A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 283 - Carry Her.

"You found a way? Good boy!"

After waiting for almost two hours on top of that volcano, finally, Ratatouille had returned. He approached Noah and made a strange sound and then started walking away, wanting Noah to follow him.

He walked on the rocks so Noah wouldn't lose sight of him.

Noah went lower and lower as he followed Ratatouille. By the time Noah realized it, he had almost reached the ground.

"So, is here?"

And after they approached a spot, Ratatouille began to shout as he used his small paws to scrape the rocks. 

"All right, stand back." 

After Ratatouille moved away, Noah moved away as well, and then used fire magic to explode a portion of the stone. This was not a good idea, as the volcano began to shake and a bunch of stones began to fall.

Some rocks hit Noah but didn't hurt him.

"I should be more careful..." Noah smiled and sighed with relief.

He then moved closer to the spot that his magic had hit. As Ratatouille had signaled, there was a path there. Noah had made only a small hole, so he began to use his strength to remove the stones.

With his strength, it was not something difficult.

"Okay, it's dark in here... Ready."

Activating his fire magic, Noah started walking down the tunnel.

It was a small tunnel that had space for only one person. The walls were also made of stone and were a bit damp.

"Luckily there are no bugs around here. I may be strong, but I don't do well with them..."

Noah moved on until he found light. 

"Looks like we've arrived."

When Noah came out of the tunnel, he was in the middle of the volcano. 

"Looking from up there it didn't look like such a big place, but it's quite spacious here. But it's not time to think about that, let's go to that cave. Where was it again? And before I forget, thank you Ratatouille!"


Noah looked at the place where he had seen the cave and again he could see a light coming out of the hole in the wall. He put a satisfied smile on his face and ran over there.

As he approached the entrance, he smelled something good, it smelled like meat being roasted.

"Are they crazy? If they light a fire inside the cave they will die because of the smoke. But there's no smoke around here, so that doesn't seem to be the case. All right, let's go inside."

Taking care, Noah took his first step and entered the cave.

It was like the tunnel he had used earlier, but the space for him to walk was much larger.

It was also quite damp.

"The light is getting stronger, I'm getting closer."

Noah walked for a few more seconds and began to hear a nostalgic voice.

"I wonder where everyone is? I can't stop thinking about them."

It was his mother's voice.

She sounded worried and nervous. But Noah didn't worry about that; he felt relieved that his mother was okay.

Besides her, his father was also there along with Lari.

He then showed himself to the three of them.

It was a small room that was being lit by a bonfire. It had some holes in the ceiling, so the smoke was escaping and wasn't choking anyone.

"Noah? What are you doing here?"

When he appeared, his mother looked shocked.

"I ended up here along with you guys, but I was pretty far away. And it stinks in here, didn't you guys take a shower?" Noah giggled to relax.

"Noah, you're here." After that, Lari jumped on Noah and hugged him while crying.

"I was so worried about you! I thought I would never see you again."

"I was the one who was worried about you. Can you imagine how I felt when I realized you guys came to an unknown world?"

"Wait, do you know where we are? And did you say another world? Is that possible?"

Noah's father stood up and stared at him, he was incredulous at what he was hearing.

"Yes, exactly. I don't know if I should be saying this, but since it's just the three of us here..."

"What is it?" Emma was worried and anxious, her hands were shaking.

"For many years I have had contact with the goddess, it was she who warned me about you guys and also about us being in another world."

"Wait, wait for a second, what do you mean? That doesn't make sense." In disbelief, Noah's father placed his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes. He shook his head both ways trying to absorb what he had heard.

"Do you have contact with the goddess? Do you mean the goddess who runs our world? That one from the churches?" Noah's father had a smile on his face, but it was a smile of one who didn't believe any of it.

"Exactly. And that teleport magic, she uses it, I don't have that ability."

"You're not lying, are you?" Noah's mother had both hands in front of her mouth.

"I'm not lying. Lari, can you let me go now? We need to leave."

"Let me stay like this a little longer."

"Okay, okay... And you two, what are you waiting for? Put out the fire and let's go."

"Do you have a way out?"

"Yes, I do. I made a contract with a monster and he helped me."

"A contract? You can tame monsters? It's a pretty rare skill."

"Yes, I can. But only small monsters."

"I see."

"Now let me go, Lari, we need to get out. Come on, Mom, you can hold my hand."

Noah held out his hand but his father slapped his hand away.

"You can let me take care of her." He gave a confident smile.

"I think it's easier for her to take care of you. Although she looks pretty frail now..." Noah looked worriedly at his mother.

"After I told her about the village people, she became quite sad and nervous."

"Stop talking about it and let's go. And no need to hold my hand, I can take care of myself. We need to quickly go after the others!"

Clearing her throat, Emma put a serious look on her face and walked out of the cave.

"She's the same as always..." Noah smiled.

"Yeah, ahahaha. She's been pretty emotional lately, but she's still the same as always."


Noah led his family through the tunnel until they finally exited the "volcano."

As soon as they were out, Noah's father took a deep breath and then shouted.

"Why did you scream? That's weird."

"It's because of the feeling of freedom."

"You are getting old."

"Stop talking like that. Look at your mother, she's acting the same way too."

Noah looked at his mother and saw her smiling as she breathed in the fresh air.

"You two are old. Lari is not acting like that."

"Sure, she just cares about you. She hasn't let you go since."

"Yeah... I had to drag her. Hey, Lari, could you let go of me? We need to get down a few meters and it's a little dangerous."

"Okay. But you should help me down, I'm afraid of falling."

"Okay... Okay..."

Noah climbed down while carrying Lari in his arms.

By the time everyone reached the ground, they began to put their plans together. Noah explained to his family everything he had found. The mushroom forest, the biome with the red grass, and also the big lake.

"In addition, there is that mountain. I climbed up there and couldn't find anything interesting. On that side there was nothing and on the other side I couldn't see anything because of the clouds."

"I see... But since there is nothing on this side, we should cross the mountain again." Noah's father said and his mother agreed.

"Yes, I feel that people are there somewhere. They sure didn't show up close to us." She said as she looked at the giant mountain in the distance.

"I thought the same thing too. That biome with the red grass caught my eye. I feel like I should take a look in that direction."

"Then let's go there, in case we don't find anything, we'll keep walking. Meanwhile, we also look for a way back home. Speaking of which, doesn't the goddess know how to get back? Ask her."

"Unfortunately I lost contact with her as soon as I got here."

"I see... This is complicated."

"Yes... Well, I'm sure she will find a way to contact me again. Now let's move on. But don't get tired, the climb is quite tiring."

"I am old but I am still resilient. Your mother is also quite resilient, isn't she?"

"Yes. But I worry about Lari."

"I'll be fine, Noah will carry me."


"Take responsibility for this. Don't worry, I won't say anything to Ciaphia."

"I won't say anything either."

"You two... You are the worst parents when it comes to supporting your child's relationship."

"Ahahahaha, fine, enough joking around."

Noah, his parents, and Lari began a long journey to the other side of the mountain.

It was a complicated journey and also quite time-consuming, but fortunately, they got through the mountain.

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