A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 219 - 218 - King, Queen And Princesses.

"All right. Everybody be quiet." The soldier said as he looked directly at the only door to a dark room inside the king's mansion.

"Who do you think you are to give me orders?" The king who heard his words found him a bit arrogant, but the soldier didn't care. He was trembling and looking directly at the door while keeping his sword in his hand.

His somewhat old iron armor was completely sweaty inside because of his nervousness.

"Mom, I'm scared."

"Me too."

The two twin princesses who had tiger/cat ears above their heads hugged the queen with all their might. The queen bent down and hugged both of them to calm them down.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." She said as she tried to remain calm. 

The king who watched that scene clicked his tongue and turned to look at the door.

But after five minutes had passed, footsteps could be heard coming from the other side of the door. They were heavy and loud footsteps that caused a terror to everyone inside the room.

The prime minister and the nobles behind the king, queen, and princesses were almost pissing themselves because of the sheer terror and nervousness they were feeling.

But with nowhere to run, they all remained silent and listened intently to the heavy footsteps on the other side of the door. Everyone was practically holding their breath.

But it didn't take long for despair to start taking over the small dark room in which everyone was hiding.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

As if the thing was sniffing them, the footsteps were coming towards the door that was supposed to be a secret passage.

This was supposed to be a secret passage, but the thing knew they were there.

The queen who realized the approach of the armor hugged her two daughters. The two little girls trembled in her hands as she too struggled to remain calm.

The king a little further ahead was terrified but was doing everything he could to stay calm because of his family and his subordinates. But his greatest desire there was to run away.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

And when they felt the presence of that thing right in front of the door.

Knock~~ knock~~ knock~~

Three short knocks were made.

Everyone inside the room stopped breathing for a moment, but soon after, pandemonium broke out at the back of the room.



The nobles in the back started screaming desperately, scaring the two princesses who started crying in the arms of their mother.

And while all this commotion was going on.


The door was broken with a single punch.

The door fell on the soldier in front of the king and was held by him.

"Damn it" The soldier used his arm to push the door away. But as he did so, he found a sword coming towards his neck

"You son of a bitch, I'm not going to die that easily." But the soldier who was quite focused raised his sword and blocked the sword from the armor.

His hands were shaking because of the strength of the armor, but he still managed to block it.

The armor that had its sword blocked used its right leg to hit the soldier directly in the waist.

As the soldier continued to be pressed by the armor's sword, he could not get his sword out and use it to block this new attack

His only option to avoid being hit was to run away to get away from the armor.

"Damn." But realizing that he had left the way clear for the armor to approach the king, he ran towards the armor and swung his sword. 

But with ease and with just one hand, the soldier's sword was blocked.

"Do something! Aren't you supposed to be the strongest soldier around here?" Seeing the soldier unable to do anything against the armor, the king began to grow impatient.

"Tsk, whatever, let's get out of here fast." The king said to the queen and princesses. They decided to leave while the soldier kept the armor busy.

"Don't do that, you idiot, there's more of them!!!" The soldier who saw everyone leaving the room began to scream desperately as he attacked the armor with all his might.

But the armor that seemed quite calm before, decided to take the battle seriously for a moment.

And because of this, the soldier's armor was pierced with just one swift movement. His chest was pierced by the armor's black sword. The soldier spat out a large amount of blood while clenching his teeth.



And while the armor's sword was held in his chest, he used all his remaining strength to swing his sword towards the armor's head. 

"So that's it, I never had a chance to win against you." He smiled.

"But before I die can I ask you a favor? Don't touch the princesses and the queen. It's not their fault the king is the trash he is." 

The armor looked at the man and continued in silence.

The man stared at the armor and dropped his sword to the ground as his body ran out of strength.

Seeing this the armor removed the sword from the soldier's chest.

"Please..." The soldier said again as he fell to the ground lifeless.

"Mama, he's been killed."

"Mommy, I'm scared."

The two princesses who were still inside the room along with the armor and the soldier's body began to cry desperately as they hugged the queen.

"Damn it, why can't we leave?!!!!" And at the same time the king was desperately trying to open the door of the room they were in, but the door would not open at all.

The nobles tried to help him, but the door would not open at all.

"My brothers are already on the other side of the door. Even if you come out, you will be killed." The armor said something for the first time.

"Fuck! Why the hell are you doing this? What have we done to you?" The king shouted at the armor, but the armor remained silent.

"Speak something!" The king shouted again.

"Shut up, Jawmo!" The queen shouted as she hugged her two daughters

"Just shut your mouth! Don't you see that we have no chance of getting out of here alive if we keep acting like this! Look at how our daughters are doing!"

The two princesses were hugging the queen while crying and their bodies were shaking.

"Tsk, you think I care about that?! I just want to get out of this place alive!" The king replied, leaving the queen extremely shocked.

The queen who heard this did not seem to believe the words that were coming out of her husband's mouth. She hugged the two princesses and remained silent.

At the same time, with a quick movement of the armor, the king felt his whole body tremble. Without having time to react, his neck was grabbed and the king was lifted.

Everyone around walked away startled.

"You are a despicable guy." 

The armor said to the king. But the man with the tiger's ears didn't say anything. His throat was being constricted, so he couldn't say anything.

"I'm going to kill those three right there in front of you. It's all right?" The armor eased the grip on the king's neck to listen to his answer.

"If you let me go you can do whatever you want with them, just let me out of here." He said in a loud voice so that everyone could hear. The queen who heard all that felt her heart being broken into pieces.

The princesses who didn't quite know how to react stayed hugging the queen as they cried in silence.

The nobles and the prime minister also couldn't believe that the king was offering his family as a sacrifice to get out of this place alive.

"Can I do that?" The armor asked the king again.

"Sure, you can kill them! But you have to let me get out of here alive, understand?"

The armor looked at the king and thought for a while.

"Right." He replied.

"Wait! Please, my daughters!" The queen who was previously controlling herself began to cry as she begged. Without caring about it, the armor slowly approached the three.

The queen was crouched down and embraced with her two daughters. Then just one swift movement of the armor's sword would be enough to cut and kill all three at the same time.

"Please... Please..." The queen clutched her two daughters' bodies and closed her eyes as she cried and begged.

"Mommy, waaaaaa" One of the princesses began to scream and cry loudly as she was hugged by her mother.

"Please!!!" The queen looked up and could see the armor approaching carrying her sword in her hand.

"Please kill me but not kill my daughters. I'll do anything you want, please! I beg you!" The queen began to beg even more when she realized that the armor was already preparing to cut them off.

"I'm sorry." Normally none of the eight armors do apologize or feel bad for killing someone. Mostly because of their personalities and backgrounds.

But this particular armor apologized.. But at the same time, he swung his sword.

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