A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 79 - 78 - Few Children.

The second day of school was over.

Today school materials had been distributed throughout the school. They had given them some books, some notebooks, and also pens that would be used for taking notes. Lisandra looked quite excited.

Since she never had a notebook and pen of her own, she seemed quite excited about what she could write.

As soon as she got her materials, the first thing she said was, "Now I can start writing my own book."

I don't know if she has a talent for this sort of thing, but I hope she doesn't focus on it so much and end up being disappointed in the future. But apparently, she's just wanting to write something amateur, she's not planning on publishing it.

And that would also be impossible.

'Now that classes were over, I was going to visit the guild.'

First I went to the inn to store my materials and then I showered and changed my clothes. Before leaving I warned Lisandra and said I would be back in a short time.

Again she told me not to be late, but since I was just going to ask the receptionist a few questions, I don't think it would be long.

Sara also looked worried, but I said I'd be back soon. Of course, I didn't tell the two of them that I was going to the guild, I did say that would meet a friend of mine.

Leaving the inn, I arrived at the guild.

As it was late, the movement within the guild was starting to increase with the arrival of adventurers. Usually, by this time they are finishing their missions and they come to the guild to get the reward.

And as always, many of them start to sit down to drink beer together with their fellows, turning the guild into a sort of bar full of annoying drunks.

I won't complain too much because I was one of those people before.

Entering the guild I was met by looks from many adventurers, but they soon ignored me and went back to acting as if I wasn't even there. There was a huge line and all the receptionists were already seeing some adventurers.

Not having much to do, I got into one of the lines to wait for my turn. As the receptionists wanted to finish their work quickly, I think it will be very quick.


A few minutes passed and my turn to be answered had not come. Looking outside, I began to notice that it was already getting dark.

'I can't be late again, where is that woman? I think her name was Ro. ' I looked for her for a while longer and found her. A group of three adventurers was talking to her.

They were carrying a bag wet with blood, there was a dead animal in there. No other adventurers brought their hunt like this, why are these guys doing it?

"Ro? Can I get you some questions? I just came here for this, but it's taking a long time." I called her interrupting her conversation with the adventurers. After doing that, they all looked at me.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Excuse me, we are being attended to here, it won't take long."


"What's it? Why is a brat like you is here, shouldn't that be prohibited, receptionist? The rules make it clear that children under 13 cannot enter here."

"Don't worry too much about him, and he's also over 13 years old too...I think. Take this here and give me this bag." Rose handed some coins to the adventurers and then picked up the bloodstained bag.

After looking inside, she looked disgusted and annoyed at the men. They didn't even care how she acted, they took the money and left.

"Looks like you didn't like what you got there." Now the way was clear and I could finally talk to her. Other adventurers started to join the queue, but I didn't mind.

"It's just that those guys always bring lousy hunting. In addition to hurting the entire animal, it still can't dismantle it."

"This is sad."

"But even so I'm forced to accept, isn't it? It always has some use. But I honestly don't know how those guys manage to survive on the amount of money they get."

"From their appearance, I'm sure they don't make money just selling stuff to the guild." And also the ability called 'Theft' they have.

"It will be? I think they are too weak to do anything." Not when they rob people who don't know how to fight. But now is not the time to care about that, bandits exist everywhere.

"But now forget about these guys, I'm here to ask you a few questions about the guild."

"Perhaps you are want to become an adventurer? But didn't you just start studying? Does your sister know about this?" She started asking a lot of questions.

"Well, maybe I want to become an adventurer. And about the school, I think I can study and work at the same time, and my sister doesn't know I'm here either."

"Do not do this."


"Don't disturb your studies because of this, are you out of money? If you want, I would ask my mother to let you stay in the Inn for free for a while, what do you think?"

"It's not about the money, it's my choice." I just wanted to kill monsters to raise my levels, and I don't think I can do that at school.

"I come back to ask you not to do this, how old are you?"

"You almost got it right before, I'm not over 13, I'm exactly 13."

"I see, and do you already want to work as an adventurer? Where did this idea come from?"

"It's just that my parents are adventurous, so I want to follow in their footsteps."

"I understand. But isn't it better if you stay in school so that in the future you don't become a knight or something? Maybe you'll even start working for the king."

"I'm a kid, but I don't like dreaming that much." And I would never dream that, I don't want to lock myself in a job. If I became a knight, I would practically be forced to do anything.

"You know, you can get it if you try, I'm sure you're very strong."

"How can you be sure?"

"Well, that's why you're looking to become an adventurer, isn't it? You have confidence that you are strong. Also, your parents are adventurers, I'm sure you've received some training."

"I think so."

"So what questions do you have to ask? I think we've already talked too much."

"I would ask the minimum age for a person to start working as an adventurer, but it looks like my question has already been answered."

"I understand."

"But speaking of which, the minimum age is 13 years old, right?"

"That's right."

"So why don't I see any children around here?" It would be normal for there to be children here if the minimum age is so low, but since I arrived in the capital, I haven't found any children who work as an adventurer.

I found only big, muscular men.

"About that, it's a little tricky to explain."

"I have some time left, and I think these guys here don't care." I looked at the adventurers behind me, they seemed to be enjoying listening to our conversation. Not all of them, some looked impatient.

"Right." So Rose started to explain to me why there were no children here, and the answer was very simple.

The infant mortality rate was very high. Virtually all adventurers who joined the guild between the ages of 13 and 16 ended up dead in their first week on the job.

Most of the time because they are irresponsible and try to fight monsters that are too strong or do missions that are too high for their level.

I asked her if novice adventurers could take quests from a higher RANK, and she explained to me that this was allowed. Receptionists are told to get them to give up, but they cannot force them to give up.

And considering a child's personality, they could never stop they.

"But should have responsible children here, no?"

"Oh, sure, but normally these kids prefer to travel to other cities to get work."


"As this guild is in the capital, the quests here are at a higher level, and the simpler quests are scarce. Quests like cleaning, harvesting, and helping with constructions are completely unnecessary here."

"Because there is a lot of manpower."

"That's right, so they don't need novice adventurers to do this."

"And that's why they prefer to go to smaller towns to get this kind of missions and increase their RANK."


"But still shouldn't there be some new adventurers around here?"

"Well, there are few these days, and they usually stay at the adventurers' school, why don't you go and visit first?"

"Maybe I will, thanks. And I will show up here later to sign up."

"So you intend to join the guild?"

"Sure. But it's a little too late, I need to hurry."

"Okay, see you later," Rose said goodbye with a smile on her face, but I could see she looked worried.

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