A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 85 - 84 – New Dungeon?

Arriving at the city gate, I showed my guild card to the guards and they allowed me out. I had finally managed to get out and be able to explore the outside of the capital, I was feeling great and also very excited.

As soon as I passed through the gate of the capital, the only thing I saw was a huge road that was where we had come from and a lot of forests everywhere. Like the village, it had many forests around the capital.

Just by looking at the forests, I was starting to get really excited about what was there.

"Come on, finally I will be able to kill some monsters." I ran towards the biggest forest that was on the right side of the capital.

I think I should have asked Rose for some information about the monsters that live in the forest, but I don't really feel like going back right now, so I kept going.

As I approached the forest and looked into it, I noticed how dark this place was.

Even though it was close to the entrance, it was already dark because of the number of trees, the ground was rather dry and there was not much grass or flowers. The most prevalent thing was mushrooms on the ground and tree trunks.

"This is going to be fun." I walked into the thick forest with a big smile on my face and started walking around.

There were many trees, the sounds of birds were everywhere. Taking a deep breath I could smell the leaves of the trees, it was wonderful. Looking forward or all around I could only see trees.

There weren't many spaces that didn't have a tree, so running through this forest would be very difficult. Because of the number of trees, big monsters wouldn't walk around here.

I continued walking and went deeper into the forest.

The only thing I found was some strange birds and also some wild boars, just wild animals. But I didn't hurt them, as I just wanted to hunt monsters that would harm someone.

Although wild boars attack people...

From then on I started killing all the wild boars I found. I didn't have a sword, so I used wind magic to create blades sharp enough to cut through his flesh like a piece of paper.

All wild boars I met on the way, I killed and left their body inside the forest.

It wasn't a good idea to do this as it might attract wolves or wild dogs, but I wouldn't be able to take all these wild boars with me, sorry city guards, it's my fault if something like that happens.

"But other than wild monsters, there's nothing around here, is there? Wait, I found something interesting." I had already walked for about 20 minutes inside the forest, I was probably already a considerable distance from the capital.

And useful information for you, the number of trees started to decrease the farther I went from the capital.

Unlike before, now the amount was quite low, enough for large clean spaces to be created, all these spaces were full of grass and flowers.

What I had found here was in one of those spaces.

Like in the forest near the village, a large stone appeared. The stone look was like a sculpture. Taking into account my height, that stone was probably more than three meters high, it was quite tall.

"Hmm, that's interesting." I had only seen one side of the rock, but when I went to the other side I saw a huge entrance that led underground, it was a cave. A dark cave that looked very deep.

'Should I go in there?' When I think of something underground, I can only remember that place in the capital. I started to think that if I went in here, I would end up in a place like that.

And it's not impossible.

Or maybe it could just be a dungeon. These dungeons sometimes appear inside forests or in isolated places. I've never been in one, but it can really be interesting to do something like that.

"But right now? In a little it's lunchtime, if I go in here I don't know if I'll be able to leave rapidly." I started to question whether I really should do this.

And I decided to go back.

However, I marked the location in my mind as I would return to this place later, preferably bringing a sword with me.

"But besides the dungeon, there's nothing around here…" I started to look around and I just saw trees and more trees, there was no sign of a monster or a person, it was a deserted and calm place.

A great place to rest.

I lay down beside the cave and stayed there for a few minutes. For a moment I thought I heard some scream coming out of the cave, but soon everything was silent.

After a while, I decided to go back to town. I only managed to kill a few wild boars, but it was still a good experience.

I have to find a way to come here and explore this place without Lisandra suspecting anything.

'And I also have to ask Rose if this dungeon had ever been visited before. Well, maybe it's just an ordinary cave'


After some time I had reached the capital. This time I was allowed in without having to show my guild card.

When I entered I could already see a considerable amount of adventurers arriving in the city, and many of them were looking at me, surely they were thinking "What is a child doing here?".

But I ignored them all and followed them to the adventurers guild, some of them had gone back to lunch just like me.

Arriving at the guild, it was already full. But since the adventurers weren't going to the receptionists, I looked for Rose to talk to her about that cave. It's best to do this quickly before heading back to the inn.

"Rose? Can I talk to you for a bit?" I caught her attention and she noticed me, after that she stopped what she was doing and came to me.

"Are you here again yet? What happened? I'm a little busy right now."

"Sorry to be in the way, but I need to talk to you about a cave or dungeon I found."

"A dungeon? It's been a while since we've cataloged one, maybe it's an existing one, can you tell me where you saw it? Wait... Did you leave town? I told you to let me know."

"I just went for a walk, forget it. And about the dungeon, it is east of the capital, in the forest on the right side of the city. I walked for a little over 20 minutes until I found her."

"I see, there are no records of dungeons in that forest, what is this cave?"

"She is in an open field in the middle of the forest. It's a big rock with an entrance that leads underground, but as it was dark I couldn't see anything inside, didn't you know about this cave?"

"No... Well maybe it's just an ordinary cave anyway, but thanks for the info, I'll send some adventurers over there to take a look."


"And don't even think about going in there alone, got it? Wait for the adventurers to explore first, if it's not dangerous I'll let you in."

"Of course, do you think I'm an idiot?" I can't tell her I was thinking about going in there, but I haven't changed my mind, I think it will be fun.

"I don't think so, so I hope you're not reckless enough to go inside an unknown cave, there might be really dangerous monsters in there you know?"

"Of course I know, and rest assured, I won't go in before the guild report. But I don't get any reward for finding a new dungeon?"

"If it turns out to be a dungeon, you will receive a reward, so rest assured."

"I see, now I'm going to the inn because I need to have lunch, when the exploration of the cave is over I want you to let me know, okay?"


After that, I said goodbye to Rose and went straight to the inn. Our conversation was so simple. 

I thought finding a new dungeon would be a big thing that would make the whole guild happy, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Maybe it's because it hasn't been confirmed yet that it was a dungeon, I hope it's one, as I'm looking forward to the reward.

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