotten.

But trying to keep from throwing up, Isabell walked into the room.

She looked at the same place she had left the body before to find only a black mass. It was like a pile of meat in a huge state of decomposition, it was disgusting, very disgusting.

"Damn it! I was wrong." She said frustrated as she gritted her teeth and controlled her feelings.

She had been deceived.

No, she was too naive and stupid, she should have checked the situation better. This woman is a person who works for one of her mother's sisters, she probably has a blessing.

"She wouldn't die that easily!" Isabell realized this and started to search the castle for the woman's tracks, but only came to a large room on the castle's second floor.

It was a luxurious room with a large closet that was now empty.

On the floor she could feel traces of magic and also thrown across the bed she could see a bag and also some clothes.

"Dammit dammit dammit." Frustrated at having let her prey escape, Isabell clenched her fists and then left the castle.


Approaching the capital of Southlein, eight armors left a black trail behind as they ran. Wherever they run, a black trail was left on the ground.

They were multiple times faster than a carriage speed, so a journey that would take days took just a few hours.

7 hours to be exact.

When they arrived in the capital, it was probably 4 or 5 in the morning. The sun was about to rise as they approached the capital.

Passing through small villages on the way, they left a trail of despair.

The villages was engulfed by just a spell and people took their last breath. Villages were extinguished in seconds.

And in a short time, they approached the capital.

From a distance, they looked at the great wall around the city and also the great locked gate.

"Should we just break down the gate?" One of the armor said as he continued to run.

"That's right, it will be easier that way."

"It's true, if we were to jump over the wall it would be a little more difficult."

"Then that's it. Just break down the gate."

Like a black bolt, the eight armors crashed into the capital's gate after a few seconds.

In the middle of the night, the sound of lightning falling followed by a great explosion sound.

The gate was on the ground.

The gate broke free from the wall and fell in one piece to the inside of the capital with the blow of armors.

With no time to react, some guards were crushed by the huge gate that weighed tons.

Everyone inside the capital, or at least those who managed to sleep, woke up to the loud noise that occurred. Wondering what was happening, some people went into hiding while others prepared to flee.

The remaining guards at the gate peered intently at the eight armor before having their bodies cut in half.

The carnage had started.


Through the dark streets of the capital, eight armors walked as the moonlight illuminated them. It was still raining, but it was a light rain.

The streetlights were off and the houses lights were off too. The armors that didn't care about the dark, started to receive some attacks.

Guards wearing heavy armor and large armor approached to try to do something, but it was useless.

One of the guards who wore a shield and a short sword approached one of the armor that was in one of the capital's narrow alleys.


But trying to make a surprise attack, he felt his arms being cut and his shield and sword dropped to the ground at the same time. Unable to feel his arms, he began to despair as he tried to run.

As he ran, a black bolt pierced his chest and without the strength to scream, he fell while he had tears in his eyes.

In different parts of the capital, soldiers were easily killed. The armors that received his attacks directly suffered no harm.

Mages also appeared and cast magics at the three armors walking along the main street, but the magics lost their strength and were deactivated before hitting them.

And the mages who attacked them were quickly killed by a single armor called the number 8.

Number 8 was the name of the armor that was the youngest among the eight brothers, and it was also the armor that ran through the capital quickly under orders from its brothers while hunting down the remaining guards.

"Is everything finished?" As soon as armor number 8 arrived on the main street. Number 1, 2, and 3 awaited him.

"Yes, the remaining guards are being killed by numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7." He replied politely.

"I understand. Since the guards are all dead, let's go straight to the castle." Armor number 1 said as he walked down the main street and headed straight for the castle.

"What will we do with the residents?" Armor number 8 asked as he watched his brothers walk towards the castle.

Armor number 1 pondered a moment before answering.

"Can you handle this along with our other brothers?"

"I'll do it."


After this short dialogue, the three armors went to the castle and armor number 8 remained in the same place. Conveniently he was facing a large inn.

"I feel a lot of presences in here." He said as he walked to the inn. Approaching the door, he tried to open it normally, but of course, the door was locked.

With no option, he broke the door open with his strength. The big armor almost had to duck to get through the door. When he entered, he found a large room with many tables.

But there was no one.

"They are upstairs.." As he climbed the stairs and made a loud noise, the people upstairs felt their bodies tremble as they cried silently so as not to attract attention.

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