A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 68 - 67 – The First Day.

A few days had passed and I was recovering very well. My wound was almost healed and I no longer felt any pain.

Best of all, Lisandra didn't see my wound and didn't find out anything about it. Since I didn't want her to worry and I didn't want her to get involved in it, I think it was a good thing she didn't notice anything.

But she was also distracted by something else at the moment, which was the start of classes.

After thinking that classes would start that day, finally, now they would really start. I confess that I was a little anxious to see those nobles.

They were good people even though they were noble, I really admire children who are raised that way. Their parents must be good people too, but I haven't had a chance to talk to them.

"Is ready?" Lisandra came out of the bathroom wearing her school uniform. It was a small shirt with relatively short sleeves. It was a white shirt with some dark blue details.

In addition, there was also a small tie in red color, the skirt that was part of the uniform set was dark blue as well as the details they had on the shirt. The skirt wasn't too long, but it wasn't too short either.

'Let's say it's acceptable, but depending on the person this uniform can be very sexy.' But since I'm going to a school only with children and young people who are not very developed, I don't think I will find someone with a sexy body..

Maybe Isabell? No, she doesn't have such a pretty body, but her face is so cute... Maybe I should try to get closer to her? No, I mustn't think about romance right now, I'm in the middle of something important here.

War of gods and monsters under the capital. Now that I've stopped to think about it, these problems are so big that I could have run away to avoid them if I was the old self, but now that I got involved it was impossible.

Well, but now is not the time to think about it.

It was time to go to school, and as for my uniform, it was much simpler than Lisandra's. I looked like an important person wearing something like that, just a pair of long black pants and a long-sleeved shirt and tie.

I only saw important people wearing ties in the old days, I never thought I would wear one in my life. But it also didn't quite match the muscular body that I had before.

"Let's go? We can't be late on the first day." I walked towards the exit.

"Wait a minute, I need this." Lisandra grabbed a bag with several books to take with her. Doesn't she know there's probably a library at the school? Well, whatever, one day she will find out.

"So let's go." As soon as she grabbed her bag, we went downstairs to find Sara all smiling waiting for us.

"Look how beautiful you are. I'm proud of you." She was acting like she was our mom, hey calm down, doesn't need to cry.

"Good morning, Sara." Lisandra smiled at Sara and I just greeted her, after that, we ate something and left towards the school.

Many kids were going to school, all the girls wore a uniform like Lisandra's, and of course, all the boys wore a uniform like mine.

Aside from a few kids who wore different colored armbands, I don't know exactly what that is, I'll ask someone later.

And after walking for a long time, we arrived at the school gate.

The place wasn't as crowded as the first time since the parents weren't with the kids. Well, some parents were coming to bring their kids to the school door, but they wouldn't go inside.

The same guards were at the gate and greeted me as I passed, I think that guy really liked me.

"So what do you want to do now? We still have a little time." Lisandra did look excited as she walked along the stone path that led to the school's main door.

"I don't know, do you want to explore the school a little? But I'm afraid we'll get lost, isn't this place very big?"

I already had some idea the first time, but now I could see how big this place was.

"Well, how about visiting the courtyard? There seem to be some people training there." Lisandra pointed to the huge courtyard, and in the center, I could see two people holding wooden swords.

They were facing each other and preparing to attack.

"Hm, I think it's okay, we still have some time."

"Okay, I think it might be fun." In addition to the two people in the center, there were also some people outside watching the whole little battle that was going on.

"Let's go then." Lisandra took my hand and started to pull me along, not caring about the people who came our way.

We were at the school door, a lot of people were passing by.

"Ouch~~ Hey, look where you're walking."

"Oh sorry, my sister is a bit of an idiot...Hm?"

"Oh, it's you, Noah."

"Bertga? Hey Lisandra, wait a minute"

"Let's go, their fight is about to start.

"Let's go, wait a minute."

"You should be more careful, if you bumped into someone else you could get in trouble."

"Oh, I think I understand what you mean."

"So where are you going?"

"We were going to visit the courtyard, it looks like there is a little battle going on there, I was curious."

"Oh, can I go with you?" Bertga looked excited when he heard the word "Battle". Looks like he's one of those, doesn't he? Well, I like battles a lot too, I can't blame him.

"Of course, but let's go fast because it seems to have already started."

"Right." For a moment I felt some strange looks, but I ignored them.

Approaching I could already hear the noise of the wooden swords clashing, and I could also see how amateur they were.


We got there in an instant.

Lisandra was holding my hand, and with the other hand, she carried her bag full of books. Bertga was beside us watching the two people in the center of the courtyard.

It was two boys, they looked a little older than me, maybe they were even Lisandra's age, meaning they're a little older than most here. They used wooden swords and thin armor made of some unknown material.

They were both beautiful, but they were her only qualities.

They held their swords weirdly, it was as if they were holding a stick. Even though it was a one-handed sword, they were both using their two hands to hold it, so it hindered their movements a lot.

They made an attack, clashed their swords, and then backed away from each other, it was even tedious to watch this battle. However, only I was finding it tedious, Bertga seemed amazed and excited by the slow attacks of the two boys.

"They are good?" I asked Bertga.

"Of course they are our senior in the school, don't you see?" I noticed they were a little older, but...

"There, you can see it in their arms, it means that they are already close to graduating." On the boys' arms was a red and gold band. There were some things written, but I couldn't read them because of the distance.

"I hadn't seen anyone using this when we came the first time."

"Oh, usually on admission day they don't show up, just new students."

"I understand. So it means that there will be a lot more students than that time."

"Of course, the students who were here that day were just the students who were going to be in the first year. There are still the second, third, and fourth-year students. And these guys are fourth-year."

"But aren't they too young?"

"Well, they probably started school very early, but they're not that young. They're probably already close to 20 years old."

"Hmmm…" And they use a sword like that? Isn't that a little too weird? Watching the movement of their feet, the crude way they swing their swords, I can see only a few amateurs.

Maybe this school isn't everything I thought?

"I'm a little surprised, Noah."

"What's it?"

"Even though you sound like someone so diligent, you didn't know anything about the school, you didn't even research how it worked?"

"I heard a few things from my mom, but I don't care how the school works as long as I can learn something." What will be impossible, given the level of older students here, I'm sure it's a waste of time.

"Your sister already seemed to know all this, why don't you learn a little from her?"

"Don't worry, I'm good. Let's go now? This is a waste of time."

"What? But it's so cool." Bertga questioned.

"Is this cool? Look at Lisandra, she's bored."

"Yeah, that's frustrating."

"What you mean?"

"Oh, it's just that Noah is so much better than these guys. Isn't he amazing?" Lisandra placed her hand on my head.

"Hey, shut up."

"So you're good with a sword, aren't you? How about battling with me in the future."


"Come on, let's go."

"Fine, but know that you will lose."

"We'll see.... Hehehe"

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