A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 245 - 244 - Your Classmates...

After leaving the house together with Ciaphia, Noah could see in the distance Lisandra talking to Emma. The two were talking calmly, and he saw that his mother didn't seem irritated, so he decided to approach.

If she was irritated by Lisandra's request, he would never approach her.

But even though Emma was calm, Ciaphia was a little reluctant to approach. But after Noah held her hand, she walked along with him until she approached Lisandra and Emma.

As soon as they had approached, Emma looked at the two of them.

"So you asked your sister to talk to me? You not brave enough for that?" Emma looked at Noah as she held back a giggle. Realizing this, he just sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, I was scared."

"Hahahaha." Emma started laughing drawing the attention of the residents.

And Lisandra also started laughing. Noah and Ciaphia continued to stare at the two without blurting out any reaction.

And after a while, they finally stopped laughing.

"You can have a sword, don't worry about that. But of course, you can only keep it inside the village, I don't want you to leave the village."

"Sure, no problem." Noah smiled bitterly at his mother and then looked at Lisandra.

"What? Are you going to criticize me for coming to talk to our mother or something?"

"No, I'd like to thank you for convincing her."

"Convincing her? She had just forgotten to take off your "ban". As soon as I talked to her about it she released you to have a sword."

"Is that serious?" Noah looked at Emma.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that."

"I kept training with sticks all this time for no reason?" Noah looked annoyed, so Emma scratched her head and nodded. Then she turned around.

"All right, I need to get back to work now, good luck with your training." She walked away without looking back, leaving Noah speechless.

"Hey, Noah." After a few seconds of not moving, Noah was called by Ciaphia. She was facing him and looked a little worried.

"What?" he came to his senses the moment he realized that Ciaphia's face was close.

"Are you feeling sick? You got paralyzed out of nowhere."

"It's not that, I just ran out of reaction after my mother left and ignored me... I can't believe it..."

"Hahaha..." Ciaphia gave a forced laugh and then looked at Lisandra.

"But now whatever, I finally get to have permission to the got one sword. Now my question is, where will I get one?" Noah thought for a while and couldn't find a way to get a sword.

He has no memories of a blacksmith living in the village.

But while he was thinking about what to do, he looked at Ciaphia's waist.

"Ciaphia, where did you get this sword? You lent me your old one and I lost it."

"This sword? It's my reserve sword, I already had it."

"Got it. You don't know if Taciane or Eli have a sword to give me or something?"

"They're not very good using a sword, so they don't have one."

"I see. By the looks of it, I'll have to look for someone who has a reserve sword among the hunters and guards in the village."

"I don't think it will be that hard to find a sword. I think if you ask your mother or father they should be able to get you one."

"True, but first I will go after a sword on my own. But leave that for later, let's go to the training camp."


Ciaphia and Noah walked away leaving Lisandra behind. 

"I was completely ignored..." She said sadly as she walked back home.


A few more days had passed since then.

Noah who had gotten a sword with the help of his father continued to train together with Ciaphia. 

Not only with her but also with Eli and Taciane who decided to join the training. Lisandra also tried to join, but gave up in just one day, leaving Noah a little disappointed.

'It would be good if she would learn to defend herself using a sword, just magic is not enough.' He thought.

But since he couldn't force her to participate in the training, he let her stop training and continued her training together with the other three girls.

And after only a few days, they had progressed quite a bit.

"Okay, try to attack me with all your strength again." Noah was facing Ciaphia while holding his sword.

Ciaphia was staring at him as she continued to sweat and breathe heavily. Being tired, she refused to continue.

"No more, you're too fast." She lowered her sword and then threw herself on the ground.

"You who are too slow. You need to train your physical strength and agility a little more."

"It's not that simple. My body is too big, making quick movements is not very easy."

"That makes sense."

"But I'm sure I'll win tomorrow. I can't stand losing to you anymore. You always use the same moves but always end up defeating me, how is that possible?"

"I don't know, why is that?"

"Probably just because of your speed and physical strength. Your movements are very fast and your attacks are very strong. Whenever I receive an attack from your sword my hands tremble."

"I'm not even using all my strength."

"You're kidding, right?"


"Haaa~~ You've got to be kidding." Ciaphia placed her two hands on the ground and looked up.

"You're too strong, Noah. You should take it a little easier during our battles." Eli complained as he continued to stroke his left thigh.

"The kick I hit wasn't even that strong."

"Not that strong? You almost ripped my leg off."

"You're exaggerating, sister." Taciane smiled bitterly and soon after got up.

Walking over to Noah, she pointed at him.

"You really should use less force." She smiled and then turned to look at Eli. After approaching Eli, Taciane held out her hand for her sister to take.

"Come on, get up, it's almost time for dinner. I still need to come home and get everything ready." Taciane held Eli's hand and then pulled her up. Then she turned to look at Ciaphia who was still sitting on the floor.

"Aren't you coming, Ciaphia?" She asked as she walked out of the training camp.

"I'm going to stay with Noah for a while, in a little while I'm going home."

"Got it, but don't do anything weird."


Eli and Taciane walked out of the training camp, leaving only Noah and Ciaphia there. 

Noah sat facing Ciaphia and remained silent as he looked at her.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, it's just that you look sexy right now."

"..." When she heard that, Ciaphia's face turned red in just a second. She turned her face to the side and didn't dare to look at Noah.

"I'm kidding, it's just that you look really pretty when you're wearing casual clothes like that."

"But don't I wear clothes like that all the time?"

"Precisely, you always look pretty."



Arriving home, Noah said goodbye to Ciaphia and then went inside.

When he entered, he found his mother sitting on the couch along with Lucio. 

Lari and Lisandra were standing as they looked a little depressed, leaving Noah a little worried about what might have happened.

Realizing that something was wrong, he wasted no time and looked at his mother.

"What is it?"

Emma a little reluctantly looked at Lucio to receive some sort of "confirmation."

Lucio shook his head allowing Emma to start talking. And Lisandra who was nearby started walking towards her room at the same moment, seeming not to want to listen to what Emma had to say.

Noah looked at Lari and she just put her head down and closed her eyes.

'What's going on here?' He began to feel a chill in his stomach that he hadn't felt in a while.

"I received a new letter from the capital."

Upon hearing those words, the first thing Noah imagined, was that another war had started and that the country was in danger. And that was enough to make him terrified.

But even though he felt nervous, he didn't jump the gun.

"What happened?" He asked as he felt cold sweat dripping down his back.

"So, you remember you had asked me to ask the queen about your classmates and Rose's friend? I received some information about that."

When he heard this, Noah quickly approached his mother and stooped down in front of her.

"Tell me, what happened?" He looked into Emma's eyes.

"About Rose's friend, she is fine, but it seems that her husband has passed away."

"..." Noah felt relieved that she was okay, but after hearing about her husband being dead, he felt a little bad, especially since she had a small child to take care of.

But Rose would probably feel calmer now.


But while Noah was feeling happy about Rose's friend's news.

"About your classmates..." 

Emma closed her eyes and gave a long pause, that was enough for Noah to get an idea of what would have happened.

"They all died?"

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