A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 218 - 217 - Invasion.

Ward looked at his hand that was releasing a black smoke and built up the courage to approach the king's mansion again. But of course, he didn't go to the main door of the mansion.

He walked around the mansion under the eyes of a few guards until he reached the back.

In the back, the guard was quite weak and the number of people on the streets was small. Mainly because there were several mansions around and it was considered a noble neighborhood.

It was the only place where mansions existed.

'Right, how do I do this? I remember being able to use a spell to make someone faint, but do I have enough magic for that?' Ward was worried.

Your magic would it be strong enough to affect all the guards nearby? Would they stay unconscious long enough?

'Well, I just need to test it. But if it doesn't work I'll need to release the armors right here. Since there aren't many residents around here I don't think it's a problem.' Ward plucked up courage and moved a little closer.

Two guards with dog ears on their heads who were wearing rather precarious armor approached Ward.

"You can't get that close. Where is your mother? Are you lost?" One of the guards asked looking quite calm. Although he was calm, his companion next to him seemed rather impatient.

"Just kick this brat away from here. We need to suggest to the king that a wall be built around the mansion. I can't stand keeping the residents away like this. It gets tiring, you know." 

The man said a little discouraged and then turned to walk away.

"All right, where's your mom? I can help you look for her if you're lost. You can't stay too close to the mansion. If the king sees you he might suggest we arrest you, and I don't want to arrest such a cute little kid."

He smiled at Ward, but Ward still had the same expression as always.

'All right, I think I'm ready.' The man who kept smiling at Ward, and trying to get him to say something was suddenly taken aback by a movement of Ward's hand.

"What?" With a surprised voice, he stepped back a little as he drew his sword.

"You are not a child." Those were the last words of the gentle guard before he fell unconscious to the ground causing a loud metal sound.

"What is it?" The other guard turned to look at his friend.

He looked and saw his friend lying on the floor unconscious. But before he could say anything, his consciousness was taken over by Ward's magic.

And so all the guards began to be swallowed by Ward's black aura and fell unconscious.

Some nearby residents who passed by were also affected by the magic and ended up fainting in the middle of the street.

But without caring, Ward smiled satisfied and soon after ran towards one of the windows.

"It's locked, damn it. But I think I can break it in." Ward used his magic and what little strength he had to punch the wood of the window. Fortunately, the glass was not broken.

The window lock was ripped off and produced a loud sound, but since all the nearby guards were unconscious, Ward enter the mansion with ease without being disturbed.

"That, it worked. It was simpler than I thought. Having a childlike appearance helps with some things." He felt a huge urge to jump for happiness because of his childish way of acting that came from Ward's mindset.

But he controlled himself and just walked into towards the door.

"And what room is that? It looks like they just keep useless objects around here." Ward looked around after approaching the door.

It was a small room of about 10 square meters. The room was filled with old wooden objects that were broken.

"All right, whatever. Now you guys can appear." Before opening the door, Ward called out to the eight armors to emerge from their shadow that was created by the light coming in through the room's window.

Even if it is a small shadow, the armors were still there.

"All right. What I want you guys to do is this. Try to overpower all the guards inside this mansion, whoever doesn't want to obey, just kill them. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"I don't know everyone's number yet and I won't know how to differentiate you guys very well, so I want number 1 to command everything."

"Sure, I'll do that."

"And of course, don't forget to kill the queen, princesses, and the authorities around here. The prime minister and other important nobles should be inside this mansion at the moment. Kill all of them but the king."

"You don't want us to kill the king?"

"No, I want you guys to lock him up for now."


"Oh, and don't touch the maids, they are probably working here forcibly or for money, they won't do anything against me. And I'll also be able to have fun with some of them later."

"All right."

After that little conversation, Ward opened the door and the eight armors left the room.

"What? Who are you?" After the armors left, a guard's voice could already be heard by Ward. From his voice, the guard sounded surprised and also very frightened.

But since he didn't surrender, he was killed by one of the armors.

Then the great massacre inside the mansion began.


Inside the mansion, the eight armors walked down the main corridor while trying to force the guards to surrender.

But with an inestimable level of respect or perhaps fear of the king, the guards were not surrendering and were being killed by the armors.

Within minutes the number of guards in the mansion had halved.

The guards outside had also rushed into the mansion, causing a great stir outside. But no one seemed to know exactly what was going on.

Some believed that it was an invasion and that everything would be solved quickly. And other residents believed that something more serious had happened. Something that threatened the life of the king of the country.

But none of them knew exactly what was going on inside.

"Haaa~~ Looks like I won't be getting many soldiers to stand with me." Ward followed the armors and looked at the bodies of the guards down the corridors, grieving for their lives.

They would be very useful as guards when he took over the throne, but unfortunately, they didn't seem to want that.

"Hey, number 1, what about the maids? I don't see any of them." Ward asked the armors while they finished killing another group of soldiers.

"I found some of them and I asked them to hide. Probably the maids are hiding somewhere in the mansion."

"Got it. I hope they don't try to escape."

"Don't worry about that, I made things very clear."

After saying that, the armor used a sword he had created to cut one of the soldiers in half with ease.

Most of the guards were killing themselves. Only a small portion of them had already surrendered and was being monitored by one of the armors.

"All right, it's almost finished. But you guys have to take care of the queen and the princesses quickly because they might call for reinforcements." Ward said and then walked towards the armors.

"Right. One of my brothers will go after the queen and the princesses, it should be easy to find them. They are probably hiding somewhere inside the mansion along with the king and some more important people."

"Yes. Send four of your brothers to search all over the mansion. We can't let them escape. Also, look for any secret passages that exist in this place, maybe they are already far away from the mansion."


After that, the armors split into groups.

Armor number 1 had continued beside Ward along with two other armors.

4 armors had gone after the queen, princesses, king, and other influential people who were hiding inside the mansion. And only one armor was keeping an eye on a group of guards who had surrendered.

"It's all going well, now I just need to sit and wait for the armors to find the king and the others for me." Ward walked the blood-soiled corridor while he followed armor number 1 to where the king's throne stood.

In a few minutes walking, they arrived there. They met some guards on the way who thankfully turned themselves in and were escorted to the same room that the other imprisoned guards were in.

"This room is quite luxurious," Ward said as he entered the throne room. Inside the room there was no one, so Ward was able to enter without any problems and calmly sat down on the king's throne.

"We haven't caught the king yet but I guess we can say that this is MY COUNTRY now, right?" Ward started to laugh happily as he looked at the three armors kneeling in front of him.

'Alright, after the others are caught or killed, I will bring my sister to the mansion. Then I can give her a good position in the country. I will also have to go after other people to work for me.'

Ward sighed.

'I still have a lot of work ahead of me until I can finally declare war against Southlein.'

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