A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 40 - 40 - So This Is The School.

When we finished installing ourselves in the room, we decided to stay there because we were tired of the trip, when we realized, it was already dark and our bellies were snoring madly.

It was time for dinner.

Arriving on the floor below we were greeted by a new woman we hadn't seen before, she was wearing an apron and a bonnet, maybe she is the cook?

She guided us to one of the tables and we sat down, the room was full, so Lisandra was a little restless, but she forgot that all those people were around us when she saw the same woman bringing our food.

The first thing I noticed was a kind of white grain, it was in great quantity and it accompanied a big beefsteak, but I didn't know exactly which meat it was.

When I asked the woman: "Is this called rice, is it one of the greatest species of the Nortlein kingdom, and this is called beans, is it very common to be found in our country, you never ate something like that?" She showed me a small pot with some brown grain.

Hmm, I've never heard of it, it's really interesting, and it's also very tasty. This was certainly one of the best things I had experienced since I arrived in this world.

Lisandra also looked satisfied, I never saw her eat so much, are you really okay?

When we finished eating, we went up to the room and showered, the surprising thing was that there was plumbing, as in our village. My mother said that in some places they don't have access to this, these people suffer, right?


I am currently in the capital called Lettvell, and as I had nothing to do until classes arrived, I visited the main part of the capital together with Lisandra. I was holding Ro's map because it was important.

That place we were staying in was a maze, and there were some important instructions here on how to avoid going into really dangerous places, thanks for that, Ro.

The first one I did was to visit the stalls that had been set up on the main street of the city, many stalls were already here, unlike before, maybe the fair is already approaching? Anyway, that bean is really popular here.

What else I found selling was beans, it is a surprise that I have never eaten this before. There were also a lot of people selling rice, when I asked them, they were residents of Sonnald, the capital of Nortlein.

Well, they are bringing their most famous food to be sold in another country, I really appreciate that beans are very tasty!

"And you children, how about bread with sausage? It's just 8 copper coins." As we walked between the tents, we were called by a fat man, he had a big mustache on his face, he looked kind.

We approached his stall and bought some bread with this sausage, it tasted good, Lisandra also seemed to love it, so I went back and bought two more units for each of us.

After that, we only visited a few other tents, taking care not to spend too much money, but everything was tempting.


The next day, we went to the east of the city, most of the buildings in that place were houses, but there were also some scattered shops there, most of them were small markets and also bars.

We were received with great affection by the residents, several children were playing in the street and asked me to accompany them, but I politely refused.

Some families even called me to their homes even though they had just met us, but of course, I immediately refused. Just as they don't know me, I don't know them.

Walking carefully through this large residential part of the capital, and taking advantage of the climate, we found a slightly larger building, in fact, it was a huge church.

A church that was in a bad state, seemed to be abandoned, without investigating much about that place, we started walking through the residential district. Again we were being treated with affection by all the residents.

These people are really happy and receptive, aren't they? Even suffering from this quality of life...

All the way, we observed many children who continued to smile, but were so thin that their bones were visible, I confess that it was an impactful scene, but there was nothing I could do.

Despite all this poverty, and the men who looked dangerous we met along the way, it was a happy and welcoming place.


But that part of the city that I thought was a poor and unstructured place became wonderful as soon as I arrived in the simplest part of the city, it was a scene that a normal person would feel badly looking at, so Lisandra was starting to feel restless and sick with the vision.

My steps became slower as I progressed through the streets of that place, I started to shake my hand with the anger I was feeling at the scenes I was witnessing.

Could people suffer that much?

The first thing I noticed was the disregard for sanitation in this part of the city, there was garbage everywhere, the unbearable stench was getting worse and worse the further we walked through this part of the city.

The houses were made of wood, a rotten wood, these houses could collapse at any time.

But the problem with the houses was simple if I looked at the darkest and least visible alleys.

Sick children were thrown into the alleys, some of them had already lost the sparkle in their eyes, they seemed to be begging for their lives, or maybe they had already given up on their lives, I could not know what was going on in their heads just by looking at them.

These children were in an advanced state of malnutrition.

They were almost naked, just wearing their pants and skirts, but the only clothes they had were already torn and dirty.

Lisandra was not able to observe this for a long time and ended up asking us to come back, of course, I also it would probably take time to forget the scenes I witnessed here today.

It seems that the happiness I saw yesterday was gone the instant I stepped into this place, the only thing I could see was the despair of teenagers and children who attacked me in search of food and money.

But I didn't hurt them, I just made them pass out and left the place.


The next day, to forget about that impactful scene, I decided to stay away from that place and we went close to the city castle. The castle was what attracted the most attention in the capital.

That huge structure with white towers and many dark windows made everything a little mysterious since nothing could be seen inside the castle.

It was really beautiful, a huge balcony existed in the center of the castle, it looked more like a stage, maybe this is where the king makes his public statements, it was really a beautiful castle.

Probably the place that caught my attention the most was the huge garden with flowers of various types and colors, the smell of the flowers was so good that it could be felt by everyone around the castle.

As we walked around the castle to get a better look at what was around, we found many guards wearing heavy armor. Some were using spears, others swords, they were competent guards.

From the Status I observed from some of them, the average strength of the guards was 600 points, they were at a very high level, they were even stronger than my father and me.

Anyway, I don't think I'll ever get into a fight with royalty.

We continued to walk around and arrived in the noble neighborhood that was a little hidden by the huge castle, that place was full of huge and luxurious mansions, as well as shops that could leave any normal citizen breathless.

I thought that we would be prevented from moving around because we are ordinary citizens, but that was not the case. Despite having some people strangely looking at us, we don't care about that.

In addition to the stores, I could see a large structure that was even closer to the castle, I could say that this would be a smaller castle, asking the guard who was in front of the gate.

"This is the main school in the Southlein kingdom, maybe you are a new student?" The guard started to assess me.

"Yes, that's right, thanks for answering that." I bowed and respectfully I moved away from the guard, Lisandra followed right behind.

So this was the school we were going to study at, I hadn't been able to see it since it was being covered up by the castle, it's really a big school. But looking from the outside it looks just like a castle, is this place really a school?

Okay, the structure has some huge patios that would probably be used for training, but the structure was a castle, I couldn't see it as a school.

Whatever, I'll find out when the day comes for us to start studying. It just makes me worried that commoners study at this school in an upscale neighborhood, that really sucks.

But now I am also a commoner who will study here, I was right to be worried about meeting arrogant noble boys.

There was no reason to worry about that now, we went back to the inn right after, and after enjoying our other days exploring the rest of the city, the fateful day of entering school arrived.

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