A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 244 - 243 - Have A Sword Again

In the capital, inside an inn room, Isabell finally opened her eyes.

Feeling her body heavy, she lifted her body while looking around a bit confused. Trying to stand up, she noticed that her legs were not working very well, so she sat up in bed.

"Damn, my body is really bad, I should have thought better before using that amount of magic," Isabell grumbled as she felt a great urge to lie down again.

But since she didn't want to go back to sleep, she forced her body and stood up.

"Oops." And as she stood up, her legs gave way. She fell on the wooden floor and soon after got up again.

"All right, I think my legs are starting to respond again. Does staying asleep for so long leave a person in this state? I never thought it would be like this." Isabell looked at her hands.

Her hands were not responding well to her command either.

"I think I will recover in time. But now I need to know how everything is out there." Isabell went to her bedroom window and looked out into the street. It was nighttime, so the streets were being illuminated with lampposts.

And the surrounding houses and inns were also with their lights on, showing Isabell that everything is fine.

"Good. They seem to be living normally, I even hear some laughter." Isabell felt satisfied and soon after that, she headed towards the door to her room.

When she opened the door, unlike the other inns, everything was dark.

She reached the hallway of the inn and looked both ways. No doors were open, no lights were on, and everything was silent. Also, looking at the floor Isabell noticed that everything was dusty.

"Looks like they haven't cleaned this place for days. Hey, is anyone there?!" Isabell called out for someone but got no answer.

So she decided to open the door that was in front of her room. There was supposed to be another guest there, but as soon as Isabell entered she found nothing but an empty room and a bit of a mess.

In addition, everything was very dirty. Spider webs had already appeared across the ceiling.


She then walked to the next room and slowly opened the door.

While opening the door, she could hear something moving inside the room. Because of this, she went on guard and then quickly opened the door.

But there was nothing there but a body.

No, it was just a skeleton.

All the flesh had dissolved and only the bones were left.

"So that's it..." Isabell looked at that body and seconds later she could see a mouse climbing up the cabinet.

"Was that you making that noise?" She smiled and then left the room. Looking through all the rooms, Isabell managed to find three more bodies inside some rooms of the inn.

Soon after looking through all the bedrooms, she went down to the first floor where the main hall of the inn was located.

When she got there, everything was dirty, dark, and deserted.

"This place has turned into a haunted house or something..." Isabell whispered as she headed toward the kitchen of the inn. There, she found a skeleton wearing a cook's outfit.

Seeing that outfit, Isabell soon realized whose body that was.

"So you died too..." Isabell smiled bitterly as she crouched beside the body and ran her hand over the clothing.

Without saying anything else, she left the kitchen and then broke down the door of the inn. Of course, she kept the protection over her face so as not to be recognized by anyone.

"What was that?"

"There's someone in there."

"Did he come out of that abandoned inn? Is he a street dweller or something?"

When Isabell broke down the door and left, some drunks who were in the bar next door started walking toward her, so she just ran as fast as she could from there while ignoring them.

After getting a little farther away, she entered an alley and then jumped onto one of the buildings.

Starting her adventure of jumping between buildings again, she arrived on the main street of the capital.

"Everything is so busy, it doesn't even seem like an attack happened a little while ago, that's good." She smiled happily as she observed the city functioning normally.

At the same moment, a message came to her.

[ So you finally woke up, I was getting worried. ]

"It's good to know that you were worried about me, Mom."

[ Of course I'd be worried about you. How do you feel? ]

"My body is a little slow, I think I'll need a little more time to recover."

[ I see. I hope you get better soon because I have another job for you. ]

"A job for me?"

[ Yes, do you remember those 200 monsters who helped protect the capital during the war? ]

"I didn't get to see them very well. What is going on?"

[ They are starting to cause trouble, I need you to finish them all off quickly. ]


[ Yes. That woman was sent by one of my sisters and created these things. Now that she has let these monsters act on their own, they have started to cause trouble. ]

"Only now?"

[ Yes. When the army of monsters was killed and they left, they went in a direction where there was no city and the number of villages was very low. ]

"So they were just wandering around and only found civilization again now?"

[ Exactly, they are approaching Reynivellir at the moment ]

"How many days until they get there?"

[ They are taking a lot of breaks, so I stipulate that they reach the city wall in 3 days. ]

"Will I be able to reach them in time?"

[ If you use only a percentage of your blessing it should be enough. You can rest until tomorrow, you don't have to worry about doing that now. ]

"Right. Anyway, I'm starving and I need to eat something. I'm also really thirsty."

[ Okay, I'll be in touch tomorrow ]


Isabell smiled and then threw herself off the top of the construction. 

She fell into an alley and soon after went to the main street in search of food and water.


"Noah, it's late." Noah was still lying down and suddenly he was called by Lisandra.

"What is it? Let me sleep a little longer." He grumbled and then lay down again.

"I already told you to get up." Lisandra grabbed Noah's blanket and pulled, throwing Noah to the floor.

"What?" because of this, he finally got up. He looked around startled looking like he didn't know what was going on. Lisandra looked at him for a while and started laughing.

"Hahahaha, what's gotten into you? Were you that tired? It's almost lunchtime already."

"Hm? Almost lunchtime? You're kidding, right?"

"I'm not. And Ciaphia is already waiting for you, it looks like she's wanting to train with you today."


"Looks like it's true this time, she even brought her sword."

"Got it... Tell her I'll be right there. And also ask her to prepare a sword for me as I don't have one."

"After you left for the forest our mother never let you have a sword again, isn't it?"

"Yes, but it's time she took away that ban. I can't train properly without a sword."

Lisandra looked at Noah and then thought for a moment. After that, she moved her thumb up and made a positive sign.

"Let me talk to her, I'm sure she'll let you carry a sword again." Lisandra smiled and then left the room.

Noah smiled bitterly and then went to the bathroom to wash his face. Since he wasn't wearing a very presentable outfit, he also changed his clothes to meet Ciaphia.

'I wouldn't have minded that before...'

Noah came out of his room and found Ciaphia sitting in the living room. She was holding her sword in her right hand and was analyzing it.

"Are you thinking of killing someone?" Noah approached.

"Of course not, I'm just analyzing the blade of my sword. It's not very sharp."

"I see. You should take better care of it, you never know when you'll need to use it."

"Don't say scary things."

"It's not scary at all. You never know when you'll need to use it, especially because of the existence of the monsters outside."


"But now let's change the subject. Where is Lisandra?"

"She left the house and said she was going to talk to Emma."

"So she's already gone after our mother..."

"What did you do?" Ciaphia looked at Noah thinking he had done something wrong, but he just shook his head.

"I didn't do anything. Lisandra said she was going to talk to our mother so she would let me use a sword again."

"That's right since you came back from the forest and recovered you never had a sword again."

"Yes. I even practiced my fencing, but I used pieces of wood that weren't even shaped like a sword."

"I remember that. It was during one of those training that I asked you to train me, wasn't it?"

"I think so."

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