A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 294 - You Wanted This, Didn't You?

Noah walked the main street to look for a blacksmith, but he couldn't find one.

So, he decided to go back to the inn to get something to eat, because he was very hungry. He would use this time to talk to his mother, she probably knew some good blacksmiths in the capital.

So after arriving at the inn, he went up to his parent's room and called the two of them to eat something with him.

But before the three of them went downstairs, Noah again handed the bag of coins to his father. As usual, he didn't want to accept it.

"I already said I don't need money. Just keep everything I'm getting, so we'll get a new house quickly."

After hearing this, Noah's father could do nothing but accept the money.

They went downstairs and sat down at a table. So Noah asked his mother if she knew any good blacksmiths in the capital.

"Do you remember I talked to you about a blacksmith who visited the capital often?"

"I don't remember very well."

"I was after a new sword, it was at the time of the festival. It was the same year you came to the capital for the first time."

Noah thought for a while and had finally managed to remember.

"Oh, I remember that. A famous blacksmith who shows up every year during the festival, right?"


"I see. But doesn't he only come here during the festival? He will take time to appear here again. And he didn't come again during the other festivals, I think he won't come to the capital anymore."

"You're right... But he is the best blacksmith I have ever met, it would be good if you went after him."

"Do you know where he lives?"

"No, and even if I knew where he lives, I wouldn't let you go there. If you were teleported again, you might go to another world again. And I don't want that."

"Don't worry, I won't use that magic anymore."

"I will trust you."

"All right, then I guess I'll go to the guild to ask Rose if she knows a blacksmith. I guess I should have asked her before I left the guild."


After he finished eating, Noah said goodbye to his parents and went to the adventurer's guild again. It was getting late, so Lisandra and the others had already arrived.

They were sitting at one of the tables inside the guild.

Noah chatted a little with them and soon after asked Rose for information about a blacksmith.

After saying goodbye to them all, Noah went after the blacksmith.

It was a blacksmith who did not stand in the main street. He had a store in the middle of the capital's residential neighborhood, which was not so common.

But from what Rose said, he was the best and cheapest blacksmith Noah would find.

After some time searching for the blacksmith, Noah had finally found his store. It was like an ordinary house, the store was between two residential houses, which made the place even more "camouflaged."

The only thing that made the place different was a sign written "Blacksmith" in front of the door. And it wasn't a big sign, so if you didn't get close you wouldn't be able to read it.

So, after knocking a few times on the door, Noah entered.


"Is there anything I can help you with?"

When he entered, Noah was greeted by an old man with a long black beard. He had hair only on both sides of his head, he was going completely bald.

In addition, he was muscular and also had many scars all over his body. He was a man who could easily intimidate someone.

"Yes, I am looking for a new sword. Mine broke today during a battle."

"I see. Can you show it to me?" The man looked at the sword in Noah's scabbard. Noah took it out and placed it on the counter of the store.

Like an ordinary store, there was a counter, shelves with some items, and also some swords displayed.

"How did this happen?"

"An ogre ended up hitting it, the sword broke in two when that happened."

"You didn't take the other part of the sword?"

"No, why?"

"If you had it, I would buy it from you. It seems to be made of very good quality iron, I could melt the materials to make a new one."

"I see."

"But what will you want? A sword like that or do you want to try a big two-handed sword?"

"Just a normal sword like that. I'm a person who likes to fight while moving quickly, using a two-handed sword is out of the question."

"I see."

The man looked at Noah and then smiled.

"You look strong, kid. How old are you?"


"You're so young and you already have a body like that? Be careful that your muscles don't explode in the future."

"I hope that doesn't happen."

"Okay, but joking aside, I think I have the perfect sword for you."

The man entered the back door and then arrived carrying a short one-handed sword.

It was quite similar to the sword Noah used, the difference was in the sword handle.

The sword that Noah used before had an ordinary handle, but the sword that the man brought in had a few things sculpted on it, which made the sword even more beautiful and eye-catching.

"Are those dragons?"

"Yes, it has two sculpted dragons, one on each side of the handle. They are around the handle of the sword. It has a lot of detail, you can take a closer look if you want."

"No need. That's cool, I think that's the first time I've seen such a beautiful sword handle."

"My son did that work, he is quite talented."

"Yeah, he's amazing"

Noah took the sword and swung it a few times inside the store.

The blacksmith kept looking at Noah, he seemed quite amazed at the movements.

"You are very good using a sword."

"More or less."

"Well, will you want to buy that sword?"

"I guess so. I don't see any problems with it. It has the ideal weight, its blade is a perfect size, and it's quite sharp. Plus it's a pretty good-looking sword."

"Glad you like it."

"So how much does it cost?"

"Since this is the first time you've come to my store, I'm going to do a discount. How about two silver coins for the sword?"

"Isn't that a little expensive?"

"Of course not. A sword of this quality and beauty is much more expensive in other stores. You would probably pay at least five silver coins in another store."


"Are you doubting me?"

"A little. But since I quite liked the sword, I will trust you."

Noah took out the two silver coins and handed them to the man. After that, he put his new sword in its sheath and gave his broken sword to the man.

"Try to reuse the rest that's left of it. And I forgot to ask what your name is. I'll need to know it in case the sword ends up giving me trouble."

"My name is Gards, but you can call me Mister G."

"Mister G? That's fine. And my name is Noah, it was a pleasure doing business with you."

"The pleasure was all mine. Come back anytime."

Noah, after saying goodbye, went back to the inn.


Noah went upstairs to the second floor, took a shower, and then put on some pants. Since he was inside his room, he preferred not to wear a shirt since it was hot.

He then threw himself on his bed and closed his eyes. He was feeling tired, so he was almost sleeping.

But before he slept, someone knocked on the door a few times, causing Noah to get out of bed quickly.

Since his family's situation was not very good, he was worried that something had happened to his mother, father, Lisandra, or his friends.

However, when he opened the door, he found only Ciaphia there. Her face was a little red after she saw Noah's muscles.

"Hm, did something happen?" Noah asked curiously. 

"I just wanted to ask you to have dinner with me, what do you think?"

"Oh, sure. I'm going to wash my face first. Come in."

"Were you already asleep?"

"No, I was just getting some rest."

"I see. I would feel bad if I had woken you up."

"Don't worry, that didn't happen."

Noah washed his face, dried it, and then walked over to the closet where he kept his things to took a shirt.

But before he could put the shirt on, Ciaphia came over and hugged him from behind.

With affection, she began to stroke Noah's muscles. 

"What is it?" Noah asked. He was surprised by Ciaphia's sudden "Attack".

"It's nothing, I just wanted to hug you."


As Ciaphia caressed him, Noah began to feel her body getting closer and closer to his. She began to press her soft breasts against Noah's back trying to get his attention.

As a man, Noah couldn't help but be attracted to that.

He took both of Ciaphia's hands that were caressing his chest and pulled them away. After that, he stepped forward and turned to her.

Noticing Ciaphia's red face and her irregular breathing, he didn't hold back and moved closer to her, placing a kiss on her mouth.

Ciaphia received Noah's kiss with all her love.

As the kiss continued, the two of them took a few steps backward.

As they got close enough to the bed, Noah threw her there and then climbed on top of Ciaphia, holding both her hands against the bed.

"You wanted that, didn't you?"


Breathing heavily with a red face, Ciaphia smiled at Noah.

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