A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 259 - 258 - It's Time To Go Home.

Noah entered the room the guild master was in and found nothing but a table and some chairs.

"Have you moved your room?"

"No, it still stays in the same place. This room here is a room I use for resting."

"You use this room to rest? There's nothing but a table and chairs in here."

"That's right. I just sit here and be silent, so I can forget about my problems. But now is not the time to talk about it. How are you feeling?" The guild master sat down in one of the chairs.

After gesturing for Noah to sit down, he walked over to one of the chairs and sat down as well.

"I'm feeling great, why?"

"You arrived passed out at the capital yesterday, I thought you had been seriously injured."

"I had only fainted from fatigue, I wasn't hurt."

"Got it, good." The guild master stared at Noah for a while. He was silent, so it was a little uncomfortable. 

Noah scratched his head and turned his face away for not looking directly into Guild master's eyes.

"Well, I also called you here because I was surprised."


"Exactly. Why are you in the capital? You were supposed to be in the village together with your family. I don't remember seeing you here the other day, which makes me think you arrived today. Which is strange since I don't remember seeing a carriage entering the capital today."

"Of course, you would be confused by that."


"Yes, I arrived in the capital today. I hitched a ride with a group of merchants and traveled for a few days. The rest of the trip I did on foot, so I ended up fainting."

"You passed out because of that?"

"That's right. I hadn't brought much food with me, so I ended up getting weak."

"I see. I'll pretend I believe that." The guild master looked at Noah looking suspicious, but soon after sighed and changed the topic.

"I would also like to know about Rieli, Dala, and Clachel. It's been a long time since they've been away and I haven't received any news from them."

"They haven't sent any letters to you?"

"Unfortunately not."

"Maybe they don't care that much about you."

"Don't say that."

"I'm just joking."

"Now tell me how they are doing."

"They are very well. Since they came to the village, Rieli has started farming, and Dala and Clachel have started working in my home."

"In your home?"

"Yes. It's not a job since they don't get paid for it."

"Are you enslaving my maids or something?"

"It's not like that. They volunteered to work. Dala and Clachel said they were feeling bad about living in the village for free."

"It's typical of her to do something like that..."


"But it's good to know they're okay, thanks for that."

"No problem."

"Oh, I almost forgot about Rose, how is she?"

"The first few days she was feeling bad because she had left a friend of her in the capital, I think her name is Ria. But she got the news that Ria was fine and now she is feeling better."

"I see. Ria is a very strong woman, even though her husband died she continues to work and take care of her son."

"... Yes."

"But it's good to know that everyone is okay, thank you for that. And thank you for coming here."

"No problem. Was that all?"

"Yes, I wanted to know why you were here and also to know about Rieli, Rose, Dala, and Clachel."

"I see, so now I can go, right?"

"Yes, you can go. And don't worry, I won't tell your mother that you were here."

"How do you know I came without her permission?"

"She would never let her son travel alone with a group of merchants. No matter how strong you are, she would never accept that. She would only agree to send you to the capital if a group of adventurers she trusts had escorted you."


"Just like the first time you came with your sister."

"That's right. Well, I'm going to leave now, have a good day."

"Okay, see ya."

Noah left the room and went downstairs. After looking at the guild order board for a bit, he left and started walking towards the inn that Isabell was staying at.

'He is crafty. But it's also very clear that I left the village without permission.' Noah smiled and then hastened his steps.

'I need to get home soon. I'm sure I'll suffer an even stricter punishment this time.'


After arriving at the inn, Noah was greeted by Isabell who was sitting at one of the tables.

He walked over and sat down with her. Isabell was drinking a glass that seemed to be filled with tea. Noah looked curious so Isabell offered him some tea.

She was already going to call the innkeeper to pour the tea for Noah, but he just took the cup from her hand and drank some.

"It's good tea, but I prefer what my mother or Dala makes." He said as he handed the cup back to Isabell. She was looking at him without reaction, surprised at his attitude.

'I have to stop acting like this. He is a grown man, so he does these things without thinking. Yes, he's a grown man reincarnated and he's mature enough not to worry about indirect kissing and the like.'

Isabell had trouble drinking from her cup after that.

Noah watched that and smiled, he knew what was going on.

"Are you that embarrassed? But don't worry, I'm dating, I would never drink from your tea thinking that kind of thing."

"You're dating? Who?" Isabell said trying not to sound surprised.

"Ciaphia. You remember her, don't you?"

"That giant redheaded girl?"

"Don't talk like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I do remember her. So you guys started dating..." Isabell took a sip of her tea as she continued to reason out the information she had just received.

'So he's dating... He's dating now.'

[ Do you like him? ]

Seeing her daughter start to get depressed, Isadora decided to say something.

'Maybe? I don't know. I like him, but as a friend.'

[ Are you sure? ]

'I don't know. I've never been in love with someone.'

[ I see. So think about it. If you are in love with him, you can't give up. ]

'Stop saying that. I don't want to interfere in other people's relationships.'

[ So you're going to wait until the two break up to try to be with him? ]

"That's enough, stop talking about it!" Isabell let her voice escape, causing Noah to look at her a little startled.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Because of the way she shouted, Noah felt a little sad and soon after became silent.

Realizing that Noah had had another misunderstanding, Isabell lowered her head and lamented in her mind.

'This way I'll never be able to get close to him. Even if he breaks up with Ciaphia, I don't think I'll be able to get close.'


A few hours passed.

Noah was in the bedroom alone waiting for Isabell to return with dinner.

'Isadora, can I come home now?'

[ Wait just a little longer. When it starts to get dark I will send you home. ]

'Okay.' Noah lay down on the bed and then closed his eyes. Without realizing it, he ended up sleeping.

And after he had fallen asleep, Isabell came into the room carrying a tray with two plates full of food. After realizing that Noah was sleeping, she left the tray on the chair and approached him.

[ He fell asleep. ]

"..." Isabell approached Noah and looked at his face. She gave a smile and then put her hand on his cheek, just like the first time she meet him in the cave.

[ Don't try to abuse him or anything, he has a girlfriend. ]

'Who do you think I am? Stop saying these stupid things.' Isabell said impatiently.

[ I'm just kidding. Now wake him up so he can have dinner, after that, I'll send him home. ]

'I understand.'

Isabell swung Noah's body and called him.

After being woken up he started to eat the food Isabell had brought. Then Isadora's voice called out to him.

[ It's about time for you to go home, Noah. ]

'Okay, I'll go say goodbye to Isabell first.'

"Isabell, I need to go now."

"Hm? Where are you going?"

"I was staying at a friend's house, I need to get back soon or he'll be worried. After that, I'll catch a ride with his parents and go back to the village."

"Ah, got it, no problem."

"Thanks for helping me, I appreciate that." Noah gave Isabell a big smile.

In response, she blushed a little and gave a small smile.

Noah saw that and realized how cute Isabell was.

'If she wasn't so hard to handle she would be the perfect woman.'

Noah said goodbye to Isabell one more time and then left the room.

"Mom, he's really bad at making up lies."

[ I thought his lie was pretty good ].

"No. When he woke up he asked if he was in the capital, how is he staying at a friend's house and didn't even know he was here?"

[ Ah, that's right. But he doesn't know that you are my daughter, so whatever. ]


[ ... ]


[ Hahahahahaha.... ]

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