A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 180 - 179 - First Battle.

Some time has passed since Isabell received her mother's blessing. As soon as that light fell in the sky, she ended up passing out on top of one of the buildings. She still couldn't get used to it.

"And I wasted a lot of time." She was passed out for nearly an hour after receiving her mother's blessing. When she looked down the street, she noticed that the situation was even worse.

Isabell got up and then started to look around.

There was armor parked in front of the gate, but it wasn't killing anyone as the residents had stopped approaching.

And four other armors were walking around the capital as they chased people and killed them. There were a lot of residents in the capital, so there were still a lot of residents alive.

But of course, there were also many dead residents.

"Being unconscious for so long really fucked me up." Isabell kicked the roof of one of the buildings and then leaped over the street, landing on the other side of the street on top of the adventurers' guild.

The armor sensing something strange looked up, but could not see Isabell who fell on the other side carefully.

Then, quickening her steps, she began jumping over the buildings with ease as her speed increased with time.

"Here it is." Jumping through the buildings and the capital's alleyways, she managed to find one of the armor holding one man in her hand. The armor was calm as the man struggled to getaway.

The armor gripped the man's neck tightly as the man moaned in pain and began to drool.

Isabell, who continued to leap over the buildings, took one last impulse before launching herself toward the armor.

"Activate." Her eyes turned gold and her sword began to emit white light. She held her sword in her right hand as her path towards the armor continued.

The armor that didn't notice Isabell's approach was taken aback when he looked left and saw Isabell's golden eyes approach him. The armor increased the gleam in his eyes and released the man.

The lifeless man fell to the ground.

Isabell noticed that and clicked her tongue. But she continued her advance.

Her sword in her right hand swung toward the armor as she approached. Her sword shrouded in white light struck the arms of the armor.

The armor didn't have much time to react, so he used both her arms to protect her body.


With the sound of two metal clashing, followed by a "Crack" sound, the arms of the armor began to crack. Through the cracks, black smoke began to come out.

The armor was thrown back by the impact and tripped over the body of the same man she had previously killed. Taking advantage of this situation, Isabell, who now had her feet on the ground, put a lot of strength in her feet and threw herself forward.

Her sword was aimed at the chest of the armor, which was where its core lay. Her illuminated sword approached the armor that was still unbalanced, but armor that wasn't amateur used his magic to avoid Isabell's attack.

A black mass that came out of the ground created one protection for his body. Looking down at the ground, Isabell realized that the man's body had turned into that.

'Disgusting,' she thought as the armor's protection was broken by her impact.

Without missing a beat, Isabell walked over and began to press on the armor. With his sword being swung several times, the armor couldn't easily protect itself from all the blows.

Since he didn't have a sword in his hand, he did everything he could to block Isabell's attacks using his disgusting black tentacles.

'But that won't work.' But when Isabell's sword approached her tentacles, the tentacles melted and disappeared, causing the armor great pain.

Realizing that it was a sacred element that was in that sword and he could not protect itself using his magic, he began to use his own hands to fight.

He wondered if should create a sword to use, but his sword would also be created with magic and it would disappear as soon as it got close to Isabell's sword.

"Girl, where did you come from?" The armor asked as he used his cracked arms to protect his body once more. On the second impact, a piece of armor fell to the ground.


"You're not normal. Who are you?"


Isabell attacked again, forcing the armor to leap back and then start running. The armor jumped up and slammed its foot into one of the alley walls.

After that, she managed to climb on top of buildings.

Isabell who was able to use flight magic and that was now with even greater strength, felt her body fly quickly upwards.

Looking around, she could see the armor leaping over the buildings as he continued to flee.

'I'm glad that sacred attribute works quite as I imagined.' She thought as she flew at high speed towards the armor.

The armor that leaped over the buildings looked back and saw Isabell with her glowing golden eyes approaching him again. With no time to react, Isabell's sword was thrust into her belly.

The armor began to be dragged along with Isabell as the girl's sword continued to be tucked into her belly.

Not caring, Isabell increased her speed and slammed into the city wall. The wall was thick, so a hole was not made.

But even so, a large crack was opened, causing a pile of concrete to fall to the ground. The armor was being pressed into the wall, but since its core hadn't been hit, he was still moving normally.

No, the body of the armor was not normal.

"You bastard." The armor felt the sword's glow increase and his body began to crack. The armor that felt its body being harmed, tried to punch Isabell.

Isabell realized this and fly away.

The armor that had been dropped fell to the ground. They were probably about 10 meters off the ground.

The armor that fell to the ground felt its already cracked armor crack even more.

His legs were now in a deplorable state, forcing him to run slower.

"Doesn't he get tired of running?" Isabell who noticed the armor trying to get away once more sneered at him.

Isabell who deactivated her flight magic started to fall at high speed towards the ground but soon after activated her flight magic once more.

They were on a small street in a neighborhood Isabell didn't know. But as she looked around, she realized that had many homes and few stores.

Isabell flew at a height of about three feet above the street. She was flying too close to the ground.

The armor noticed Isabell approaching again and tried to use his magic to try to disrupt Isabell's flight, but to no avail. His magic was weak and he couldn't do anything against Isabell.

Isabell went directly to his magic. His magic turned to smoke and vanish.

"Damn it!" The armor said as it turned onto another one of the streets and tried to run even faster. His entire body was creaking and close to breaking.

The armor that has never felt fear since it was created, began to feel this feeling for the first time.

'A demon afraid to die?' Isabell thought this as she flew to the armor and thrust her sword into his back with all her strength.

Her sword pierced through the core of the armor and the armor fell to the ground and turned into black-colored earth.

Isabell's impact on the armor was so strong that they accidentally bumped into one of the buildings a few meters ahead. And the body of armor was inside this building.

Isabell lamented that she had soiled the floor with 'earth' and broken the house.

Luckily, there was no one inside.

"It was easier than I thought. But even so, I took too long." Isabell thought as the glow on her sword faded. Then his golden eyes returned to their normal color.

A headache hit her, forcing her to sit in one of the chairs inside the house.

"I didn't think it would cost so much to use this blessing for so long. But even so, I will need to use it longer." She got up and left the house that had its wall destroyed.

She was in a small residential neighborhood where some relatively nice, well-kept houses were set.

"Did I fly across all the capital?" She thought as she looked around at the little houses.

"An armor is gone, now 7 to go." She said as she activated her blessing again and prepared to go after her next target.

But her next target already seemed aware of her presence, so it wouldn't be as easy as the first battle.

Isabell, who activated her flight magic again, flew directly to the residential neighborhood that was right next to the main street.

'Isn't that where the inn I'm staying?'

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