We headed towards the inn as we walked down the main street.

The street was very busy, probably because of the fair, many carriages with products were on the streets, some vendors were setting up their stalls for sales, and others stalls were already set up.

Along the way, I noticed some interesting things, but I didn't have enough money to spend right now, so I decided to ignore everything and that and move on.

After walking for a few minutes on the long street, we turned right on a street that was a little less crowded, but there were still a lot of people around here. The stores that existed here were different.

Simpler-looking stores, some people were also coming out of them, they were normal people, not nobles who wore expensive suits like those in the stores on the capital's main street.

The more I walked, the more paths appeared, when I realized, everything had already turned into a maze of streets and buildings, but as I had the map and the instructions, I managed to locate myself in some way.

After some more time walking through the streets of the capital, between large buildings, we arrived at a slightly more beautiful building. Unlike the other buildings that already had a little worn that didn't look clean, this place was different.

It was a building that seemed to have been built now, some decorations were put on the place, especially the beautiful flowers that were being displayed on the balconies of the rooms.

"Wait a minute, isn't this place a little too luxurious?" Lisandra, who was silent all the way frightened by the dirty-looking men passing by, decided to say something.

'Thinking about it, there are a lot of beggars in this place, aren't there?' All the way, I found many men carrying bottles of alcohol and wearing worn-out clothes.

But I don't think I should care about something as trivial as that. Finding beggars is common in a big city, especially in the capital.

"Ro ... I mean, Rose told me that this place is not expensive and that I could get a discount if I talked about her, I think it's okay to go in, isn't it?" Lisandra still looked a little worried about it, but she nodded to me.

And after a little hesitation, I opened the big door made of varnished wood. I know I don't have to keep repeating it, but this building was incredibly beautiful.

Oohh ~~

When I entered the building, I opened my mouth and made a sound while admiring the construction. Lisandra also acted the same way, making me smile.

But I couldn't fault her, it was a beautiful building.

A large lounge with tables came into view, tables neat and clean. Some of the tables were being used possibly by guests of the inn.

The floor was so clean that I could see the gleam of the wooden floor. Various decorations such as flowers and paintings were scattered around the room, giving the place a sophisticated look.

In front of us was a large counter, with a woman who was watching us with a smile on her face, she already looked like an older lady. Behind the woman also had some pictures in addition to a big paper written some things, it seemed to be the menu of the day.

There was also a door on its right side and a small window on its left side, I could smell a wonderful smell going out that window, probably the kitchen at the inn was there.

There were two stairs in the building, one on each side of the counter, right after the door there was one, and on the other side there was also one, they were double stairs, being sincere made the place even more beautiful.

But tired of admiring the place, I decided to approach the high counter to be attended by the woman who continued to look at us.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman had short yellow hair and her eyes were partially closed, but I could see their color a little, they were brown, it was a dark brown, almost black.

She had a kind voice, so I answered her with a smile: "Okay, we're here to host us."

"Okay, that's 30 copper coins a night, 50 if you want breakfast, lunch, and dinner prepared here." Wait, isn't that too cheap?

If you're wondering if this is expensive or cheap, this is cheap. 100 copper coins are enough to get a silver coin, and so on, the highest value is the platinum coin, neither my mom and dad seem to have seen one of these in their lives.

Well, it's a really big value.

But even though it is not very expensive, I decided to talk about Rose: "So, Rose told me that I would get a discount if I talked about her, is it true? Hahaha." I was ashamed, I could die so ashamed I was feeling.

The woman noticed this, then gave a gentle smile.

"So the mile daughter who sent you? This is surprising, it is very rare for her to do something like this, even if the inn is from her family ..."

"Wait, you're Rose's mother, are you serious?" Unable to hold back her surprise, Lisandra approaches up onto the counter and looked deeply into the woman's eyes.

"Yes, I don't look like her at all, do I? I think she pulled her father more ... Well, it doesn't matter now. My name is Sara, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Noah, this is my older sister, Lisandra."

"I understand, but now that we have introduced ourselves, how about we talk about business? My daughter would be angry if I didn't give you the discount. So how about 40 copper coins with the meal included? If you don't want the meal, it is only 20 coins a night. "

My god, this is very cheap, I even feel bad about accepting it, but there's nothing to do, it's good to save.

"Okay, here it is." I handed her three silver coins. It was enough for 7 days, in fact, it didn't exactly give the exact amount, but everything was fine.

"It's paid, if you want to extend the period after the 7 days have passed, you can come and talk to me, okay? I'll take you to your respective rooms." Soon after, she came out from behind the counter and signaled for us to follow her, then we went upstairs.

Of course, I was having a little trouble carrying my bags as I went up the stairs. Even though it is not heavy, it made my moves very difficult.

"Come here, I will help you.." Seeing that I had a little difficulty, Sara took one of the bags to help me, Lisandra then did the same, so I managed to go up the stairs without problems.

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