A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 69 - 68 – Problems On The First Day Of Class.

After that disappointment, we went inside the school.

This time the school was much fuller. Several students looked older with red and gold bands on their arms, they were fourth-year students. And whenever I looked at their Statuses, they were mediocre.

They all had the standard strength of an ordinary adventurer, they were weak. Looking at the status of older students and seeing how low their status numbers, I began to realize that this world was really weak.

It was a completely different level from my old one. Even though I couldn't see Status in the old days, considering the strength that my teammates and I had, I know the level there was much higher than in this world.

And it didn't just have students with red and gold sashes on their arms. They also had students with blue sashes and some with silver sashes, but they all had gold accents.

And in all of them, there were some scriptures. These were things I couldn't read.

That wasn't the language of this world, and it doesn't make sense to worry about it, I just wanted to know why there were other colors. And since Bertga and Lisandra were here, I asked them to explain it to me.

It was very simple.

Fourth-year students wore red and gold armbands.

Third-year students wore blue and gold armbands.

Second-year students wore silver and gold armbands.

Of course, those who were the first year didn't use any tracks. I see, so this is how students are separated. Well, some fourth-year students look very young, and since the uniforms are all the same... I understand.

"I see, so we can assume that the armband doesn't mean anything much."

"It's not like that, remember to always respect students who are older than you."

"Does not respect them will cause any punishment?"

"Not exactly, but they might end up getting mad at you, and my cousin said it's not a good idea for that to happen."

"Your cousin also studies here?"

"Yeah, he's currently in the third year, maybe you'll find him around at some point."


During the entire conversation, we walked around the school and met a lot of people. Strange people, people who looked sad, people happy.

There were all kinds of people in this place, but they were all weak.

Maybe I'm caring too much about people's physical and magical strength.


"I'm going to my classroom, Ciaphia must be waiting for me."

"Alright, say hello to her for me. I'll go to the living room too, shall we?"

"Of course." Bertga smiled. He really was a nice guy compared to any noblemen I met in my old world.

"And one last question before we go."

"You can say."

"Does the school have a name?"



"You Must be kidding."


"The name of the school is the same as the country."

"I see, how simple.

"So simple and you didn't know it."


After walking through the corridors, we had finally arrived in our classroom.

The room was full, much more crowded than the first time. Maybe in the first time, not all the people showed up, or maybe I didn't pay much attention to exactly how many people has.

A lot of the people seemed noble for the way they looked at me, and their hair and clothes were clean and well cared for. A few others looked a bit dirty, their clothes were wrinkled and they didn't look well taken care of.

Well, but I can't generalize since my clothes are in the same state as those of the nobles, and guess what? I am not a nobleman. Good thing Lisandra cares so much about appearances, if depended on me I would even come without my uniform.

I walked to my desk and sat down. A lot of people were watching me, including Vinly, Annea, Elinas, and the twin brothers Uniel and Aniel. They were the only people I had talked to on my first day here.

Isabell was sitting there, but she didn't even look at me. Did she still remember our date? I have no idea.

Most people had switched places, so everyone was around, which made conversation possible.

"Good to see you again." The first to say something was Vinly. She was a noble girl who had approached me just like Bertga.

"It's good to see you too. Are there no more people here than on the first day?"

"About that, it seems that our classroom had very few students, so they decided to merge two classrooms."

"Damn, I preferred it when I had few students."

"Me either." Vinly smiled and turned to the front.

After that, we wait for our teacher to arrive. And after a while, who appeared was a tall, charming woman. She wore a dress a little vulgar in my opinion.

She had blue long hair, her eyes were black as darkness. She was a beautiful and very attractive woman, but from the look she gave all the students, I could see that she was a bit of a difficult woman.

"Be quiet, brats. Since you don't have any material yet, I'll just give some explanations and write some things on the board, and whoever dares to speak during my class, I promise I'll rip out the tongue." She seemed to be serious.

I looked at Bertga and he seemed in awe of her beauty. But what a weird kid, doesn't he see that one's personality is more important than looks? With a few words, I could see how annoying this woman is.

"I've already seen this class is going to suck." Looking at all the worried students around, and at the woman who seemed proud of what she had just said, I accidentally ended up talking too loudly.

With my words, all the students looked at me. All of them were thinking "Is this boy crazy?" "Does he want to die?" "He's going to get kicked out" Or things like that. I confess that I started to get worried.

Would I get kicked out on my first day?

As I averted my gaze so as not to look at the teacher, I started to hear footsteps approaching.

"What did you say?" Looking at the source of the voice, I saw the teacher standing in front of my desk as she bent down to look at my face.

The first thing that crossed my mind was... her tits were huge.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking out loud."

"What did you say, hmm… I've already seen that this class is going to suck. You said that, didn't you?"


"For what reason? You are looking for trouble on your first day of school? Look around, everyone's looking at you like you're an idiot for me getting your attention on the first day."

Wait, since we're at it, I can take advantage of this situation to get out of this room. I just hope it doesn't give me too much trouble.

"No, they're just sorry for me."


"Well, I ended up talking more than I should have and they must feel sorry for me. They must be thinking 'Hey, he's going to get kicked out' Or 'That crazy teacher is going to take him down.' Stuff like that."

"Aren't you a bit of a cheeky boy?"

"Of course not. I just said what they're probably thinking. And I apologize for saying that, okay?"

"Come with me."

"I already apologized, isn't that enough? The class started recently, you don't need to do that."

"Come now."

"I didn't mean the class would suck because of you, I was just bored."

"Alright, you will explain this to the Headmaster. And you just sit still, if I come back and have someone standing, you'll be treated just like him, understand?" No one said anything, everyone was silent as they watched me being dragged out of the room.

I begged Bertga to say something (Of ​​course I don't want it), but he ignored me like I didn't exist, they all ignored me. These traitors.

I kept being dragged by that woman and didn't even know who she was, but I couldn't do anything. I'm still just a kid and I'm a student here, I need to follow the rules and I can't just hit a teacher.

We continued walking along long corridors until we reached the school principal's office.

As soon as we arrived at the door, we were greeted by Nita, who was standing in front of the principal's office. She seemed to be waiting for someone or just served as a guard so that no one invaded.

"Is the director in?"

"What happened this time?" Nita seemed to be used to this situation.

"This smart kid here said that my class sucked and even dared to argue with me, can you believe it?"

Nita looked at me and I smiled at her.

"He said?"

"Yes, he said, can I speak to the director?"

"Unfortunately he's not here."

"Where is him now?"

"He had to go out to get some documents, I don't think he will take him long to come back. I left this boy here, when the principal arrives I will notify him of what happened."

"Okay, thank you very much." The teacher released my arm and left me beside Nita.

Seeing her leave, I took advantage and looked at her Status.


Name: Sae

Level: 65

Race: Human

Age: 34

Strength: 236

Agility: 162

Magic: 5133


Fire Magic - Level 6

Wind Magic - Level 8

[ End ]

I had managed to get out of this woman's class, but now, what will happen next? I hope the principal doesn't call my mom here, that would be a disaster.. Just thinking about what my mom could do made me start to get scared.

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