A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 247 - 246 - Can You Send A Letter For Me?

After that embarrassing event happened, Ciaphia who was sitting next to Noah looked at him looking a little annoyed.

Noah had forgotten that she was there for a few moments.

"What's wrong?" he asked a little clumsily.

"You were looking at Rose that way and you expect me to act normally?"

"In what way? I didn't look at her that way."


Ciaphia turned her face away and no longer looked at Noah. Sara next to Noah noticed this and started to get a little nervous.

"Hey, I heard you guys are dating."


"I see. Then you should don't look at Rose. You don't know what a jealous woman is capable of."


After Sara's warning, Noah looked at Ciaphia again. Ciaphia turned to look at him but soon after turned her face away again.

'Did I make her angry?'

And after that little discussion, Rose appeared in the room again. This time she was wearing proper clothes.

And as soon as she looked at Noah, her face turned red. But noticing the presence of Ciaphia sitting right next to him, Rose began to feel a little worried about what to say.

As she walked towards one of the armchairs that stood in the room, she remained silent. She looked at Ciaphia a few times, but Ciaphia was ignoring Rose completely.

And Noah who noticed this smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry about her, she's just a little irritated that I looked at you."

"Just forget about it, please."

"I didn't see anything, and anyway I didn't want to have that image in my mind."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The only person who has a place reserved in my mind for that kind of image is Ciaphia." He looked at her and smiled, but Ciaphia just turned her face away and pouted.

'Haaa~~ Damn.' Noah bowed his head a little disheartened as he saw that he would have to solve this problem later.

Rose looked at the two of them in silence. For a moment she thought she had made Ciaphia angry, but she could see a smile on her face when Noah talked about her having a "reservation" in his mind.

And trying to change the subject, Rose cleared her throat as she straightened her posture in the armchair.

"All right, let's forget about it. Why are you here?"

But when Rose asked her question, Rieli who was sitting in the second armchair inside the room placed her cup of tea on the arm of the armchair and opened her mouth.

"Hey, aren't you going to greet me? I'm here too. You're completely ignoring me!" She looked a little upset, but Rose just stared at her as if to tell her to be quiet.

Because of this, Rieli stayed silent and didn't say anything else.

'I should have just watched this "couple fight" in silence.' She thought as she pouted and picked up her cup of tea again.

And after that, Rose again asked the same question.

"Why am I here? Well... Do you remember your friend you told me about?"

"Ria?! What happened to her?!" The moment she heard about her friend, Rose jumped out of the armchair and then stared at Noah waiting for an answer.

He was a little startled by her way of acting, but he could understand why she was acting this way. Then he began to explain everything calmly, about everything that had happened.

About the letter, his mother had sent to the queen, and about the information, she had received.

"You didn't tell me you were going to send a letter to the capital..." Rose said in surprise.

"Well, only my mother, father, Lari, and Lisandra knew about it."

"Got it."

Next Noah began to tell the information he had received.

First, he talked about his classmates who had died. Rose, Sara, and Rieli were shocked by this information, but Noah managed to calm them down when he showed that everything was fine with him.

But after that came the main event.

When Noah started to tell about Ria, Rose and Rieli were listening apprehensively. Noah could practically hear their hearts beating rapidly with every word he said.

And after he finished telling what had happened to Ria, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief, but they also looked a little sad.

And of course, it was because of Ria's husband who had died.

"I can't believe he's dead. I never talked to him much, but still... I wonder how Ria must be feeling. I wanted to be there to support her like she always supported me." Rose said as tears began to appear in the corner of her eyes.

Rieli was not crying, but she was also quite sad and worried about her friend.

"For now I have received only this information. I have asked my mother to send a new letter to try to get the names of my classmates who died. That way I will be calmer."

Noah smiled sadly as he intertwined his fingers.

"You are sad, aren't you?" Sara who noticed Noah's distress held his hand.

"Yes, of course, but I can control myself well. I still don't know which of my classmates have died. It could just be people I've never talked to before, right?"


Rose, Rieli, and Ciaphia looked at Noah and thought about what to say.

"It will be okay, I'm sure," Rose said as she wiped the tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure your friends are fine," Rieli said trying to cheer Noah up.

And Ciaphia, she just held Noah's hand and squeezed to calm him down.

"Okay, thanks for the words. Now I need to go, I need to train today along with Ciaphia and the others."

"Alright, thank you for getting this information for me, I can't thank you enough."

"You have my mother to thank, not me." Noah continued holding Ciaphia's hand and then walked out of Sara's house.

But before they walked away, Rose called Noah again.

"What is it?" he turned to look at her.

"I would like to ask you something. Would your mother be able to send a letter to Ria on my behalf? I want to get in touch with her."

"A letter? I think so, you can come over to my house and talk to my mother over lunch. I'm sure she will send the letter to you."

"Okay, thanks again."

"You're welcome."

Noah returned to his house along with Ciaphia and soon in the two of them picked up their swords. As soon as they got there, Taciane and Eli were already waiting for them.

They seemed excited to train, so Noah started to get excited too.


A week had passed since then.

Noah was sitting at the table in his house as he finished his lunch. All his family had eaten lunch earlier, so at the moment he was alone.

While he was eating, he was thinking about some things, mainly about the war.

The war was over and Beastled had won. Fortunately, the country had recovered from the attack, and Beastled had not given a sign that he would attack again, thus bringing calm to the residents of Southlein.

But even with all this, Noah did not feel all were well.

For the last few days, a feeling of danger had been in his heart, making him wonder if everything was okay.

If something happens, they won't know since they live far away from the capital, so he is quite worried.

'What if the capital was attacked again and destroyed? We won't know until the enemy gets here or someone shows up to warn us.' He put the last piece of meat in his mouth and chewed it.

Then he stood up and took the plate to the kitchen sink so that it could be washed later.

And after putting the plate in the kitchen sink, he felt someone approaching, and it was Lisandra.

She had a sleepy face.

"Were you sleeping again?"

"Yes, I'm feeling tired." Lisandra opened her mouth and yawned, then she looked at Noah.

"Did something happen? You are very pensive."

"Oh, I was thinking about recent events."

"About the war?"

"Yes, exactly. Even though it's been many days I'm still worried that something might happen."

"I think I can understand you, I too get a little worried sometimes. What calms me down are the letters we get from the queen."

"Yes, that helps to keep us calm. When the letters stop coming, I will be sure that something has happened."

"Don't keep thinking that kind of thing, it attracts negative things."

"All right, I'll stop." Noah smiled and then said goodbye to Lisandra.

Arriving outside the house, he found Ciaphia approaching.

As soon as she saw his face, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Did something happen? You are very pensive."

"You asked me the same thing as Lisandra."


"But don't worry, I'm just thinking about some unnecessary things. I'm fine."

"Got it." Ciaphia was silent as she walked beside Noah through the village, she seemed to be building up the courage to ask for something. Noah had noticed this but stayed quiet waiting for her to say.

"So, do you want to have dinner at my house tonight? Eli and Taciane told me to invite you." She said a little embarrassed.

And with a smile on his face, Noah immediately accepted her proposal.

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