A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 293 - Mission Finished

After the gate was rudely opened, five ogres came out.

Seeing the bodies of their friends on the ground was enough for one of the ogres to start screaming in anger. Not just shouting, but he was saying some words. The ogres were talking, which left Noah stunned.

'Since when do ogres talk?'

[ They are intelligent and dangerous ogres. Just destroy everything quickly. ]


Noah was hiding behind the wall so they wouldn't see him, but he decided to show himself.

As soon as he appeared, the five ogres looked at him.

Noah was not afraid, but the look of the ogres would be enough to make an ordinary person shit his pants. The last time he felt that was when he fought Meduz.

"All right, I'll finish this quickly so you guys don't have to suffer, all right?" Noah picked up his sword and soon after disappeared.

The ogres, confused, looked around.

But before they could realize where Noah was, two of the ogres on the far right had their heads cut off. 

When this happened, the other three remaining ogres moved away from each other and prepared to use their iron clubs to hit Noah.

But it would not be easy. Noah was fast. He could play with the ogres. 

He appeared in front of one, used his sword to make a small cut on its belly, and then disappeared. After he disappeared, he did the same thing to the other ogre. 

Doing this several times, he began to irritate the ogres even more, who began to swing their clubs everywhere to hit Noah. Of course, Noah was not hit once by them.

After playing with them for almost 3 minutes, Noah approached, jumped up beside them, and swung his sword. Within seconds all three ogres were without their heads.

"This room is stinking even more now. Look at the number of bodies."

[ That doesn't matter. Move on. The amount of ogres remaining is not very large, but there are thousands of goblins. ]

"That's good, I'll manage to get one more level up."

[ You only think about leveling up? ]

"Well, that's my goal in this world, isn't it? Ahaha."

Noah gave a small laugh and walked through the gate.


After entering and walking a bit down the hallway, he came to a small room, and on all sides had paths.

It was like an anthill, the number of paths was huge.

'Isadora, where should I go?'

[ Go straight ahead, you will find another room where several goblins are working. Be careful, because to the left and to the right there are corridors, and at the end of those corridors, there are also many goblins. ]


Noah went on and found the room where the goblins were working. They were taking clay and passing it on the wall.

As they were distracted, they did not notice Noah's arrival.

Taking advantage of this situation, Noah used earth magic to pierce them all at once.

Thorns came out of the wall and out of the floor, it was a lethal attack on all the goblins.

There were more than 20 of them.

'My level doesn't go up... This is too time-consuming.'

[ You're already at a pretty advanced level, so it's normal ].

'Advanced? I still think my level is low.'

[ You certainly have no idea how strong you are now. ]


Going to the left corridor, Noah killed all the goblins that were there using magic. After that, he went to the right corridor and did the same thing, but now using his sword.

Moving quickly, he managed to kill all the goblins easily.

After he finished, he went back the same way, reaching the room that had several corridors.

'Where should I go now? I want to kill them all.'

[ Right. To the corridor on your right. ]

'All right.'


After walking through several corridors and clearing several rooms full of goblins and some ogres, Noah finally managed to increase his level.

He had finally reached level 58.

Since he had used up all his points, he only had 10 skill points left.

'How many rooms are missing?'

[ Only three. Be careful, the next room is full of ogres. They seem to be having some kind of meeting. ]

'I'll be careful.'

Noah entered the room and attacked the first ogre that appeared in front of him.

With a swing of his sword, the ogre's back was cut deeply and he fell to the ground.

After he fell, all the other ogres noticed Noah's presence and went on guard. They got their iron clubs and even large swords that were a meter long.

Noah didn't get scared, he advanced towards the nearest ogre, and giving a twist with his body he put all his strength into one attack.

His sword almost cut the ogre in half.

And taking advantage that Noah had his sword "stuck", another ogre appeared and swung his club with all his strength towards Noah.

He made a vertical downward movement, aiming to hit Noah's head.

But Noah, who had a speed of reaction far above average, threw his body to the side, leaving his sword "stuck" in the ogre's body.

As Noah had moved away, the club hit the handle of Noah's sword.

Because the blade of the sword was on its side, the sword did not cut into the ogre's flesh. And because of the force of the blow, the blade broke.

Only the sword handle fell to the ground, the rest of the sword remained inside the dead ogre's body.

Noah clicked his tongue after realizing that he had lost his sword.

'It won't be a problem to beat them with magic, but I like that sword.' 

Because of what had happened, Noah was quite angry.

So he activated his wind magic and with cast spells quickly managed to slice the body of the ogre who had broken his sword into several pieces.

It was like a piece of meat being sliced by a chef.

The ogre was cut into small cubicles of meat.

But Noah was not finished yet.

He started to use all his magical elements to cut and pierce the body of all the ogres. Except for fire magic, because it would be dangerous to use it in an enclosed space.

And the last ogre was the only one he killed differently from the others.

He used water magic to choke the ogre to death.

After the battle was over, Noah took the handle of his sword that still had a piece of the blade and put it in its sheath.

[ Is this sword important to you?]

'No, but I hate to keep changing my sword.'

[ ... ]


After he finished clearing all the rooms, Noah's level increased again, he was now at level 59 and with 20 points to use.


[ Hm? ]

'Don't have any more rooms, right? I'm already tired.'

[ Trust me, there isn't any room left. All the ogres and goblins have been killed. ]

"I see. Good. I'll take some ears from the ogres. Maybe they will need something as proof of subjugation..."

After Noah looked at the corpses, he decided to take a pair of horns and also some ears.

And with Isadora's help, he got out of the goblin nest. After leaving, he used his earth magic to close the cave entrance. It would be dangerous to leave it open because new goblins could enter and create a community inside.

Once this was done, Noah decided to return to the capital.

He even considered going after some more monsters to try to raise his level again, but he dismissed this idea, as it would probably take a long time.

So he arrived again in the capital.

Since the guards at the gate already knew him, Noah didn't need to show his guild license.

Arriving at the guild, Noah couldn't find Lisandra and the others, so he went to the counter to talk to Rose.

"Are you back yet?"

"Yes. The nest is already destroyed."

"I see. I knew it would be an easy job for you."

"It wasn't as easy as you imagine."

"Really? But they had said it was a small group of goblins and that there was a possibility of an ogre living there."

"They were wrong... But that doesn't matter, I need to go after a new sword."

"What happened to your sword?"

Noah removed his broken sword from the sheath and placed it on the counter.

"If your sword broke like that, it means it was a pretty tough battle."

"Yes. But that's all I can say."

"Okay, here's your reward." Rose handed Noah a bag of coins and he put it in his pocket.

After picking up his sword, he said goodbye to Rose to go to a blacksmith.

'Why don't you want me to talk about those ogres and goblins descended from demons?'

[ You would cause panic in the guild. Those monsters may look weak, but they are not. And they are no ordinary monsters either. Even I don't know exactly how they ended up in that place. ]

'For a goddess who commands this world, you know very little about it.'

[ .... ]

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