A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 179 - 178 – She Regrets It.

Royma who got up took her sword that she kept in her waist. She had used the sword a few times during the journey, blood marks could be seen.

Blood dried and stuck to her blade.

Not only that, but her blade was also unsharp after everything she'd done. But Royma didn't care, gripped her sword tightly, and stared at the armor that was some distance away.

Inside the city, Royma could see the pile of bodies near the gates and on top of that, she could also see bodies and more bodies lying down the main street. That was enough to make her blood boil.

"These bastards." She said as she tried to control her feelings.

She knew she couldn't do anything here, so she was holding back.

The pressure that armor gave off wasn't normal. Royma could feel that if she moved towards that armor, she wouldn't come out alive, she would die practically instantly.

She didn't know there was anything so powerful in this world.

"Damn, damn it." She shivered as she held her sword and cried nonstop. She wanted to step forward and enter the capital to help, but she was scared, she didn't want to die.

All of her beautiful, glamorous, and powerful guild master image of her was thrown in the trash.

She was just another pretty woman who trembled and cried like a child witnessing everything that was happening.

"I won't be able to do anything, I have to control myself." Controlling her anger, Royma hurried away so she wouldn't be seen by the armor. Royma breathed heavily and continued to cry.

Her body was cold and she was also sweating.

Her heart was racing and she felt like throwing up for some reason. Maybe because of nervousness?

Royma ran directly to where her three employees who had come along with her were.

The three employees had stayed in the same place, they didn't dare move or follow Royma as they knew something serious was going on. They didn't want to disturb Royma.

What would happen if they interfered in a battle? Maybe they would die. But the worst thing for them would be to disturb Royma.

But now that Royma appeared in front of the three girls in a deplorable state, the three girls looked at her in amazement and concern. They hadn't cared about anything before, but after seeing Royma, they finally "Woke up."

"Are you okay? What happened?" One of the girls approached Royma who had fallen to her knees on the floor and was still crying.

"The capital. The capital was destroyed." Royma said in a low, tearful voice. The woman who heard this felt her chest go cold as if her heart had been hit by ice magic.

Then she hugged Royma. But she didn't say anything.

The two girls who had also heard this began to go into a state of acceptance about what had happened in Tineever, and also into a state of revolt at what was happening to their country.

Everything was being destroyed and nothing could be done.

The four women now wept together beside the wall of the capital as they continued to listen to the screams inside.

Royma really couldn't accept it all. She felt that her life was already over at this point. She doesn't have a family, her city has been destroyed, the capital that housed most of her friends is being destroyed.

And the worst... She can't do anything to help.


Inside the capital, on top of one of the buildings, a girl dressed strangely and wearing a mask to protect her face was watching the movements of the armors inside the capital.

That was Isabell.

After she arrived at the inn the previous day she regretted letting her prey get away. She ate and got ready for bed. But after some time, she noticed some sounds and also some magic use by the capital.

At first, she thought it was no big deal, maybe a small monster attack that would be resolved quickly? But after a while, she started to hear screams and more screams, so it piqued her curiosity.

She continued to think that nothing very serious was going on until she approached the main street. She was on top of one of the buildings as she watched everything.

While she was in the residential area, she couldn't notice anything strange, it was like before. The lights in the houses are off and everyone is silent.

But on Main Street it was different.

First, she noticed the gate in the ground as a large amount of blood poured out from under it, showing that there were bodies crushed down below. And on top of the gate that was on the ground, there were also soldiers' bodies.

Some of them didn't appear to have serious injuries, but they were unconscious. Others had their bodies split in half, producing a somewhat disgusting scene.

"Shit." But when she saw a large armor slicing through a woman's body, she realized that things were more complicated than she'd imagined.

"Should I do something to help?" Isabell thought as she broke out in a cold sweat and watched some children being killed in the alleyway nearby. The children tried to run as a black bolt pierced their backs and they fell lifeless.

She also noticed a running woman holding a small baby in her arms, but within seconds an armor with a red glow on her helmet appeared, forcing the woman to stop running.

As soon as she stopped her head was separated from her body as she fell to the ground crushing her child between her body and the ground.

Isabell, who saw this scene, clenched her fists and turned her face away so as not to observe for a long time.

"Damn, dammit." She whined as she gritted her teeth and hid on the roof of one of the buildings. The rain was still falling on the capital and was cleaning the blood in the streets.

But all the water mixed with the blood ran down the streets and stopped at just one point, producing a large red puddle.

Isabell wanted to help, but she felt she wasn't able to do that at the moment without her mother's help.

Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

'Mother, you're there, aren't you?' Isabell thought and waited for an answer.

[ Yes ]

A straight answer.

'Are you watching all this?'

[Yes. There are much worse things going on right now, but I think it's best not to tell you. ]

'Yes, you can spare me the details. Now I need your help. With my current strength, I could beat two of these armors at most, but I don't know exactly how many there are.'

[ There are eight armors in total. Three of them have already entered the castle. At the moment they haven't found the king's daughter and wife, but they are now near the king's bedroom. At the moment only the soldiers were killed. ]

'The king's daughter? How old is she?'

[ 5 years. ]

'I understand. But now you know what you have to do. Activate the blessing and allow me to kill those armors or demons, make it quick.' Isabell wanted to help the little child.

But her priority at the moment was the residents who were executed in front of her eyes.

[ Are you sure you want to do this? You already know what will happen if you fail, don't you? ]

'Yes, I know.'

[ Excellent. I'll activate the blessing, but before, I let you know. Don't underestimate these armors, they are subordinates of Hades. ]

'Wait. That Hades? Your brother?'

[ Exactly. He ended up sending his soldiers to settle in Beastled some time ago.]

'Why didn't you tell me about it?'

[ Just forget about it. Hope you do a good job. ]

At her mother's words, Isabell began to feel her body grow hot and her eyes glowed a golden color. A white light that could only be seen by Isabell fell on her body.


Inside a white room, a beautiful goddess was sitting in a chair while she sipped a cup of tea.

That was Isadora.

As she watched it all happen, she was calm as she sipped her cup of tea as if this were all nothing serious. 

"Haaa~~ They are focused on destroying me. First, they send me that stupid woman to Southlein who I don't even know exactly who put her there or where she came from."

Isadora took another sip of tea to continue.

"And then that bastard shows up to torment me again by sending those armors. Plus he started a war against Southlein... Did he even know that Southlein was already being invaded by another brother or sister of ours?"

Isadora got up as the table, chair and teacup disappeared.

"I knew I should have put Merian to deal with that woman from the start. It was naive of me."

Remembering what happened a short time ago where the woman managed to escape unharmed, she pissed off.

Isadora who had allowed that woman to live there for so many years began to feel guilty. No, she had no choice but to let that woman lives there.

She couldn't get that woman out.

She had no subordinates at her disposal, unlike most of her brothers. The only one who could do that was Merian, but she didn't think it was a good idea to give her daughter a mission like this.

Isadora still considered her daughter young. But she is right to do that, if they were to convert her daughter's age to human age she would be no more than 14 or 15 years old at the moment.

With her daughter having the strength limited to that of a C-RANK adventurer in the past, Isadora didn't want to involve her in this.

But now she deeply regrets it.

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