A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 178 - 177 – Despair.

The armor climbed the stairs slowly and unhurriedly.

Upstairs, the people who heard his heavy footsteps making the stairs creak began to despair as they covered their mouths so as not to make a sound.

The armor arrived upstairs and found only a hallway with a few doors.

It was dark, but he could see and didn't mind. Several doors caught her eye, but the armor entered the first door that appeared.

Once inside, he found a bed and a closet. Some clothes and shoes were lying on the floor and loud breathing could be heard. It was the sound of a person holding back their cry while breathing rapidly.

The armor wasn't attracted by the sound, but by knowing that person was there from the beginning.

Under the bed, a man of about 20 years of age who was wearing a simple outfit was lying down as he placed his hands in front of his mouth to prevent him from making any sound.

Tears were in his eyes as he held himself back from getting out from under the bed and trying to escape as he heard his bedroom door open.

His entire body was shaking.

Even in the dark, he could see the feet of armor and the sound of iron hitting the wooden floor every time the armor walked. The man watched it and felt more and more scared.

The armor took slow strides toward him as he crept closer to the wall. The bed was glued to the wall, so he crawled very close to the wall to keep his distance.

Maybe the armor cannot reach him here?

What a stupid thought.


He made a loud sound as he held his hands in front of his mouth, then only an awkward moan was produced. The man who was now looking directly at the armor began to cry uncontrollably.

The bed on top of him was lifted and set aside with just one hand of the armor.

The armor's red 'Eyes' stared at him as he struggled to rise as his legs shook and his heart pounded.

"Please." He begged as he sat on the floor and put his back to the wall. He looked at the armor in front of him and began to beg.

Beneath her ass, a puddle of piss was created. Due to fear, he was not even able to control his bladder.

The man waited for an answer from the armor as he continued to tremble like a frightened dog. But his hopes were tossed in the trash as the armor came even closer to him and with his hand gripped the man's neck.

"It will not hurt." The armor said as his eyes stared into the man's face. The armor lifted the man by the neck as he thrashed and tried to kick the armor.

His tears fell onto armor's hand as he tried to scream, but his voice wouldn't come out.

"Uh~~" He groaned as he tried to say something, but it was getting harder and harder to breathe and he felt his neck being pierced by the fingers of the armor.


With the sound of a bone-breaking, the man's neck was snapped in half as the armor threaded all of its fingers into the man's neck. With his artery severed, the man began to bleed nonstop.

With his neck destroyed, the man couldn't move or speak as he continued with his eyes wide open and fell to the ground.

Within seconds the floor was soaked with blood and the man was lifeless.

The armor said before that it wouldn't hurt, but the man never thought he would suffer so much before he died.


"Someone help me."

"Please take my son with you."



"Not my son, please."

"You bastards, I'm going to kill every one of you. Why are you doing this? Shit!"

"Be quiet, maybe they'll let us out."

"They won't let it, these fuckers killed my wife, they fucking killed her!"

"Calm down."

"There's no way... Hic... There's no way."

It was already dawn while screams were heard inside the capital. The number of people killed on the street began to be incalculable. The armors executed people without thinking.

The same family that had previously been happy and prepared to flee after the warning was dead in their living room.

Families and more dead families inside your house.

In a house, the moving scene of a father trying to protect his son who was also dead beneath his body. The mother in the distance still had her eyes open and an expression of despair.

Through the streets, children were thrown into the alleys, lying in their blood.

Children who wore torn and dirty clothes. Children who lived miserable life and died the same way.

Thousands of lives were taken in two hours. It was like a purge.

The capital began to reek of blood.

Some people managed to run away from the capital while crying. Leaving everything behind.

Some people left their families behind.

And oddly enough, some entire families managed to flee as well.

But after a while the escape became impossible. With only one armor on at the capital's gate, many bodies of innocent citizens were piled up. They were killed as they approached.

Residents who tried to defend themselves and attack the armors realized how useless it was when they died with just one move.

Anyone looking at the capital now would not imagine that this was the same beautiful city as before. Eight 'people' turned the city into an execution camp where no one could flee.

Buildings were destroyed burying many people who lost their lives shortly thereafter due to lack of oxygen. Inns were raided and the people inside were massacred transforming the place into a horror movie environment and carnage.

Adventurers who tried to help were treated like 'dolls' and had their limbs ripped off, their bodies burned and their lives extinguished in seconds.

The population began to decline rapidly while the screams and cries of children that were interrupted immediately could be heard.


The villagers thought.


In the distance, Royma could see the wall of the capital. After hurrying, they managed to arrive in the capital sooner than they thought. A smile spread across her face as she saw the wall in the distance.

"Come on, we're almost there." The three employees behind her continued to move forward as they struggled to keep calm.

The women's minds were troubled. They couldn't quite figure out what they were doing at the moment.

Were they going to save themselves? Were they going to ask for help? What were they doing?

In the minds of the three women, there were only the scenes they saw before leaving Tineever. In addition to the image of her dead friend and her family members who were probably killed.

Did the will to live still exist?

Royma, who looked at the girls, wondered if they would still like to stay alive. But she didn't ask the girls anything. Royma wanted to keep them alive now, but whatever they decided to do next she wouldn't interfere.

So she wanted to get to the capital to get the girls to safety before leaving again.

She didn't know where she would go, maybe she would go back to Tineever.

But it's very hard for her to think of anything right now.

She quickened her steps as she approached the wall and walked towards the gate.

"Hm?" But there was something strange. As she approached the wall, she had already started to hear some screams inside the capital. It was like a big show happening where thousands of people screamed at the same time.

Hearing this she started to get extremely worried and her heart started to race.

She broke out in a cold sweat when she remembered the scene she witnessed in Tineever.

"The monsters couldn't get in, did they?" She said as she quickened her steps to quickly approach the capital's gate.

With her heart racing and sweat beading on her forehead, she lost strength in her legs as she approached the capital's gate.

"What... What... What the hell is...?" Not having the strength to speak as her body trembled, she fell to the ground without having the strength to remain standing. Her eyes were wide showing the shock.

There was no more gate.

The great giant wooden gate was on the ground, and over the fallen gate, thousands of bodies were lying. They weren't the bodies of monsters, but the bodies of people.

Normal people.


Just like the people who were slaughtered in Tineever. They were not to blame and were killed without reason, the same thing was happening in the capital.

Besides the bodies, a large armor was standing, causing a great shiver to Royma's body. But beyond the fear, she felt immeasurable anger, it was as if she was seeing her worst enemy in front of her.

"You bastard, you bastard." She said several times when tears started to appear in her eyes again.

She struggled to her feet.

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