A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 258 - 257 - Nostalgia.

Isabell came into the room and put Noah on the bed. Then she covered his body with a blanket and went into the bathroom. She was feeling dirty, so she decided to take a shower.

It was a quick shower, just to clean her body a little. Then she changed her clothes and stayed inside the room waiting for Noah to wake up.

A long time passed and by the time Isabell realize, the sun was coming up.

"Have I been up all night?" She rubbed her eyes.

She then raised her arms and opened her mouth.

After that, she got up from the chair she was using and went downstairs to get her and Noah's breakfast. 

Noah was not yet awake, but she wanted to get everything ready. So she went downstairs, spoke to the owner of the inn, and then returned to her room carrying a tray with a few things.

Bread, jam, and also tea. Plus a good amount of scrambled egg first thing in the morning.

"It's not something I'm used to eating, but I guess it's okay." She picked up her fork and ate some of the egg. It tasted great, so she widened her eyes and then continued to eat.

She ate a good portion of the egg and also two whole loaves of bread.

"I hadn't eaten anything yesterday, I was starving." She caressed her belly which was now full.

Then she began to hear some sounds coming from the bed. In bed, Noah began to stir showing that he was close to awakening.

Isabell did not approach, she let Noah wake up on his own.

"Hm?" After Noah woke up, he looked around a little confused wanting to know where he was. He looked at the blanket that was covering his body and also at the bed he was lying in.

It was not a bed that he had ever laid down in before.

Also, the room was decorated a little different than anything he had ever seen before. It had some strange paintings here and there, it was even a little creepy.

Noah rubbed his eyes and then crawled out of bed.

And after his senses returned to normal, he finally noticed the presence of Isabell sitting just beside the bed.

On her lap was a tray with a good amount of food.

"Isabell? What are you doing here? And why are you eating so much?" He tilted his head showing he was confused.

'He's so cute.' With his way of acting and with his sleepy face, Isabell felt a good feeling in her heart. It was as if she had seen a very cute puppy in front of her.

"I found you passed out inside the capital, so I decided to help you."

"Really? Where was I?"

"You were lying in one of the alleys near the gate. It looked like someone had carried you there."

"I see. Maybe it's the goddess's daughter."

"Goddess's daughter?"

"No, it's nothing, forget about it. But now I want to know where I am, this decoration is scary." Noah looked again at the paintings that were all over the wall. After he did that, Isabell let out a giggle.

"It's pretty weird, isn't it? Look at that painting, it looks like that woman is staring at me." Isabell pointed to a painting that stood right next to the bed.

It was a painting that looked very similar to the Mona Lisa painting.

"That's right."

"And about this place, it's an Inn. I decided to stay here for a while."

"I see. I don't want to sound like an idiot, but I need to ask that question."

"Go ahead."

"We really are in the capital, aren't we?"

"That's right."

"I see. It's just that it's so noisy outside, all the residents look so happy, it's like nothing ever happened here."

"Oh, you're talking about the attack. Well, for a long time the capital was in a pretty precarious state, but finally, everything is back to normal."

"I received this information by letter, but I couldn't believe it. But now that I see it with my own eyes, I can't doubt that information." Noah went to the window of the inn and started to look at the people walking on the street.

Everyone seemed happy.

"I understand. But don't worry, everything is back to normal."

"Not everything, huh? I know about our colleagues."

"Ah... A lot of people died..."

"Yes... But I'm glad to see you're okay." Noah turned to Isabell and smiled, making a big emotional impact on her.

She felt happy and very ashamed.

[ An old girl like you shouldn't be so ashamed. ]

Seeing Isabell turn her face and act so embarrassed, Isadora can't help but take the opportunity to play with her a little.

'Shut up, I'm not old.'

But Isabell was not happy with that joke, so she got a sour expression on her face.

Seeing that, Noah thought that she didn't like what he had said.

Then he just turned to look out the window and didn't look at Isabell again.

Isabell didn't notice this, but her mother did.

[ He seems to have had a misunderstanding. He thinks you didn't like what he said. What are you going to do about it? ]

'And can I do anything about it? Let him think that.'

[ I see. Next time try to treat him in a better way. ]

'Next time I meet you I'll have the pleasure to punch you in the head.'

[ You shouldn't talk that way to your mother, hehe. ]

'Just go away.'

After that, Isadora disappeared from Isabell's mind but continued to watch everything the two were doing.

"So, what do I do now? Should I go after our classmates' family?" Noah said as he placed his hand on the window.

"Hm? Why?"

"Well, I haven't spent much time with them, but I need to pay my condolences."

"No, you don't. Those people are nobles, they won't want to talk to you."

"What about the ones who weren't noble?"

"If they died, you have no one to talk to, most of them lived alone in the capital."

"I see..."

"Well, classes are about to return... You should come to the school, so you can participate in the tribute they are going to do for the students who died."

"Will they do that?"

"They probably will. Whenever a student dies it is tradition for the school to pay some tribute, especially if they are noble."

"I see, maybe I'll come back here to participate."

"I'll be waiting."


After a while in silence, Isabell stood up.

"Here, have breakfast so you can go to the adventurers' guild." Isabell approached Noah and then handed the tray with the rest of the food to him. There was only the fork Isabell had used there, but Noah didn't care.

"Adventurer's guild?" Hungry, he picked up the fork that Isabell had used as if it were no big deal, causing great astonishment in her.

"Yes, the guild master wants to talk to you."

"I understand, so I will finish eating and go over there."

"You want me to go with you?"

"No need, I'm sure he wants to have a private talk with me."

"All right."


As soon as he finished eating, Noah went downstairs and passed the guests. Everyone was staring at him, but he ignored them all.

Including the owner of the inn who tried to talk to him but was completely ignored.

But after Noah left the inn, Isabell also came downstairs and talked to her, saying that Noah had something important to do now.

After talking to the owner, Isabell sat down at one of the tables to wait for Noah. She noticed she was being stared at by a few people, but she just ignored them.

'There's no point in me caring about that.' She thought.

Meanwhile, Noah was already approaching the adventurer's guild.

When he got closer he noticed that everything was still the same. The building was the same and the movement inside was the same as before. There were many adventurers, and this pleased him.

The only thing different was that Rose and Rieli were no longer working here, other receptionists had been hired.

"How do I contact the guild master to let him know I'm here?"

Noah said low as he took a few steps and entered the guild.

After entering and staying inside for only five minutes, a beautiful woman who was previously attending to some adventurers called out to him.

After being called, Noah approached the counter.

"You are Noah, aren't you? You can go up to the second floor and enter the first door on the left. The guild master is waiting for you." The woman smiled and then went back to attending to other adventurers.

'She could have said that quieter.' Noah started walking through the guild and climbed the stairs. But he couldn't help but notice that the adventurers were looking at him as if they were jealous.

'Would you guys like to have a meeting with the guild master that much? I can't understand it.' 

But just ignoring the voices and the looks of the adventurers, he went up the stairs and then knocked on the door the receptionist had indicated.

After doing this, he listened to the nostalgic voice of the guild master coming from inside the room.

"You may enter."

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