A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 86 - 85 – Let's Begin The Investigation.

"So he found a cave, but is it really a dungeon?" Noah had just left the guild and I was still thinking about the cave he'd been talking about, it was weird.

Usually, people walk through that forest and no one had warned us about some cave or dungeon in the middle of the forest. Maybe it was too hidden? Or maybe it just recently appeared?

That may be it, sometimes dungeons appear out of nowhere all over the world.

But none have appeared recently.

'I have to report this to the guild master so he can set up an exploration party.' Leaving the work to my companions, I went to the guild master's room on the second floor.

Arriving in front of his office, I knocked on the door a few times.


"It's me, Rose. I have something important to report."

"Okay, come in." With his permission, I entered the room politely so as not to piss off the guild master. He had a somewhat complicated temper, he gets irritated by simple things.

"Excuse." I approached his table.

"So what is it? I'm a little busy right now."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, it's just that a new adventurer appeared and said he found a cave in the middle of the forest. He said he believed it was a dungeon, so since we've never heard of this cave..."

"Oh, so a new dungeon has appeared? This is amazing."

"We're not sure yet, it was just his guess and mine. That's why I wanted to ask you to set up an exploration group to be sure."

"Of course, you can do that. Get the strongest adventurers available and go there today."


"And who was this new adventurer? If he's right, I need to give a reward to him." True, the guild master has never seen him before, and he also joined the guild today.

"It was an adventurer who registered today, he went out on his first mission and ended up finding this cave." It's a lie, he didn't go on a mission, but I can't say he just left town and happened to find the cave.

"I see, since he's a new adventurer, he must be quite happy to have found something like this. Even more so if it's really a dungeon, he's already started his work earning a huge reward."

"Yeah..." From what it seemed he wasn't even really caring if this was a dungeon or not, he was acting nonchalant about it. Man, doesn't he understand how important this is?

I know it's a supposed dungeon, and that was easy to find, but any adventurer who found something like that would be jumping for happiness right now.

"Okay, take care of it and keep me posted on the progress of the investigation. If you need help, you can come here."

"All right."

"And I also want to meet this new adventurer, is he there?"

"He left a short time ago, apparently he just came here to report what he had found."

"I understand. Next time he shows up, bring him to my office."

"I'll do it." I don't know if Noah will want to, as he seems like a slightly weird kid, but I'll have to try and get him here. What if I can't do that and the guild master ends up pissed at me?

After that, I left the guild master's room and went down to the reception.

"Excuse me, get me a paper, we have an emergency mission, and also give me the list of B-Rank or A-rank adventurers that are currently available." As soon as I arrived, I asked Rieli to help me.

Rieli is one of my companions who has worked as a receptionist here for a few years.

"Did something serious happen? Maybe a bunch of monsters?"

"It's not that, it's just that a supposed dungeon near the capital was found, so we need a group to explore it."

"A NEW DUNGEON?" Rieli without thinking said aloud, attracting the attention of all the adventurers who were there.

"Listen, don't talk so loud, what if some of these idiots decide to go after the dungeon?" This could even happen.

"Sorry." Rieli had tears in her eyes, she was a kind girl and very hardworking, since she started working here things have gotten a little simpler when it comes to documents.

"Okay, now go do this for me, then bring everything here. I will write the recruiting poster myself, and also choose the adventurers who will go to the supposed dungeon."

"Yes ma'am." Rieli ran to the back of the guild to get what I needed. A lot of adventurers were looking at me expectantly, seeming to want me to pick them or something.

I'm sorry, but you're still not at the right level to do this.


After an hour or so, the poster was ready.

I put it on the bulletin board and then went after the strongest adventurers that were available, but the list wasn't very long. Most of them had been out of town for some time on some mission.

And some of them had already left today too, and maybe it would take them a long time to come back.

The only ones left were just two groups of B-rank adventurers, the two groups have three members.

And there was also a group of A-rank adventurers. Considering their strength, I think they alone would be enough to explore a dungeon that just appeared, but better be careful.

Already hear cases of adventurers who underestimated a dungeon and ended up dying.

"Well, I think maybe these three groups will be enough, I'll also recruit a few more, they seem excited." I wanted more B-RANK and A-rank adventurers, but it looks like we're going to have to get some with lower RANK


Anyway, they will stay in the rear when the time comes.

"Rieli, contact these three adventurer groups, I'll set up another little group with these guys here." Many of them were already near the counter wanting to be called.


Some more time had passed and two groups had been formed.

A group that I had assembled with some C-RANK and D-RANK adventurers who were in the guild and were going to the dungeon.

And also another group of frustrated adventurers who were angry at my decision, they are annoying.

But it was already decided.

"Who was chosen, come with me. And where is Reili?"

"Here, I'm here, I brought them all." Reili appeared at the guild bringing the three groups of adventurers.

"All right, all of you come outside, I'll explain the situation a little bit." After that, we went outside and I explained exactly what had happened, where the supposed dungeon was, and also who had reported it.

Hearing that had been a rookie adventurer, many adventurers got a little restless and started saying it had been a lie, but I trust Noah wouldn't do such a thing.

And he would also be punished if he did something like that, he wouldn't be stupid.

With my explanation, they all consented and were willing to go to the dungeon even though they were a little doubtful whether it was true or not. Now the groups that would participate, were competent.

It was an A-rank group that went by the name "Dragon Slayers." A clichéd name and one that other groups around the world use as well, but they even claim to have managed to slay a dragon.

And because of the skill of the three members Leofald, Menjo and Hewsung, I don't doubt it's a lie although they never presented concrete proof that they did it.

The other group that needed to be mentioned was the B-rank group that used the name "The Gladiators." Quite a nice name when you're a 12-year-old writing a fantasy story.

Its members were Riehol, Theod and Edarlas. The three had managed to rise from RANK quite quickly after they left school, they are young and can be considered geniuses.

And the last important group of this exploration was the group "Blackbeards." Yes, all the members had a long black beard, it was a little ridiculous in my opinion.

The members of the group were Casri, Cas, and Ardlac. They were a bit old and were veterans, but they were still a B-rank group.

Maybe if they tried harder in the past, they would have made it to RANK A.

And apart from these three groups, there were only middle adventurers between Rank D and Rank C in the last group that was created by me. I honestly chose them based solely on their willpower.

There was nothing very relevant.

And now that the exploration group had formed, the adventure would begin.

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