A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 38 - 38 - We Were Abandoned.

The city was incredible.

As soon as we entered the main street of the city, large buildings came into view, some stores selling clothes, restaurants, some stores selling armor and weapons.

This was a shopaholic's paradise.

But it was not just that, as our carriage passed through the main street of the city, the guild appeared. It was a three-story building built of bricks, there was a big door in the front.

Several men wearing armor and carrying weapons came out all the time, it was a sight I was used to.

"What is it, are you interested in the guild? I can take you inside." Realizing my enthusiasm watching the adventurer guild, Viaric made a tempting proposal, and I accepted.

We would already have to go to the guild anyway because of the mission they were doing, so it wouldn't make any difference to accept the proposal to visit the guild.

"I want to go too, can I?" Lisandra also volunteered to visit the guild, and Viaric did not deny her request.

The carriage approached the guild's door, and under many curious eyes of residents passing by, and some adventurers leaving the building, we leave from the carriage, only the coachman remained outside and we went inside.

Oops, you are back ~~

Viaric, how long ~~

How was the mission, did you do well? Gwahahaha ~~

We were received by many people, some talking with Viaric, and others just looking at us, they looked mainly at Lisandra, this is uncomfortable.

But aside from that, they were well known, weren't they? Wherever they went, people always greeted them.

After walking to the bottom of the guild, we found a window with a woman as an attendant. The woman had black hair with some streaks painted red, her hair was a little short, it was just below the shoulders.

Her caramel eyes looked at me as soon as I approached the window with Viaric and his companions, but right after smiling at me, she turned her attention back to Viaric, is that what you call love at first sight?

Her smile was beautiful.

"Good afternoon, Ro, I'm here to complete a mission, can you do this for me?" Viaric said smiling, wanting to look like a stallion, but I could see the pity look the woman was making.

"I already told you to call me Rose ... Okay, where's the mission role." So her name was Rose, I think Viaric was just rejected, I'll remember to call her Rose.

Viaric took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and then handed it to Ro... I mean, Rose. She didn't seem happy at all when she saw the state the role was in: "Haven't I told you to be more careful in this kind of situation? I swear I will stop accepting your missions if you keep bringing the mission role in that state. "

Rose was treating him like a brat who didn't take care of his stuff, I think he deserves it.

After having trouble reading the paper, she started writing something on a paper then took out a small bag of coins and handed it to Viaric, he received his reward with a smile on his face.

After that, we left the guild under the eyes of adventurers.

"All right, now that our mission is complete, I don't have to deal with you anymore, right?" Viaric said to us that and later then enter the guild again with his companions.

Wait, did he just abandon two people who were never in the capital before that way? Doesn't he have a heart? I think I should have let him die.

"And now, what are we going to do?" We had money that our mother gave us to stay in an inn, but the problem is that I don't know where to find an inn in this huge city.

"Listen, I also need to take the carriage, can you take your bags?" Wait, even the driver is dismissing us? We're just kids. Lisandra was also concerned about the situation.

But if we didn't take our bags off, we would end up without them too, so we removed our bags from the carriage and then the carriage started to move and after turning on a street just ahead, we lost sight of it.

After being alone on the fronts of the guild, and we didn't know where to find a good inn, I asked Lisandra to stay outside and wait for me for a while, then I joined the guild again.

I went straight to the bottom where we had spoken to Rose before, but of course, before that, I passed by Viaric and his companions, who, even though they were dirty, had already sat down and were drinking with other adventurers.

Haaa ~~

I sighed and approached the window where Rose worked.

"Rose, can I talk to you for a while?" She was attending another adventurer, but he didn't seem to mind my approach, perhaps because I was just a child.

"Sure, wait for just a little, okay?" She smiled at me again ... I'm falling in love with her.

After waiting a little longer, the man had already been taken care of and she turned her attention to me: "So, what can I help you, little boy?" Of course, she would treat me like a child.

"Well, I and my sister just arrived in the city, this is the first time we are here and we don't know a good inn, could you please indicate a good place? Preferably a cheap place."

"You speak to an adult, don't you? Okay, you can call me Sister Ro from now on."

"Eh?" She was acting differently than before, but I don't dislike that way: "Okay, you're looking for an inn, aren't you? Wait a minute." Then she started writing some instructions on paper.

"You know how to read?"

"Yes, I know, why?"

"Ahh, this is incredible, here." She handed me a paper, some instructions were written on it, and a small map was also drawn: "I wrote some things, and if you didn't know how to read I also drew this small map, I think you will be able get there."

"Right, thanks." I just thanked her and turned to leave.

"Listen, when you get in the inn, say it was my recommendation, I think you'll get a discount." So convenient, and of course I will, it is always good to earn discounts and save money.

Then I passed the drunken adventurers again. When I got outside, Lisandra was standing in the same place looking restless, but when she saw me she seemed to have calmed down.

"So, did you get any help?"

"I got the address of an inn, come on."


After that, I took all of our stuff and took it with me, as I had a lot of strength, I couldn't let Lisandra carry all this weight. When I lifted all our bags at once, everyone around me looked at me in surprise.

Listen, it's not that heavy, all right?

And leaving the guild behind, we went towards the inn that Ro had indicated, I hope it is a good inn, I'm already getting hungry.

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