A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 248 - 247 - I Need Help.

"Master, isn't it about time I made some movement? I'm already tired of staying here in this mansion doing nothing." Meduz complained as she buried her face in her pillow.

She stayed there for a while, but she didn't get an answer, so she stood up and took a deep breath.

"All right. I think I'll outside the capital today to have some fun. Let's look for some other village or town nearby, maybe I'll even find the goddess' subordinate."

Meduz said excitedly, but soon the smile on her face disappeared and she threw herself on her bed again.

"But he doesn't even live in this country, he could have gone far away. Besides would I give up once I got out of the capital." She started laughing her shit off as she rolled over on her bed.

She was acting like a teenager now.

[ Meduz? ]

But while she distractedly rolled over on her bed, the voice of her master called her. As soon as she heard his voice, her tail began to wag like the tail of a dog that has been called by its master.

She put a smile on her face and all that was left was to start barking in response.

"What is it, master? Is it time?!" She shouted inside her room. The maid who was standing by outside her room seemed a little surprised by Meduz's shout but her not enter the room to check what was going on.

If she entered without permission it was quite dangerous.

[ Not yet, I would like to inform you of some things that have happened in Southlein ]

"Southlein? But haven't all your subordinates who were there already been killed?"

[ They have not all been killed, I still have one person to inform me. My subordinate is inside the castle. ]

"Inside the castle? Then wouldn't it have been easier for you to have asked this person to kill the king from the beginning?"

[ My subordinate who is there is such a weak as a human, it is impossible for her to do anything. ]

"Her? So she's a woman?"

[ Yes, I made her do some moves and she got hired by the queen after the attack happened. ]

"I see, I hope she doesn't get caught."

[ Don't worry, she is doing her job very well, she is quite competent and discreet. ]

"I understand. But now tell me what information you received."

[ Do you remember the 200 monsters that were used to stop the monster army at Southlein gate? Those monsters were created with the help of a subordinate of my sister. ]

"I wasn't here when it happened, but I know about it."

[ I received the information that all those monsters were killed next to one of Southlein's cities. It seems that only one short person wearing a hood killed all of them. ]

"Is there such a strong person in this world? Those monsters are absurdly powerful for the level of the people of this world."

[ Do you remember the girl who killed the armors? At first, she was also using a hood, I think she was responsible for that. ]

"Ho, so it's that girl again."

[ Yes, she is quite troublesome, I feel I should not leave her alone ]

"You should have put her as a priority since she killed all your armor."

[You're right, I was a little naive. But now I won't let her do whatever she wants anymore, that's why I called you. ]

"Ahahahaha, so you want me to go after that girl? Really?"

[ Yes, could you do that? I'm sure it won't be too much trouble for you to kill her. ]

"Of course, I could! You don't know how bored I was inside this mansion."

[Great. I'll give you the characteristics of this girl. She lives in the capital of Southlein, so you will have to go into the capital. ]

"Don't worry about it."

[ Right, I'll send you a "picture" of her now. ]

After a few seconds, Meduz received the image of Isabell in her mind. She received two images, her without her hood and also with her hood.

"Damn, why do all our enemies have to be so pretty? Tsk" Meduz clicked his tongue and then left the bedroom.

"I will head towards Southlein right now!"


Noah was at Ciaphia, Eli, and Taciane's house for dinner.

He had sat down at the table and was waiting for dinner to be served. Dinner had been prepared by Taciane, so only she was taking care of everything.

Eli, Ciaphia, and Noah were sitting at the table.

It was a small table, Noah and Ciaphia were sitting on the right side of the table, and Eli and Taciane sat on the left.

"Okay, everything is here, you can serve yourselves now." Taciane took a spoon and then began to take a portion of meat and put it on her plate.

And then everyone started to serve themselves.

"This looks very good, how long have you been cooking?" Noah said as he put a good amount of meat on his plate.

"I started learning when I was four years old."

"Your mother taught you?"

"I have lived with my grandmother since I was born, she is the one who taught me."

"Got it..." Noah could sense a tone of sadness in Taciane's voice.

And after he finished serving himself, he started to eat. As soon as he put some of the meat in his mouth, he was amazed at the taste. The flavor was spicy and strong, it was wonderful.

"This is so good, I don't think I've ever had meat this tasty!" He exclaimed in surprise as he continued to eat the meat without stopping.

"Thank you, hahaha..." And Taciane just smiled a little awkwardly.

"Taciane is not used to being complimented, hehe." Eli started laughing at her sister and soon after that everyone at the table was laughing except Taciane.

And so the dinner continued in a very pleasant atmosphere. Everyone was talking about the capital and also about their experiences since they arrived in the village.

Since they seemed happy to be living here, Noah felt very happy.

But with each passing minute, Noah began to feel that there was something strange going on. 

"What? Are you satisfied yet?" Ciaphia sitting next to Noah noticed his discomfort.

"I'm not full, it's just that I suddenly started to get a bad feeling. But forget about it, I don't want to spoil dinner." He said softly so just she listen, Eli and Taciane were still talking to each other.

"When you talk like that you make me a little scared..."

"I'm sorry, forget about it."

Noah smiled at Ciaphia and went back to eating. He looked at Taciane and Eli and smiled to pretend he had heard their whole story.

And after he did that, a message popped into his mind.

[ I need your help immediately, please! ]

It was a plea for help that appeared in the form of a message in his mind.


[ Yes, it's me! You need to hurry! If you don't do something my daughter will be killed! ]

'What do you mean your daughter? What do you mean?'

[ I don't have time to explain, I need you to go back to the capital right now, please! ]

'I have no way to get to capital that fast and I can't leave my family here.'

[ Please do that, please ]



"Hey, Noah..."

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"You're shaking, are you okay? You were strangely staring at Taciane. You made her scared."

"It's not that, it's... I need to go home now." Noah stood up and dragged his chair back, he then started walking quickly towards the door to leave the house.

But Ciaphia got up and ran after him. She then brought her face closer to his.

"Tell me what happened, it was something serious, wasn't it?" She said low so the others wouldn't hear.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you, but yes, something serious is happening. I need to go home urgently."

"I see, since you have a good reason to leave, I guess it's okay."

"I'm sorry, and also tell Eli and Taciane that I'm sorry to leave so soon."

"Don't worry about it. But make sure you explain everything to me tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I will." Noah ran toward his house and Ciaphia returned to the dining table.

"What happened to him? He didn't look very well, he was shaking and sweating for some reason." Taciane looked worried.

"He was just having a tummy ache." Ciaphia smiled at Taciane.

"He could have used the bathroom here at home."

"He doesn't like using other people's bathrooms, so he preferred to leave. Now let's not talk about it anymore, you can talk to Noah tomorrow, all right?" 

Ciaphia looked at Taciane and then squeezed the fork in her hand almost to the point of crumpling it.

"Okay, I'm not going to talk about it anymore.." Taciane put another piece of meat in her mouth and chewed it.

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