A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 284 - You're Worrying Me.

"All right, shall we go? Looks like that biome isn't too far away." After crossing the mountain, Noah's father, his mother, and Lari stopped at a lake to get some water and also sat down to rest.

Two days had passed. Since Noah was not alone, he could not run and leave his parents behind.

"By my calculations, I think it will take us two to three hours to get there," Noah replied to his father.

Emma next to him wiped his face with water and then took a deep breath.

"Okay. Lari, can you keep going?"

"I'm not tired, Noah carried me most of the way."

"I understand."

After a few more minutes, a new journey began toward the red biome. The same biome in which the villagers had been killed a few days ago.

Even though they all felt that there was something in that place, they were not expecting to find something as gruesome as several carcasses and dried blood on the grass.


"Shit, shit, they're heading that way. Isabell, you need to help me!"

[ What is it, Mom? ]

"Noah and his entire village were teleported to Dionysius' world, he somehow managed to interfere with my teleportation magic."

[ Are you sure about that? And are you sure it's Dionysius' world? ]

"Yes, I am sure of it. I talked to some of my brothers and they warned me about it. When I contacted Dionysius, he just ignored me."

[ ... ]

"And there's another big problem. With Athena's help, I was able to get some images of Noah and the others... Everyone from his village was killed, everyone."

[ ... ]

"Only Noah and his family are still alive. Now they are marching directly to where the remains of the villagers are, I need to prevent that from happening. I need to warn him about everything before his family sees all the bodies."

[ Why? Let them see it. ]

"Noah's mother has been very mentally unstable for some time, if she ends up seeing all that she could go into an irreversible state of shock."

[ I didn't know... ]

"Her mind has deteriorated over time. Since the death of her son, she has become more and more emotional and mentally weak. That will be enough to break her."

[ But what do you want me to do? ]

"I will create a new body and send you to where Dionysius is just to disturb him for a few minutes. If you do that I will find a loophole to enter his world and talk to Noah."

[ Will you go to his world? ]

"I won't go directly there, just my mind, just so I can talk to Noah. I need to let him know that I am working on a way to bring him back and also let him know about the residents."

[ I understand. But will Noah take it all easily? ]

"He will be angry and also sad, but he will surely put his mother's health first."

[ Right. Do that, I'll go there, but promise me I won't end up killing myself. ]

"At most, you will suffer some injuries, but it's just a fake body, not your real one."

[ I feel calmer knowing that... All right, make it quick, it's time for me to help him, isn't it? ]

"I'll do it right now. And thank you for agreeing to help me."

[ No need to thank me, you know that. ]


With just a wave of her hand, Isadora created a new body for Isabell.

Some features were changed, such as her hair, her height, and also the color of her eyes.

After the new body was created, Isabell, who was in the room at the inn, lay down on her bed, and then her consciousness disappeared.

When she woke up again, she was already in her new body in a white room together with her mother.

"This body is different."

"I chose to change your appearance, I don't want them to know who you are."

"I understand. But how am I going to get to where Dionysius is?"

"Just as he has the power to send his subordinates here or anywhere, I can also send you there."

"That doesn't make sense. If he can send a subordinate all the way here, he would be able to kill you, wouldn't he?"

"No, because no subordinate is stronger than a god."

"Then what will I do there? I won't be able to do anything against him."

"You'll just distract him, I told you. Just make a little mess."

"All right..."

"Now I'll send you over there. I'm sure when you show up there a woman will try to kill you. You're strong enough to get rid of her."


"Good luck."

Isadora hugged Isabell and then Isabell's body began to glow and disappeared.

"All right, now let's contact Noah. If Dionysius is distracted that won't be hard."


After it disappeared, Isabell felt her body become light and again she found herself in a white room.

But it was different, the atmosphere was a bit nasty and dirty, unlike the blank space your mother stays in.


Isabell said when she saw Dionysius sitting on a sort of throne with a woman on his lap.

It was a woman with a lot of makeup with a rather ugly appearance.

And as soon as Isabell appeared and offended Dionysius, that same woman screamed and threw herself towards Isabell.

Using her huge fingernails, the woman tried to pierce Isabell, but without success.

Isabell easily moved away since the woman didn't have much speed.

"Calm down, Karen, calm down. May I know who you are?"

"I am an unknown person."

"You are very funny. What are you doing here? You didn't come here just to offend me, did you?"


"You..." With Isabell arrogantly answering Dionysius, Karen began to clench her teeth as the veins in her forehead almost exploded. 

"If you act this way you get uglier than you already are."

"AH?" With a surprised shout, the woman turned away in shock.

"You called me ugly? Master, did you hear that?" Karen ran up to Dionysius and then crouched beside his throne while crying.

"It seems that her self-esteem is quite low."

"She is a sensitive woman, but I like her quite a bit."

"You have disgusting tastes, as well as your appearance."

"Stop offending him! You bitch!" Karen again lost her patience and stood up, but Dionysius stopped her.

"Come on, let me fight her, it will be fun. I can't wait to kill her and then rub your fat face on the floor." Isabell taunted Dionysius again, this time she made Karen reach her limit. 

The woman let out smoke from both her ears and then ran towards Isabell.

As she approached her she activated some kind of magic in her fist and tried to hit Isabell.

As soon as Karen threw the punch, a golden shockwave was made.

"If that had hit me it would have hurt me. Be careful when using your magic."

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Karen, stop it."

"No! I will not let this girl continue to offend you."


"I'm not gratuitously offending him, he deserves it."

"Shut up!" Karen this time cast silver mana balls towards Isabell.

While smiling, Isabell kept running while avoiding Karen's continued magics.

"This is more fun than I thought. What will happen if I do this?"

Using her holy magic, Isabell cast a spell toward Dionysius who was still sitting on his throne watching the whole thing. But as her beam of light approached Dionysius, with just a snap of his fingers her magic disappeared.

"The expected of a god."


"Looks like she made it, but she won't stay 'alive' for long. I need to do this quickly."

Turning off her consciousness, Isadora found herself in a black space.

After taking a few strokes as if swimming in a lake, she could see through a small crack that opened up. It was Isabell being pressed by Karen.

"She is only being pressed because Dionysius is helping. He should let his subordinate take care of it, that coward. But now is not the time to irritate me."

Taking a few more strokes, Isadora managed to reach another crack just below the space Dionysius was in.

Looking through it, she could see a new world, Dionysius's world.

Coincidentally, just below her, she could see Noah and his family walking on the green grass.

A few kilometers away was the reddish biome and also the bodies of the villagers.

Quickly, Isadora entered the crack and reached the world of Dionysius.

When she did, she immediately called Noah.

[ Noah, can you hear me? ]

'Finally, you showed up. Where have you been? I was worried.'

[ I don't have time to explain. First of all, don't go to that place. ]

'You mean that biome with the red grass? Do you know about it?'

[ That's right, don't go there, you won't like what you find. ]

'Hey, you're worrying me.'

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