A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 80 - 79 – Attempted Theft?

After I left the guild, I would go straight to the inn, but there was something weird going on around me and I could see it.

The first thing I noticed as I got far enough away from the guild was some adventurers following me, actually, there were three of them.

'So they decided to attack.' Just because I'm a kid? They don't even know if I have money. No, wait, that skill called 'Theft' allows them to see if I have anything of value with me.

'Or I think it works that way.' And I had brought a bag of coins, so they want this.

I always carry cash for emergencies, but I don't think this time it was a good idea to bring it with me. But, surprisingly, they follow me so openly like that.

Couldn't they hide or something? They were walking behind me as they stared at my pocket, they were like a dog chasing food.

'Where are the guards around here too?' If I was an ordinary person I was doomed, no guards were around, it seems the security of the capital is not very good. I think guards spend most of their time near the castle or in the noble area.

As always, they like to protect what matters.

But since there were no guards around here, I would have to sort this out myself.

I kept walking and pretended I hadn't noticed their presence. Some people had noticed that I was being followed and were looking at me with pity, seeming to know what would happen to me.

Wait for a second, why don't you guys who are looking at me and don't go to the guild and let them know about it? I think people in this town are idiots.

'Well, come with me.' I increased the speed of my steps enough to make it look like I was running. My legs were short, but even so, they had to practically run to keep up with me.

Now it had become even more obvious what they wanted, they really didn't know how to be thieves.

I continued following the path towards the inn and started to go one of the narrow streets. Of course, I wouldn't take them directly to the inn, so I took another path where the movement of people was less.

It was also dark and there was garbage lying on the floor, it's probably a place where beggars slept or something as there were some torn blankets on the floor. Of course, there were also empty liquor bottles.

"Finally you stopped." The men were breathless, they are really weak. I had seen the Status of the Three before, they are all weak like an ordinary person, I don't even know if I could consider them adventurous.

'Their strength is no more than 100 points, and their agility is even lower. Also, the three don't have any magical abilities.' Perhaps 100 points is a little high when your opponent is a person who has never fought anyone in his life.

And these guys definitely attack only these people.

"Oops, I ended up getting lost." I turned to the men and smiled. It wasn't a smile of someone happy or a smile of someone who was ashamed, but a smile of someone who had just found great prey.

Seeing how I was smiling looking at them, the men backed away a little and took up their swords.

"Hey, boss."

"Say it."

"This guy isn't a kid, can't he be a dwarf?"

"I'm sure he's a child...But..."

"He's scary."

"Yeah, shouldn't we go back? Let's just let it go."

"Even though it's scary, he's just a kid, go there and take that bag of coins out of him, it'll be easy." The supposed boss swallowed his saliva and gave the order to his two companions. That guy, he's smart.

'He realized that he can't do anything against me.'

As soon as his companions advanced towards me, he turned and began to run.

"You won't run away." But I wouldn't let that happen. Using all my strength and agility, I ran towards him. I had gained a big boost, I was fast enough to approach him in just a second.

The man didn't have time to react. As soon as I got close, I spun my body and gave a huge kick to the middle of his back.

"Guaa~~" With an agonized scream and the sound of some bones breaking, the man crashed into the wall in front of him, opening a huge hole.

[ You have leveled up - Current level 20 ]

"There is?" Did he die with just one attack?


"You bastard." Taking advantage, the two men ran towards me holding their swords.

"Since you're dead, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed this, would you?" I took the sword from the supposed leader. When I held her, the two men were already close enough to attack me.

Looking to the right side, I noticed a sword coming towards my neck, so I lowered my body and just watched the sword pass over me in slow motion. After that I adjusted my body and jumped back, avoiding the other man's sword.

"Shit, he got away."

"Hey, let's get out of here, the boss is already dead."

"He's not dead!"

The men got on guard again, and since I was out of patience, I used all my speed and approached the man on the right in an instant. Like the boss, I just kicked him, making him crash into the wall.

Before he hit the ground, I went over and thrust the sword straight into his chest just to make sure he died.

"You bastard."

"Goodbye." The other man approached and had his arm ripped off with just one movement.

Aaaaaarrg~~ You bastard, I'm going to kill you~~

He had no reaction time, his arm just dropped while his hand still held his sword. He started crying desperately, I just smiled at the desperate man and got close enough to him to look up and see his eyes.

His eyes were full of despair right now.

"You should have stopped stealing sooner, don't you think? Or maybe you should have looked for a better person to try to steal." After saying that, I thrust my sword up and it went through the man's neck

I let go of the sword hilt and let his body fall to the ground.

"It seems that these two are far from being enough to level up. And now I'm smeared with blood too, dammit." How am I going to explain my bloodstained clothes to Lisandra?

Maybe I just tell her I got a job at a butcher shop? It's not a lie I was cutting some meat.

"Well, let's stop thinking that now, someone might have heard their screams." Since I didn't want to be seen, giving jumps and holding in a few places, I climbed on top of one of the buildings. If I were on top I don't think anyone would see me.


I was jumping over the buildings and finally made it to the inn. As I wasn't very used to this view from above, I was a little lost, but looking for some reference points I managed to get to the inn.

Once there, I didn't know what to do. Should I enter through the door or through the window?

If I walked through the door, everyone would see my clothes stained with blood and that would be horrible, so I chose to walk in through the window.

It wasn't as difficult as I thought, but I had to wait for the traffic on the street to slow down so there was no chance of anyone seeing me, and it took me a little longer. But finally, the time had come and I made it to the window easily.

I'm also lucky that Lisandra had left the window open.

"Gyaa~~" As soon as I fall into the room through the window, Lisandra gave a small cry and got up from her bed.

"Hey, it's me, don't worry."

"Oh, it's you, thank goodness...Eh?...Wait, thankfully nothing, why did you come in through the window? And why are your clothes stained with blood? Are you hurt?" Lisandra got up from her bed in despair and ran to me.

"I'm fine, I was walking down the street and I ended up getting attacked by some guys." I decided to tell the truth.

"Wait, were you attacked? Why?"

"Because of this money, of course." I removed the bag of coins from my pocket.

"But thankfully nothing bad happened to you, who did this to you, and what did you do to them? I can assume this blood is theirs, right?"

"Yeah, I killed them all."

"Did you kill them?" Lisandra looked a little shocked.


"What if the guards find out and go after you?" She filled her eyes with tears.

"They are thieves, nothing will happen to me even if the guards find out." That was normal anywhere, it was just self-defense.


Lisandra remained silent and I got ready to take a shower, the smell of blood was starting to take over the place.

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