A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 41 - 41 - Ceremony.

"Are you ready yet? Got dressed?" Lisandra was changing in the bathroom, we kept our best clothes for this day, apparently, we would only receive the uniform after the first day of school, so we would have to wear a regular outfit.

My mother had arranged for me a small suit, it was a suit of low quality, but it was also very beautiful, maybe I could even be mistaken for a nobleman.

I combed my hair, which I didn't usually do, and I waited for Lisandra to come out of the bathroom, and after a few long minutes of waiting, she was finally out.

"Ohh, you look beautiful." Lisandra was wearing a long dress, her dress went below her knees. It was a white dress with some flowers embroidered in white, it was a wonderful dress.

She also wore a beautiful shoe, it had a red color.

"You look beautiful, too, Noah." Lisandra approached me and started to fix the tie that seemed a little out of place, when she got closer, I could see that she was wearing a little makeup.

Her hair was braided majestically.

"Thanks, now it's time to go, isn't it?" Aside from wanting to avoid meeting nobles, I'm actually looking forward to this experience. As I never went to school, it will be a new experience.

"Yes let's go." Lisandra agreed and then we left the room, I helped her down the stairs while holding her hand, the dress had a long hem, so it could be a little dangerous.

Walking carefully, we reached the floor below, we were greeted by the looks of everyone who was in the place, especially men. Give up guys, I won't give Lisandra to you.

"Ara, you are beautiful..." Sara was the one who received us, she was behind the counter, but left and came over to our side.

"Yes, the time has finally come, I'm a little nervous." Lisandra smiled.

"Don't worry, I am with you." I tried to say something, but I was completely ignored by the two women, it hurt me a little.

"Everything will be fine, I wish you luck, I hope you will enter an elite class." Sara put her hand on our heads and ruffled our hair a little, after having so much work...

Well, now I can't complain about it, if we don't hurry, we'll be late.

After saying goodbye again, we left the inn and started our long walk to school, as now I had already recorded every corner of this city in my mind, I didn't need the map.


All the way, we found happy and smiling children accompanied by their parents, when we were in the main part of the city, we were seeing only normal children, their parents were wearing simple clothes.

But the closer we got to the school, the more different the environment became. Children wearing expensive dresses, they even had jewelry that seemed to be worth a fortune on their necks, wasn't that unnecessary for a child?

Unlike the other children who seemed more humble, who were staring at Lisandra's beautiful dress, the children who seemed rich didn't even care about her. Well, that was expected.

After walking for a while, we arrived at school. At the door, they had the same guards we met before, but now they were accompanied by a few more companions.

Facing the gate, many parents held their children's hands and entered the school, a line had formed and we waited for a while until our turn came.

When we approached, the guard seemed to have recognized me and smiled at me, I waved at him and we entered the school. Inside the school was the huge garden and the courtyards that I had seen last time, but it looked like the ceremony wouldn't be anywhere around here.

Following the other children, we entered the school, a huge hall came into my view as if it were a large theater, and many chairs had been placed there.

In the middle of the large room, several children were sitting, and on the sides of the room, their parents watched them.

There were really a lot of kids here, I also noticed that there were stairs that led to the second floor, maybe the classrooms are upstairs.

We walked between the long rows of chairs and found two empty chairs, then sat down and waited.

A long time passed, the places that had been vacated, had now been occupied by many children and other people who already seemed to be older.

Well, my mom warned me that there would have older people like Lisandra here.

"Welcome to the Wilisen School of Magic, the main school in the kingdom of Southlein, it is a pleasure to welcome you all." On the stage in front of us, there was an old man, he had long gray hair, he also had a long beard that went up to his chest.

His eyes were cloudy, for a moment I thought he was blind, but he seemed to be seeing very well, I may have been wrong.

"I am the director of this school, Jaegel Leofusean, today we are here for the entrance ceremony, in which I will be responsible for evaluating each one of you." He took a deep breath and continued: "Just by looking, I can see a lot of talented students, this will certainly be a wonderful year."

I could feel his eyes on me, those cloudy eyes gave me chills.

"So, without further introductions, I will call one by one here, when you are called, introduce yourselves immediately, understood? As soon as you are evaluated, you will be taken by Nita to their appropriate classrooms." The man pointed to a red-haired woman nearby, she wore glasses and looked like an intellectual person.

After that, the school principal started to call one student at a time, but all the students were uninteresting, only a few stood out, because of their beauty and also some who looked strong.

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